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Before extracting your fiscal year data for financial reporting, you must enter the fiscal year in which you are reporting for. For example, if you are reporting data for FY18, enter 2018 as the fiscal year. This will need to be reset for successive years.
Email Configuration
Available when the Email Notification Services module is enabled. The Default Administrator Address is not being used at this time so this can be left as "root." The Default From Address will be used when sending emails from the application (Report Bundle Immediate option or via the Job Scheduler). The Port and SMTP Host information must also be entered for emails to be sent. Generally, the Port and SMTP Host information would be known by the ITC.
Encumbrance Module Configuration
Is the Encumbrance module initialized? Indicates whether Encumbrance ledgers have been initialized.
Info |
GL Ledger journal entries are initialized by default after data has been imported. |
IRS Form 1099 Submission Configuration
PreEncumbrance Module Configuration