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Releases Since Our Last Meeting

  • USPS-R 6.4245.0 Release Notes
    • Bug Fixes
      • Fixed a bug in payroll initialization due to a timing issue
      • Fixed a bug in payroll posting that show job failed, even when posting completed correctly
      • Fix exception causing W2 Report View navigation to fail
      • Correct the tooltip on Payroll Initialization Component to description the pay group selection
      • Fix null pointer exception in queryDeductions SOAP bridge service call
    • Improvements
      • Improve the performance of STRS Monthly Report
        • 85% improvement to runtime
      • Implement caching of reportable properties for template reports
      • Add last pay in contract warning
      • Remove recently added STRS Advance warning that stated calculations included archived compensations
        • This warning was causing more confusion than it was helping
    •  New Features 
      • Convert personal leave to sick leave - Add employee and pay group selections
      • Prevent users from saving a retirement payroll item with a rate type of Tax Tables
    • Internal
      • Service layer improvements
    USPS-R 6.42.1 Release Notes
    • Bug Fixes
      • Payroll Initialization fails when unexpected exception occurs
        • Exceptions will now be caught and reported on the error report
      • Employee Master report fails when no payroll accounts are found for a historical payroll
        • Update report to check for this condition and continue to process
      • STRS AdvanceAdd messages to the FY report and Position Report
      • INFO - No active position level or employee level STRS item found for position #: #
      • ERROR - Job Calendar is not assigned for compensation with code ######. Please assign a job calendar to get corrected values on the reportSERS New Hire - Validate birthdate and gender to prevent nulls from being included on the report.
      • SERS Per Pay - prevent employees without SERS withholding from being included on the report for special payrolls.
      • SERS Per Pay - correct sorting of the submission file and secondary sorting options for the pdf report.
      • Audit Report - correct bug causing failure when position is not specified for an attendance entry.
      • Payroll Posting - incorrectly displayed a job failed message when there were corrected initialization errors that remained on the error report.
    • Internal
      • Workflow beta items
      • Service layer improvements.
  • USPS-R 6.4245.2 1 Release Notes
    • Correct bug in the SERS Surcharge Report that was preventing the report from completing when no payroll accounts were found in history for fixed payroll accounts.Improve how API Keys are handled in the USPS Security Filters
  • USPS-R 6.4346.0 Release Notes
    • Bug Fixes
      • Employee Distributions - Pro-rating is not correctly excluding pay items withheld at the position level.
        • The pro-rating function has been corrected to filter position level amounts with calculating employee level amounts.
      • Position Code, Status, and other position properties have been added back to the EMIS Position Entry view.
      • Fix casting exception in the Monitor / App Log view.
      • STRS Report - Amount Withheld adjustments are now included in the STRS Member Deposits field.
      • Pay Report - Updated current totals to include items from current payroll, not just contract amounts.
      • Payroll Item Refund - exclude Social Security withholding when it do not apply.
    • New Features
      • Warn the user when they save a Position with no retirement code, or a retirement code of None. 
    • Internal
      • Service layer improvements.SERS Per Pay
        • Employee with no SERS payroll items will be removed from the report
        • Validation added for incorrect beginning and ending dates
        • Validation added when no eSERS pay cycle is entered 
        • Correct hours calculations for Dock days
        • Remove 01 records from report if there are no earnings or contribution amount
        • Improve eSERS adjustment messages
      • SERS Surcharge - prevent report failure when an employee has only voided payments for a fiscal year
      • SERS New Hire - Employee is included once when multiple new hire eligible positions exist
    • Internal
      • Update Ohio Tax Tables

Upcoming Releases

  • USPS-R 6.4347.1 Release Notes0
    • Bug Fixes
      • Correct a bug in the Auditor of State extracts where missing data in Refunded payments could cause the report to fail
      • Correct a bug in the Employee Master Report that would cause report failure if an employee was missing the Marital Status or Number of Exemptions on a federal payroll item.
  • USPS-R 6.44.0 Release Notes
    • Bug Fixes
      • SERS Reporting
        • SERS Surcharge updated to account for rehired date when an employee is a rehired retiree
        • SERS Surcharge date range for reporting has been updated to include the pay group date ranges from payroll
        • SERS Per Pay validated user entered values to prevent too many characters in the submission file
      • Benefit Personal to Pay fails when not including partial days and posting to current, process will no longer attempt to create future pay amounts for $0
      • W2 Report View showing all options before first user selection
    • Improvement
      • Payroll Initialization
        • New changes all pay group date ranges to all be included when initializing payroll
        • Please see the documentation for more information
        • Payroll Processing
      • Pay Amount History Import - Update to import description field from extract
        • This requires a change to the UDMS extract. This UDMS change will need to be installed before extracting from classic to import into this version of USPS-R.
    • Internal
      • Service layer improvements.

Upcoming Releases

  • USPS-R 6.45.0
    • Bug Fixes
      • SERS Per Pay
        • Better error handling added when incorrect begin / ending dates are entered
        • Correct the sorting of SERS Per Pay when sorting by name
      • SERS New Hire
        • Add validations to the SERS New Hire report for birth date and gender when creating the submission file
    • Internal
      • Add report to generate api keys for the workflows configuration
      • Add a menu item for the new API Key view
      • Update security filters on api
      • Service layer improvementsSERS Per Pay - Ignore any pay amounts less than 10 cents and combine the amounts with other records
      • STRS Monthly - multiple bug fixes in STRS monthly report calculations
      • Employee Onboarding - prevent empty first and last name
      • STRS New Hire  should only report the same employee one time
      • Improve how STRS report selects payrolls
      • Update DD / check printing to use the Print Employer Amount options on the payroll item config
    • Improvements
      • Create workflows admin view
      • Add permission to employee onboarding view
      • Add employee create permission to the employee onboarding start process button
      • Update string to decimal converter to handle user entered values in a better way
      • Update filters in the Leave Balance Report to filter positions by selected pay groups
    • New Features
      • Add leave accumulations tab to the employee dashboard
      • Create new SERS Monthly report
      • Allow email direct deposit to set notices to all email addresses or primary based on a configuration
      • Include new W4 fields in direct deposit notifications
      • Create new Payroll Item Summary Report (DEDTOT)
      • Add new favorite icon of new SSDT Logo