2021-08-18 USPS-R Completed Work Review

Releases Since Our Last Meeting

  • USPS-R 6.45.0 Release Notes

    • Bug Fixes

      • SERS New Hire - Validate birthdate and gender to prevent nulls from being included on the report.

      • SERS Per Pay - prevent employees without SERS withholding from being included on the report for special payrolls.

      • SERS Per Pay - correct sorting of the submission file and secondary sorting options for the pdf report.

      • Audit Report - correct bug causing failure when position is not specified for an attendance entry.

      • Payroll Posting - incorrectly displayed a job failed message when there were corrected initialization errors that remained on the error report.

    • Internal

      • Workflow beta items

      • Service layer improvements.

  • USPS-R 6.45.1 Release Notes

    • Improve how API Keys are handled in the USPS Security Filters

  • USPS-R 6.46.0 Release Notes

    • Bug Fixes

      • SERS Per Pay

        • Employee with no SERS payroll items will be removed from the report

        • Validation added for incorrect beginning and ending dates

        • Validation added when no eSERS pay cycle is entered 

        • Correct hours calculations for Dock days

        • Remove 01 records from report if there are no earnings or contribution amount

        • Improve eSERS adjustment messages

      • SERS Surcharge - prevent report failure when an employee has only voided payments for a fiscal year

      • SERS New Hire - Employee is included once when multiple new hire eligible positions exist

    • Internal

      • Update Ohio Tax Tables

Upcoming Releases

  • USPS-R 6.47.0

    • Bug Fixes

      • SERS Per Pay - Ignore any pay amounts less than 10 cents and combine the amounts with other records

      • STRS Monthly - multiple bug fixes in STRS monthly report calculations

      • Employee Onboarding - prevent empty first and last name

      • STRS New Hire  should only report the same employee one time

      • Improve how STRS report selects payrolls

      • Update DD / check printing to use the Print Employer Amount options on the payroll item config

    • Improvements

      • Create workflows admin view

      • Add permission to employee onboarding view

      • Add employee create permission to the employee onboarding start process button

      • Update string to decimal converter to handle user entered values in a better way

      • Update filters in the Leave Balance Report to filter positions by selected pay groups

    • New Features

      • Add leave accumulations tab to the employee dashboard

      • Create new SERS Monthly report

      • Allow email direct deposit to set notices to all email addresses or primary based on a configuration

      • Include new W4 fields in direct deposit notifications

      • Create new Payroll Item Summary Report (DEDTOT)

      • Add new favorite icon of new SSDT Logo