USAS-R Releases
- The tooltip in the system found when hoovering over the CFDA number when creating a detailed Federal Assistance record has been updated to display the new URL.
- Payables performance improvements:
- 60% increase posting Payables (creating disbursements)
- 6% increase posting Invoices
- 18% increase creating POs from Pending Transactions.
- Additional improvements related to the performance of the expenditure process related transactions is ongoing.
- 1099 Improvements
- Implemented the ability to truncate the TIN/EIN when generating 1099s. This option applies to Copies B and C only per the IRS rules.
- 1099 PDF documents were created for both the 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC options. Copy A was added with this release and can be found when selecting the new Output File Type value "Reference Copy."
- This is not the folder/sealer copy that will be provided to the vendor.
- The PDF versions used last year are still available under the Output File Type: PDF Format.
- Additional 1099 printing issues are being worked and when 1099 printing from USAS-R is fully available we will detail that in the release notes.
- The ability to schedule a job in order to generate 1099 print forms has been implemented.
- You can submit a job to run a specific Copy or you can submit a single job to generate all Copies (B, C, 1 & 2). Copy A has not yet been implemented and will be done on a later Jira issue.
- Anyone who previously had access to 1099s will have access to the new jobs.
- You can still generate the 1099 print forms from the 1099 Extract page. Either way you choose to generate the print forms, a copy will download for you to print and a copy will also be sent to the file archive.
- It's worth noting that our 1099 changes are ongoing and therefore are not yet complete. It will be noted in future release notes when all of our planned 1099 print changes have been completed.
- New parameters were added to the IRS Form 1099 Submission Configuration under the heading "Job Parameters" These must be populated here to apply to the documents created by the jobs. If populated here they will also apply to the 1099 Extract UI. Those fields are:
- Truncate EIN/TIN
- Exclude Vendors With No Tax Id
- Approved for the combined Federal/State Filing Program
- Amount Type Limit
- Royalty Type Limit
- Implemented the ability to truncate the TIN/EIN when generating 1099s. This option applies to Copies B and C only per the IRS rules.
Bug Fixes
- Future Pay - make pay type listener null safe to prevent errors when rate is not set.
- Earnings Register - missing payroll item description will no longer cause '...' to print.
If > 14 characters (Federal Tax Testing USPSR-6150), only 11 characters (Federal Tax…) show on Earnings Report and then …
If <= 14 characters (OH State Taxes) all 14 show in example
- Before
- District and SOC1 audit jobs will now run in the previous fiscal year of the current period. This was updated to match how USAS-R was handing these jobs.
- If Current Period is in FY23, the report should have a date range of 7/1/21-6/30/22.
- Employee Boarding - Date Text custom fields entered in Date Codes Employee were creating the wrong user interface components in Employee Onboarding:
- How Date Codes show in Core/Employee How Employee Onboarding shows
- Hotfix-New Payroll Accounts View-showing 'null' in text box when sorting
- Employee Onboarding - Custom field changes aren't saved when completing review task
- Outstanding Payables - Voids are causing negative gross to double on Outstanding payables reports
- they will now show as 0.00 if paid and voided in same outstanding payable run and negative if voided after outstanding payables were run
- they will now show as 0.00 if paid and voided in same outstanding payable run and negative if voided after outstanding payables were run
- SERS Per Pay - fix rounding issue causing pennies to split to incorrect rows
- STRS Advanced Positions Report - new contracts in next fiscal year was preventing compensations to be excluded from the report.
- Retirement Service - old compensations calendar dates are used in error when adding attendances to retirement days count
- the calendar stop date from the old compensation could cause the days count to be wrong.
- STRS Advance - inflated gross not added to retiree earnings when employee is a rehired retiree
- as part of the earnings calculation, if an employee has a STRS item with increased compensation set to true, we will calculate an inflated gross and add it to the earnings.
- this amount is not being added to retiree earnings if the employee is a rehired retiree, It was separating them into 2 lines
- Attendance Mass Add - allow users to select the same day for start / end and add a single day
- When using Mass Add in Attendance, you can now enter the same date for Start and Stop date and will select that One day.
- Benefit Obligation Reports - exclude archived compensations
- EMIS Reporting - Attendance and absence counting should exclude counts for positions / compensations that are archived or not reportable to EMIS
- EMIS reporting will not look at Archive positions/Compensations and 'Not reportable to EMIS'
- Employee Number Generation - Check for length of number before taking a fixed amount, preventing an error
- It was always using 9 characters when creating a new employee number. Now it will check for the length of any prior employee ids and use that if it different than the fixed amount.
- Employee Onboarding - Payroll Account Compete Task Validation should on check for active accounts
- Can't have 2 - 100 Percent active accounts, will get errors
- can have 2 - 100% Active and Specific, for example
- Can't have 2 - 100 Percent active accounts, will get errors
- Future Pay Amount - can charge more than the gross to specific accounts
- Pay Report - Current / Future totals not correct when deferred dock is present in payroll
- Personal Leave to Pay - fix rounding error
- Prevent compensations from being orphaned
- Payroll Accounts New View - Add remaining max amount.
- Future / Current Expenditure Account Combo box will search account descriptions and xref codes ignoring case.
- Can be entered in lower/upper case in search
- expenditure Account
- xref Codes
- expenditure Account
- Can be entered in lower/upper case in search
- Allow reports to run in CSV / Excel
- Perfect Attendance Report
- ABS-101
- Payment Transaction Status Report
- Add formatting to Total Position Hours Worked property on Historical Position Pay for custom reporting.
- $ has been removed from Hours worked field
- Compensation - deleting a compensation that hasn't been paid will remove the record instead of archiving.
If a compensation has never been paid or there are no compensation journals, it will be removed instead of archived. It will archive all others.
Legacy compensations should NEVER be deleted (they will be archived).
FYI: If New contracts is the only place a compensation is referenced and you try to delete the compensation, you will get a "Object is referenced and cannot be deleted" exception. If the user takes these steps, the Compensation is not used anywhere else and should just be repurposed to fit their need instead of using it as a base for a new contract.
- Future Pay Mass Load - add specific pay account to employees payroll accounts on load.
- (provide expenditure account xRef OR full account code)
- Pay accounts will be added to the employee's Pay Accounts (a Specific Pay Account) if none exists for employee/position/pay account.
- If a Specific pay Account with a matching expenditure account already exists (but with a different charge amount) this will NOT create a new Specific Pay Account. It will see that available Specific Pay Account and use the existing one
- SERS Surcharge FY22 minimum compensation level is $25,000
- ABS103 - add option to include all employees
- If checked, all employee will be on report, including one's with no absences.
- Employee's must still be valid for the report based on other entered selectins criteria to appear on the report.
- Direct Deposits - Change description from Building / District to Building for sort options
- CSV / Excel Report Options
- SERS Per Pay
- ODJFS Report
- STRS Per Pay
- Allow date shortcuts on Attendance Mass Add date fields-Start and end dates
- Include accounts that are Active on the HOME/SSDT New Contract Pay Account Report
- *Active payroll accounts are when the payroll account status is Active or Maximum Amount in Effect. The Maximum pay amount must have it's maximum > 0 and the historical amount paid to this account is less than the maximum amount. The charge/percent amount is not = 0 and the current date of running the report is between the pay account start and stop date.
- Remove the '$' from the Contract Work Days property of the New Contract Summary Report
- Update SSDT User Listing Report to include enabled and locked properties
- Future Pay Amount Mass Load - do not add future pay with specific account if not all account fields are included
- New Contracts - Mass Copy Contracts - allow archived to be copied
- Payables Check Listing - Add payables totals as detail sub report
- Add permission to DistrictAuditJob and SOC1AuditJob
- USPS_STANDARD_AOS is required to schedule the jobs
- Update audit job(s) creation to remove TEMP variable to prevent them from being cleaned
New Features
- ABS101, the Staff Attendance Report, provides a listing of attendance and absence categories by employee, by date. It also includes the day of the week the activity occurred, the length of the activity, and the subcategory if applicable. Totals by category for number of records, days, hours and weeks are displayed at the end of the .PDF report.
- ABS103, the Staff Attendance Summary Report, summarizes absence/attendance occurrences by employee. Grand totals are provided at the end of the report.