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To schedule a report bundle, click on .
Enter Job Parameters to schedule the Report Bundle
Job Types: Select one of 3 Job Type Options to determine when the Report Bundle will be generated. The parameter fields below will change based on which Job Type Option is selected. See sub sections below for additional information on each Job Type.
Cron - Schedule a reoccurring job to run on a regular interval or date/time.
Event - Schedule to run based when a specific action is prompted in USAS-R.
Immediate - Run on demand (now).
Job Name: Defaults to what is displayed in the 'Name' parameter. You can overwrite the default job name.
Info If the report is scheduled using the Cron option, the Job Name must be unique for each scheduled job. Send Output to: (Required) This can be the email of the intended recipient or a path to the File Archive
When entering the email of the intended recipient; you can enter multiple email addresses by separating each with a comma. The recipient is not required to have a user account for USAS-R.
Info The Email Notification Services module must be installed and configured in order to send Report Bundles via email A path to the File Archive will send the Reports to a specific section of the File Archive under the Utilites menu.
The path will always start with fileinfo://
Next the path will determine if the files should be sent to the Monthly Archive Tab or the Fiscal Archive Tab
Last, the group of reports must be determined - Fiscal year OR Fiscal year & Period(month) depending on which Tab is chosen. These should be entered as numerical values where the "month" is the period number when July is the first Period of the Fiscal Year (ex. Enter 1 for July, 2 for August, 3 for September, etc.)
Description Path Send Reports to Monthly Archive for December 2019 (FY2020) fileinfo://MonthlyReportFileSet/2020/6 Send Reports to Fiscal Archive for FY 2020 fileinfo://FiscalYearReportFileSet/2020 When the File archive option is used with a specific Event, then the path to the File Archive can include variables so that the file location will be based certain even factors. Example - If a specific Posting Period is being closed, then the Fiscal year & Period where the Reports are sent to the File Archive correspond to the Fiscal year & Period that is being closed.
Description Path Send Reports to Monthly Archive when connected to the event of closing a Posting Period fileinfo://MonthlyReportFileSet/eventFiscalYear/eventMonth The reports can be sent to a directory if you so chose. You would just type in the Send Output to field: example if I was sending it to my NWOCA4 directory: - sends as binary format
ftpa:// - sends as ASCII format
s - send as a secure file
Archive type: Determines (Required) Determines if reports in bundle will be combined and sent together or sent in individual notifications for each report chosen.
Send a single notification with multiple attachments (One email with multiple attachments)
Send a multiple notifications with a single attachment (Multiple emails with a single attachment in each)
Send a single notification with a zip file attachment.
Select Cron as the Job Type
Enter a Cron Expression
A Cron Expression is a command set up to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals
Cron Expressions can be set up by using a free online cron expression generator
Free online cron expression generators:
Once the Cron Expresssion for the preferred interval has been generated, copy and paste or type the cron expression into the Cron Expression field.
Enter the remaining parameters
to schedule the Report BundleThe scheduled job will be listed under Utilities/Job Scheduler.