Under Leave Requests, click ‘Elevated Create Leave Request’
Select the Employee you are creating the leave request for. You may
Enter the desired leave request information for the employee and click ‘Create Leave Request’ to submit the request on behalf of the employee.
My Leave Requests
Role: For users with User role.
Displays a user’s existing leave requests in a grid format. The user may use the filter row to filter their leave requests as well as use the more
button to add or remove columns from the grid....
Leave Request Daily Details: displays the week(s) inclusive of the leave request beginning and ending dates, the start and end time of the request, and the amount of leave requested. If the leave has been exported from ESS, the Exported box will be checked.
Leave Request Approval Trail: Tracks the approval activity on the leave request, from original requester to final approver. The ‘Note’ column on the grid may include:
Submitter: Group Chain the leave request is tied to
Approvers: optional comments approvers entered when approving or rejecting the leave request
If the group chain associated with the leave request was edited, the actions will be listed in the approval trail. For example
provide helpful information on what took place during the approval process. Please refer to the ‘Leave Request Approval Trail Note’ in the More Information section of this chapter for examples.
Edit Leave Requests
marked approved, the user can no longer edit the leave request. ‘Cancelled’ leave requests cannot be edited.
user may edit their leave request as long as the request status is ‘initiated’ or ‘rejected’. Once the request has been approved through the entire workflow, the status will change to ‘approved’. Once...
Export Leave History on how to revert an exported leave request.
user may cancel their leave request as long as the status is initiated or approved. To cancel an exported leave request, please refer to...
View Supervised Leave
Role: For users with Leave Supervisor for Staff, District Manager or Admin role.
Allows users ability to view their staff’s detailed leave request information by clicking on Role: For users with Leave Supervisor for Staff, District Manager or Admin role. The user may use the filter row to filter leave requests as well as use the more button to add or remove columns from the grid.
When viewing a leave request, it will provide all details of the leave request (listed below) as well as the ability to ‘Print Leave Expense Form’ for any professional leave type requests containing leave expense information. The Leave Expense Form will formatted as a PDF file with the following naming convention ‘leave-expense-report-YYYY-MM-DD’ using the current date.
Leave Request Details: includes the information entered on their leave
Leave Request Daily Details: displays the week(s) inclusive of the leave request beginning and ending dates, the start and end time of the request, and the amount of leave requested. If the leave has been exported from ESS, the Exported box will be checked.
Leave Request Approval Trail: Tracks the approval activity on the leave request, from original requester to final approver. The ‘Note’ column on the grid will indicate the Group Chain the leave request is tied tomay provide helpful information on what took place during the approval process. Please refer to the ‘Leave Request Approval Trail Note’ in the More Information section of this chapter for examples.
Info |
To approve a leave request, the supervisor must have the Leave Request Approval Role. Approving leave is available under the Home screen or Leave Request Approval menu option. |
Role: For users with Substitute Coordinator, Substitute Coordinator Read-only, Leave Manager, District Manager or Admin role.
Allows users the ability to view detailed leave requests for anyone in the district by clicking on . The user may use the filter row to filter leave requests as well as use the more button to add or remove columns from the grid.
Leave Request Details: includes the information entered on their leave
Leave Request Daily Details: displays the week(s) inclusive of the leave request beginning and ending dates, the start and end time of the request, and the amount of leave requested. If the leave has been exported from ESS, the Exported box will be checked.
Leave Request Approval Trail: Tracks the approval activity on the leave request, from original requester to final approver. The ‘Note’ column on the grid will indicate the Group Chain the leave request is tied to.
may provide helpful information on what took place during the approval process. Please refer to the ‘Leave Request Approval Trail Note’ in the More Information section of this chapter for examples.
Info |
Please note if you click on Export Leave Requests, it will take you directly to the ‘Export Leave Requests’ option under the Leave Management menu. |
Supervised Leave Analysis
The Supervised Leave Analysis provides leave information balances as well as leave request details for a supervisor’s staff. It is split into two grids.
The top grid displays the leave balance information for a supervisor’s staff. Use the filter row to narrow down your search. If you would like to view employee leave request information, checkmark the desired employees and click
‘See Leave for Selected’. Their leave requests details will then be displayed in the bottom grid. You also have the option to export all or selected employees leave balance information to a spreadsheet via the ‘Export Grid Items’ as well as customize
the grid by clicking the more icon.
The bottom grid displays the leave request information from for the employees selected from the top grid. You also have the option of exporting the selected employees leave request information to a spreadsheet via the ‘Export Grid Items' as well as customize your bottom grid using the more icon.
If the leave request originated from Absence Management (AESOP), the AESOP Origin, AESOP Absence Instance ID and AESOP Configuration Number will be displayed below the Supervisor information on the Leave Request Details screen.
Leave Request Approval Trail ‘Note’
The ‘Note’ column on the Leave Request Approval Trail may provide helpful information on what took place during the approval process. Please refer to the examples below:
When submitted, it will note the group chain the leave request is tied to
When approved (or rejected), approver may optionally enter a comment which is noted on the approval trail.
If the submitted (initiated) leave request was edited, it will be noted in the approval trail as ‘cancelled’ and then re-submitted to the workflow (same timestamp).
If the group was edited (via Users>Group), it will be noted in the approval trail as ‘group edited’ and then re-submitted to the workflow (same timestamp)
If the group chain was edited (via Users>Group Chain), it will be noted in the approval trail as 'group chain edited' and then re-submitted to the workflow (same timestamp)
More Option
My Leave Request grid allows for the following properties to be added or removed on the grid.