The W2 Report module creates a report used for reporting W2 wage information at calendar year end.The W2 Report module creates a report used for reporting W2 wage information at calendar year end.
Panel | |
Please follow your CYE checklist to securely email your W2, Ohio, City, CCA, RITA and State submission files to your ITC.
Option for employees to receive a digital copy of their W2 in ESS. (only available for districts using ESS)
Districts will have the option to include only the last 4 digits of the employee's SSN on their W2 forms and XML, by checkingfor their employees to receive a digital copy of their W2, by going to Configuration>W2 Configuration and checking,
Employees marked to receive their W2 Digitally, will NOT be included on the SSA Forms or XML file but will be included on the W2 Report and SSA W2 Submission file.
Click here for further instructions and setup.
Include only last 4 digits of SSN on W2 forms and XML
Districts will have the option to include only the last 4 digits of the employee's SSN on their W2 forms and XML, by checking
Click here for further instructions and setup.
Option for Districts to submit own W2 Submission Files
- Please click here for further instructions and setup.
Districts have the option to create and submit their W2 Submission file to:
On Page 4 of the 'Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically' (EFW2) - Your existing existing BSO User ID and password is no longer used to access BSO employer services. You must use a Social Security online account,, or credential to gain access to the BSO application. For more information, click here. All submitters must obtain a BSO User Identification (ID) through our registration process (see Section 5) and must enter that BSO User ID in the RA (Submitter) Record:
Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically (EFW2) For for Tax Year 20232024
- The Submitter EIN is the Federal ID used when registering with Social Security Administration-Business Services Online (SSA-BSO)
- The Submitter User Id is the unique Id assigned when registering with the Social Security Administration-Business Services Online (SSA-BSO)
Option to NOT allow districts to submit Own W2 Files
Option to allow districts to submit Own W2 Files
Info |
IF YOU NEED TO BEGIN JANUARY PAYROLL PROCESSING BEFORE COMPLETING W2 PROCESSING, Leave December reporting period Open and create your January reporting period through Core/Posting Period and make that Current. |
- Report - will be sorted in Medicare/Full FICA and Non-Medicare order, then sorted Medicare employees first followed by Medicare Qualified Employees, then sorted by sort order selected in the input screen. Includes both W2 Digital and paper form employees.
- Submission (Creates submission file as a .txt) - will be sorted in Medicare/Full FICA and Non-Medicare order, then sorted Medicare employees first followed by Medicare Qualified Employees, then sorted by sort order selected in the input screen. Includes both W2 Digital and paper form employees.
- Forms - NOT in Medicare/Non-Medicare order (just the sort order selected in the input screen). XML - NOT in W2 digital employees will be removed from the form file.
- XML - NOT in Medicare/Non-Medicare order (just the sort order selected in the input screen). . W2 digital employees will be removed from the XML file.
Creating a W2 Report
The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
Format - Output format desired. Default is PDF. The Format selected here, will follow over to the Submission 'Format For Summary Reports' and vice versa.
- PDF (download)
- Comma Separated Values (CSV)
- Plain Text
- Employee SSN
- Employee Name
- Building/Department and Employee Name
- Building/Department, Pay Group and Employee Name
- Pay Group
- Zip Code and Employee SSN
- Zip Code and Employee Name
- Check Distribution and Employee Name
- Digital Only W2 - ALL employees will be listed and sorted by: (will only show if W2 Configuration>'Enable W2 Digital Delivery' is checked)
- Full FICA and Non-Medicare Employees 'Digital Only W2 = No
- Full FICA and Non-Medicare Employees 'Digital Only W2 = Yes
- Medicare Qualified Employees 'Digital Only W2 = No
- Medicare Qualified Employees 'Digital Only W2 = Yes
Report for Year - Select reporting year from available choices from the drop-down box -
The reporting year will default to the prior year between Jan 1 - Jan 31. Then starting Feb 1, the reporting year will automatically default to the current year.
Additional payroll item(s) can be provided to your employees using the box labeled 'Other' on the W2 forms. Entering the payroll item(s) will cause the year-to-date amount to print on the forms. From the drop-down box option, select the Payroll Item(s) or type in the payroll item code, click on the code and then click on on :
–Additional deduction codes:
Select Pay Groups to be included? (Leave empty to select all Pay Groups)
Enter a 'Selected By City Tax Entity Code' if wanting to include only employee's paying into this City City . This option is also available when creating the 'Forms'. If wanting to include all employee's, leave blank.
Once all selections have been entered, click on
W2 Report sample
Example of a W2 report with errors only
- At the end of report, will show
- Total Number of Employees
- Total Number of W2 Forms to be Printed
W2 Report example with 'Enable W2 Digital Delivery' configuration checked
- At the end of report, will break down:
- Total Number of Employees
- Total Number of W2 Forms
- Total Number of Physical W2 Forms to be Printed
- Total Number of Digital W2 Forms
Example of a W2 report with errors only
Creating a Submission File for District to Submit
Field Definitions:
The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
Format for Summary Reports -The value of Format for Summary Reports will remain same when you change the 'Output Type' to Report. Only pertains to the File Summary Reports.
- PDF (download)
- Comma Separated Values
- Plain Text
Federal ID Number - The Federal ID Number is automatically populated using the Federal EIN from CORE/Organization
- Employee SSN
- Employee Name
- Building/Department and Employee Name
- Building/Department, Pay Group and Employee Name
- Pay Group
- Zip Code and Employee SSN
- Zip Code and Employee Name
- Check Distribution and Employee Name
- Digital Only W2 - ALL employees will be listed and sorted by: (will only show if W2 Configuration>'Enable W2 Digital Delivery' is checked)
- Full FICA and Non-Medicare Employees 'Digital Only W2 = No
- Full FICA and Non-Medicare Employees 'Digital Only W2 = Yes
- Medicare Qualified Employees 'Digital Only W2 = No
- Medicare Qualified Employees 'Digital Only W2 = Yes
Report for Year -**Required field** Select reporting year from available choices from the drop-down box -
For More information on CCA setup, please click here.
Example of CCA W2 Submission File Summary
For more information on RITA setup, please click here.
For employees that worked or lived in at least one RITA municipality, employers are required to report for each employee every municipality for which tax was withheld or should have been withheld.
Example of W2 RITA Submission File Summary
For employees that worked or lived in at least one RITA municipality, employers are required to report for each employee every municipality for which tax was withheld or should have been withheld.
Example of RITA W2 Submission File City Summary Report
For employees that worked or lived in at least one RITA municipality, employers are required to report for each employee every municipality for which tax was withheld or should have been withheld.
The report will show a breakdown of the cities that are included in the RITA file. It will show each city with a count of Employees Processed, City Wages (taxable gross) and City Tax Withheld. If the city on the W2 RITA Submission File City Summary report is a RITA city (the city pay item configuration has a value in the 'RITA' field if it is a RITA city), then the Employees Processed and City Tax Withheld for the city should match what is shown on the W2 report in the report summary of the city tax item.
Employee's will only show 'City Wages' if the Payroll Item' Deduction Type' is marked as 'Employment'. The employees that are marked as residence on their city Payroll Items, will have the taxable gross reported as 0.00 in the submission file and the summary report but will still count in the employee's processed. The W2 RITA Submission City Summary report only counts employee who have values in Tax Withheld, Applicable Gross, and Total Gross that are greater than zero.
The City Wages (taxable gross) likely will not match the w2 report summary because RITA only includes the taxable gross in the submission file if the city 'Deduction Type' is not RESIDENCE (this value is on each individual employee's city tax item). If the 'Deduction Type' is RESIDENCE, the taxable gross in the submission file and the W2 RITA Submission City Summary report, will be 0.00. Therefore, the City Wages (taxable gross) on the W2 RITA Submission File City Summary report is usually smaller than the W2 Report summary for the city.
For these cities, you will have to total the tax withheld and taxable gross for just the employees in the submission file. In the RS records of the submission file, taxable gross (city wages) will be in positions 309-319 and tax withheld will be in positions 320-330, with an implied decimal before the last 2 digits.
Creating the Submission File for ITC to Submit
Field Definitions:
The Save and Recall option The 'Employee Processed' contains employees that have paid into a RITA city and also any other non-RITA cities.
- Is counting all employees who had tax withheld for the city. If an employee has city tax items withheld at the position level, the report still only counts the employee 1 time per city. We use the city tax item configuration to group city tax items for the same city and only count the employee once.
- It is the total of the RS39 records in the W2RITA.txt file
Creating the Submission File for ITC to Submit
The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
Federal ID Number - Defaulted to district's Federal ID Number
Additional Federal ID Number -
State ID Number - Defaulted to district's State ID Number
Kind Format for Summary Reports -The value of Format for Summary Reports will remain same when you change the 'Output Type' to Report. Only pertains to the File Summary Reports.
- PDF (download)
- Comma Separated Values
- Plain Text
Field Definitions:
The Save and Recall option allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.
Federal ID Number - Defaulted to district's Federal ID Number
Additional Federal ID Number -
State ID Number - Defaulted to district's State ID Number
Kind of Employer -**Required field** Available choices from the drop-down box:
- F, Federal Government
- S, State and Local Governmental Employer (non 501c)
- T, Tax Exempt Employer
- Y, State and Local Tax-Exempt Employer (501c)
- N, None apply
- Employee SSN
- Employee Name
- Building/Department and Employee Name
- Building/Department, Pay Group and Employee Name
- Pay Group
- Zip Code and Employee SSN
- Zip Code and Employee Name
- Check Distribution and Employee Name
- Digital Only W2 - ALL employees will be listed and sorted by: (will only show if W2 Configuration>'Enable W2 Digital Delivery' is checked)
- Full FICA and Non-Medicare Employees 'Digital Only W2 = No
- Full FICA and Non-Medicare Employees 'Digital Only W2 = Yes
- Medicare Qualified Employees 'Digital Only W2 = No
- Medicare Qualified Employees 'Digital Only W2 = Yes
Report for Year - **Required field**Select reporting year from available choices from the drop-down box -
Note |
Employer Address first line and Employer Address second line fields must be populated. If there is not a separate Location Address, then the Delivery Address would need to be populated in both Employer Address first line and Employer Address second line fields–Example- 1495 Rains Park |
Contact Name - **Required field**The contact's name information will be used on the W2 Submission file and should be the contact person at the district (treasurer, payroll clerk) that would be able to address any questions from the IRS regarding the W2 File. The contact's name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, period, hyphen and apostrophe.
Note |
If a CCA city is listed in Appendix A or Appendix C on the CCA website, then a W2 CCA tape file will be created. If a city is listed in Appendix B on the CCA website, then the Report to CCA flag in Payroll Item Configuration needs to be set to false. The CCA code and the city name in the Description field both need to be defined. Appendix B data will only be included in the W2 CCA file if an Appendix A or Appendix C city was also paid into. For More information on CCA setup, please click here. |
Creates W2RITA.txt
Note |
For W2 RITA submission, the RS record, if position 308 has an R for Resident, then pos 309-319 should always contain zeroes. This is only for RITA and for RS record with position 308 containing an R. For more information on RITA setup, please click here. |
Create W2 Forms
Generates a non-mailable W2 Form of the employee's W2's to be used for the Employer copy.
When creating W2's for Cities, enter in the 'Select By City Tax Entity Code' in the box provided. . This will return all employee's that paid into this city for the year.
Employees marked to receive a digital copy of their W2, will NOT be included in the file. If the digital w2 sort option is used, will end up with all of the physical w2 employees getting sorted to the top first and then sorted by name. Control numbers are still assigned to the digital W2 employees, but they are at the end but will not show.
When creating W2's for Cities, select a 'City Tax Entity Code' in the box provided. . This will return all employee's that paid into this city for the year.
W2 Forms are NOT in Medicare/Non-Medicare order (just the sort order selected in the input screen).
It will give 1 sheet (4-Up copy) for each employee.
When the user clicks on
, the job will start and will get the following message:...
The File Name is what is entered in the Forms Title page. For City files, the File Name will be W2 Forms plus what is entered was selected in the 'Select By City Tax Entity Code'. Ex: W2 Forms
**NOTE**If more than 4, Box 12 items are found, a separate form will be created for the remainder.
Sort Option: Digital Only W2: Employees marked to receive a digital copy of their W2, will NOT be included in the file. If the digital w2 sort option is used, will end up with all of the physical w2 employees getting sorted to the top first and then sorted by name. Control numbers are still assigned to the digital W2 employees, but they are at the end but will not show.
The W2 Form Data.xml file created, will NOT in NOT in Medicare/Non-Medicare order (just the sort order selected in the input screen).
W2 City Option Screen Setup for District Submitting file
Field Definitions:
Employer Zip Code - This field can be left blank as this data will pull from the Company Zip Code field on the System/Configuration/W2 Configuration record
Tax Entity Code - Enter Select the Tax Entity Code Code from the drop-down box. **Required field** NOTE* The city The city is identified by the tax entity code . This code needs to be entered on the city item from the City Item configuration under Core/Payroll Item Configuration.
Check include all amounts for all to Cities (If a district created a W2 City Override for a specific city, using the 'Apply override value only to cities that are not the selected tax entity code', select it from the drop-down box. these 2 options coincide together coincide together when creating the submission file. Instructions on how to create an override file, click here)
Check checked checked, as well include the city name for the processing city. to include the City Name For the Processing City? This option will include other cities the employee pays into, if they have the
Optional Custom City Submission Override - If a district created a W2 City Override for a specific city, select from the drop-down box. Instructions on how to create an override file, click here.
Once all options are selected, click on
Example of W2 City Submission file for District to submit - W2CITY_XXXXX.txt
To get the totals and amounts to balance to the W2 Report Summary totals, you will have to total the tax withheld and taxable gross for the employees in the submission file. In the RS records of the submission file, taxable gross (city wages) will be in positions 309-319 and tax withheld will be in positions 320-330, with an implied decimal before the last 2 digits.
Example W2 City Submission File Summary - XXXXXXX
W2 City Submission File City Summary - XXXXXXXX
The City Tax withheld, City Wages, and Employee count on the summary report should match what is in the W2 Report>Report Summary for the city:
W2 Report>Report Summary
Creating a Submission file for ITC to submit W2 City File
This can be used to create a submission file for a particular city. The city is identified by the tax entity code.
Field Definitions:
Employer Zip Code - The Employer Zip Code must be entered.
Tax Entity Code - Enter Select the Tax Entity Code Code **Required field** NOTE* The city is identified by the Tax Entity Code. This code needs to be entered on the city item configuration under Core/Payroll Item Configuration:
Once all options are selected, click on
Please securely email your City submission files to your ITC.
Example of Ohio W2 Submission File Summary Report
The Wages Other Comp value is the taxable gross for the federal tax item. This value can include federal applicable gross adjustments, life insurance, taxable benefits, fringe benefits, and vehicle lease adjustments. It also includes board pickup amount adjustments for Medicare or social security. From payroll history, it would include the federal applicable gross, Medicare or social security taxable employer pickup, and dependent care amounts over $10$5,500000.
The Wages will show on the W2 Ohio Submission file RT lines, in positions 10-24 and Federal Income Tax Withheld in positions 25-39.
Indiana - W2MAST_IN.txt
Field Definitions:
Contact Name -**Required field** The contact's name information will be used on the W2 Submission file and should be the contact person at the district (treasurer, payroll clerk) that would be able to address any questions from the IRS regarding the W2 File. The contact name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, period, hyphen and apostrophe.
Employer Zip Code - This field can be left blank as this data will pull from the Company Zip Code Code field on on the System/Configuration/W2 Configuration record
Contact Name - **Required field**The contact's name information will be used on the W2 Submission file and should be the contact person at the district (treasurer, payroll clerk) that would be able to address any questions from the IRS regarding the W2 File. The contact name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, period, hyphen and apostrophe.
If there are any West Virginia employees, W2 State State will ask toward the end for each quarters tax due. It will ask for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarter tax due amounts. It also asks for the Total Tax Due.
Criteria to be included
The conditions for employee's employees to get included onto the Ohio submission file, is any of the following:
Contact Name - **Required field**The contact's name information will be used on the W2 Submission file and should be the contact person at the district (treasurer, payroll clerk) that would be able to address any questions from the IRS regarding the W2 File. The contact name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, period, hyphen and apostrophe.
Error Contact email address must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error Contact name must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error Contact phone number must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error Invalid SSN, verify SSN before printing W2's s.
Error Employee last name should not be null or empty.
Error Employee first name should not be null or empty.
Error Employee must have either a STANDARD or FOREIGN address.
Error Employee must have a city.
- Check employee's City on their Employee record
Error Employee must have a country code.
- If the Foreign Address field in Employee screen is checked, a Country code must be entered
- If the Foreign Address field in Employee screen is checked, a Country code must be entered
Error Employee must have a postal code.
- If the Foreign Address field in Employee screen is checked, a Postal Code must be entered.
- If the Foreign Address field in Employee screen is checked, a Postal Code must be entered.
Error Gross for this payroll item (code: XXX) exceeds the maximum for this reporting year.
- For each gross amount reported to the IRS/SSA, there is a maximum value that can be reported. The current maximum that the submission file will accept is 9999999.99.
If this message is encountered, verify the gross amount for the employee.
- For each gross amount reported to the IRS/SSA, there is a maximum value that can be reported. The current maximum that the submission file will accept is 9999999.99.
Error Medicare amount does not equal 1.45% of Medicare Gross (If Medicare withheld is (+-) $0.30 off).
Error FICA/OASDI amount does not equal 6.2% of FICA/OASDI Gross.
- These two messages are related. W2 Processing calculates the amount of Medicare and FICA tax by multiplying the taxable gross by the correct withholding percentage. If the calculated tax amount differs from the tax amount found on the 692/693 records by more than $.30, the messages are issued.
These These errors will most likely cause the IRS/SSA to reject the submission file therefore it is necessary to research and resolve the problem.
- These two messages are related. W2 Processing calculates the amount of Medicare and FICA tax by multiplying the taxable gross by the correct withholding percentage. If the calculated tax amount differs from the tax amount found on the 692/693 records by more than $.30, the messages are issued.
Error Submitter EIN must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error Submitter delivery address address must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error Submitter location address must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error Submitter city must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error Submitter state must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error Submitter zip code must be entered on W2 configuration.
Error This employee has Medicare tax without any Medicare wages.
- This message cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Upon receipt of the submission file from the ITC, the IRS/SSA calculates the expected tax amount and compares it to the amount reported on the file. If these figures are off by more than a few cents, the file is rejected.
Run the Audit Trail report to determine if manual changes on the Medicare deduction records may be the cause.
- This message cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Upon receipt of the submission file from the ITC, the IRS/SSA calculates the expected tax amount and compares it to the amount reported on the file. If these figures are off by more than a few cents, the file is rejected.
Error This employee's Medicare wages are less then their social security wages.
- The Medicare gross wages amount is incorrect or the FICA (Social Security) gross wages amount is incorrect. Please update the gross amount using CORE/ADJUSTMENTS/TOTAL GROSS that has the incorrect amount. This error should be corrected before creating a submission file. The Social Security Administration will contact the district if this error is not fixed.
- The Medicare gross wages amount is incorrect or the FICA (Social Security) gross wages amount is incorrect. Please update the gross amount using CORE/ADJUSTMENTS/TOTAL GROSS that has the incorrect amount. This error should be corrected before creating a submission file. The Social Security Administration will contact the district if this error is not fixed.
Error This employee has FICA wages without any Medicare wages.
- To properly withhold FICA tax, the employee must have two payroll item records (692 and 693), one flagged as type Medicare and one flagged with type Social Security Tax. This message will occur if W2 Processing encounters a record set up with type Social Security Tax but no record set up with type Medicare for the same employee.
Contact the ITC for assistance if this message is encountered.
- To properly withhold FICA tax, the employee must have two payroll item records (692 and 693), one flagged as type Medicare and one flagged with type Social Security Tax. This message will occur if W2 Processing encounters a record set up with type Social Security Tax but no record set up with type Medicare for the same employee.
Error This employee has FICA/OASDI tax without any FICA/OASDI wages.
- This message cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Upon receipt of the submission file from the ITC, the IRS/SSA calculates the expected tax amount and compares it to the amount reported on the submission file. If these figures are off by more than a few cents, the file is rejected.
Run the Audit Trail report to determine if manual changes on the Medicare/FICA payroll item records may be the cause.
- This message cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Upon receipt of the submission file from the ITC, the IRS/SSA calculates the expected tax amount and compares it to the amount reported on the submission file. If these figures are off by more than a few cents, the file is rejected.
Warning Federal Total annuities, $xxxx.xx, does not equal total gross less taxable gross.
- The W2 Processing program verifies that the annuity (generally in the 500-599 payroll items code range) payroll item amount equals the calculated annuity amount. The calculated amount is determined by taking the total gross and subtracting the taxable gross. The result is the amount of the annuity that was in effect while the tax was being withheld. If this calculated value differs from the totals on the annuity records, the warning appears.
This warning is often associated with a change that has been made to the taxable gross but no corresponding change was made to the total gross or vice versa. Manual adjustments in CORE/ADJUSTMENTS option to the annuity amounts may also cause this warning. Run the Audit Trail report to attempt to isolate these situations.
If an annuity was in effect for only part of the year, this warning may appear and can be ignored.- Using Core/Adjustment, enter an adjustment to the Total Gross to Create a Core>Adjustments for the Federal, State, City (if they honored the annuity initially) OSDI and Medicareoriginally,) OSDI (if applicable), and Medicare Payroll Items using the Type of Total Gross.
- The W2 Processing program verifies that the annuity (generally in the 500-599 payroll items code range) payroll item amount equals the calculated annuity amount. The calculated amount is determined by taking the total gross and subtracting the taxable gross. The result is the amount of the annuity that was in effect while the tax was being withheld. If this calculated value differs from the totals on the annuity records, the warning appears.
Warning Payroll Item XXX: Negative annuity on file for this employee. Assuming zero.
- A total negative annuity indicates a check was voided from a prior calendar year in the current calendar year. Run the REPORTS/PAYMENT TRANSACTION STATUS REPORT option to attempt to isolate the problem. If this is the case, you will need to zero the negative amount of the annuity and file a W2-C form for the previous calendar year
Using Core/Adjustment, enter a positive adjustment amount to the withholding amount for the Annuity .- Create a Core>Adjustments for the annuity Payroll Item and enter the Amount Withheld value (as a positive) to offset the negative amount , making the amounts being reported and make the amount 0.00.
- If no adjustments are made the system will assume zero , and the Warning will continue to appear on the W2 Report.
- A total negative annuity indicates a check was voided from a prior calendar year in the current calendar year. Run the REPORTS/PAYMENT TRANSACTION STATUS REPORT option to attempt to isolate the problem. If this is the case, you will need to zero the negative amount of the annuity and file a W2-C form for the previous calendar year
Warning Employee last name contains a comma.
- Check employee's last name for a comma and remove.
Warning Federal Total Annuities , $xxxx.xx, does not equal total gross less taxable gross.
- The W2 Processing program verifies that the annuity (generally in the 500-599 payroll items code range) payroll item amount equals the calculated annuity amount. The calculated amount is determined by taking the total gross and subtracting the taxable gross. The result is the amount of the annuity that was in effect while the tax was being withheld. If this calculated value differs from the totals on the annuity records, the warning appears. This warning is often associated with a change that has been made to the taxable gross but no corresponding change was made to the total gross or vice versa. Manual adjustments in CORE/ADJUSTMENTS option to the annuity amounts may also cause this warning. Run the Audit Trail report to attempt to isolate these situations. If an annuity was in effect for only part of the year, this warning may appear and can be ignored. Using Core/Adjustment
- Create a Core>Adjustment, enter an adjustment to the Total Gross to Federal, State, City (if they honored the annuity initially) OSDI and Medicare.
- The W2 Processing program verifies that the annuity (generally in the 500-599 payroll items code range) payroll item amount equals the calculated annuity amount. The calculated amount is determined by taking the total gross and subtracting the taxable gross. The result is the amount of the annuity that was in effect while the tax was being withheld. If this calculated value differs from the totals on the annuity records, the warning appears. This warning is often associated with a change that has been made to the taxable gross but no corresponding change was made to the total gross or vice versa. Manual adjustments in CORE/ADJUSTMENTS option to the annuity amounts may also cause this warning. Run the Audit Trail report to attempt to isolate these situations. If an annuity was in effect for only part of the year, this warning may appear and can be ignored. Using Core/Adjustment
Warning Payroll Item XXX: Negative amount payroll item can not be reported on W2, reporting zero.
- This message indicates a check was voided from a prior calendar year in the current calendar year. Run the REPORTS/PAYMENT TRANSACTION STATUS REPORT Reports>Payment Transaction Status Report to attempt to isolate the problem. If this is the case, you will need to file a W2-C form for the previous calendar year.
- This message indicates a check was voided from a prior calendar year in the current calendar year. Run the REPORTS/PAYMENT TRANSACTION STATUS REPORT Reports>Payment Transaction Status Report to attempt to isolate the problem. If this is the case, you will need to file a W2-C form for the previous calendar year.
Warning Possible medicare Medicare discrepancy detected for amount over 200,000. Amount calculated = $xxxxxx.xx.
- This warning will appear if medicare Medicare wages are over $200,000.00 and the medicare Medicare amount on the Payroll Item is not within 30 cents of the calculated value. This warning will allow the submission file to be written.
- This warning will appear if medicare Medicare wages are over $200,000.00 and the medicare Medicare amount on the Payroll Item is not within 30 cents of the calculated value. This warning will allow the submission file to be written.
Warning Payroll Item XXX: No state ID on payroll item configuration.
- This warning will appear if No state ID is entered on the State Tax Payroll Item configuration.
Warning Federal gross is zero.
- The employee has no gross amount on the Federal tax record (001). If an employee was included in a payroll during the year (even if it was dock-only) or if the employee has any adjustment journals for withholding, applicable gross or total gross during the calendar year.
- The employee has no gross amount on the Federal tax record (001). If an employee was included in a payroll during the year (even if it was dock-only) or if the employee has any adjustment journals for withholding, applicable gross or total gross during the calendar year.
Warning Payroll Item XXX: Calculated annuity amount exceeds the total annuities.
- The calculated annuity value is larger than the amounts showing on the annuity (generally in the 500 through 599 Payroll Item code range) records. The calculated amount is determined by subtracting the taxable gross from the total gross.
Manual changes may have been made to the payroll items. It is possible the total or taxable gross was changed incorrectly due to an error adjustment, thus causing the calculated annuity amount to be too high.
- The calculated annuity value is larger than the amounts showing on the annuity (generally in the 500 through 599 Payroll Item code range) records. The calculated amount is determined by subtracting the taxable gross from the total gross.
Warning Payroll Item Employer Health Coverage: Negative amount payroll item can not cannot be reported on W2, reporting zero.
Warning Employee has ITIN. SSN will be all zeroes- .
- Employee that has an SSN starting with a 9 is considered an ITIN number. W2 Report will show zero's for this employee. The W2 Form, XML and Submission file will show zero's.
Warning Regular Payroll Item (5XX) associated with Annuity Payroll Item Configuration.
- Will give this warning when there is a mismatch between the Payroll Item type and Payroll Item Configuration type.
Warning Federal tax item cannot show COVID19-Emergency amount in Box 14 of W2.
- This warning appears specifically when there is a value in all 3
- COVID fields, and there is a vehicle lease. This has been this way since the introduction of the
- COVID fields. If any of the
- COVID field values are 0.00, they can be cleared out and the warning would go away, or they can ignore it since box 14 is purely informational. The warning is telling them "
- You have vehicle lease info, as well as values in all 3
- COVID fields, but we only show 3 items in box 14, so we can
- only give you vehicle lease, COVID self, and COVID other".
Warning Payroll Item XXX: Tax withheld is 0.00 and total gross is greater than 0.00.
- This warning usually indicates the Payroll Item was not stopped properly - meaning only the Rate field value was removed instead of placing a Stop Date on the record. Removing the percentage will assure nothing is withheld; however, the Total Gross will continue to accumulate. Create a Core>Adjustments for the City Payroll Item using the Type of Total Gross and for the Amount (as a negative to offset the positive amount) currently showing on the City Payroll Item>YTD Total Gross to zero this field.
Warning Payroll Item XXX: Tax withheld is 0.00 and taxable gross is greater than 0.00.
- This warning usually indicates the Payroll Item was not stopped properly - meaning only the Rate field value was removed instead of placing a Stop Date on the record. Removing the percentage will assure nothing is withheld; however, the Applicable Gross will continue to accumulate. Create a Core>Adjustments for the City Payroll Item using the Type of Applicable Gross and for the Amount (as a negative to offset the positive amount) currently showing on the City Payroll Item>YTD Applicable Gross to zero this field.
Warning Payroll Item XXX: Taxable gross is 0.00 and total gross is greater than 0.00.
- This warning usually indicates the Payroll Item was not stopped properly. Verify which figure, the Applicable Gross or Total Gross, is accurate. Create a Core>Adjustments for the City Payroll Item using the appropriate Type of Total Gross or Applicable Gross and for the Amount (as a negative to offset the positive amount) currently showing on the City Payroll Item>YTD Total Gross or Applicable Gross to zero this field.
Info Employer paid life insurance > 99,999.99 limit - field truncated.
- The employer paid life insurance field is six characters long. If W2 encounters encounters anything larger, the message is issued. Verify that the amount was entered properly on the Adjustment Journal record for the employee under Life Insurance.
Info Payroll Item XXX: Taxable gross is larger than total gross.
- It is possible that a change was made to the taxable gross but no corresponding change was made to the total gross or vice versa. Run the Audit trail report program to help identify the problem.
- It is possible that a change was made to the taxable gross but no corresponding change was made to the total gross or vice versa. Run the Audit trail report program to help identify the problem.
Info Payroll Item XXX: Possible error in OSDI gross or tax.
- OSDI taxable wages with no OSDI tax or OSDI tax with no taxable wages have been detected.
Manual changes may have been made to the payroll items using the CORE/ADJUSTMENTS Core>Adjustments option. Run the Audit Trail report and verify.
If the employee has not earned enough wages to have any tax withheld, this message can be ignored.
- OSDI taxable wages with no OSDI tax or OSDI tax with no taxable wages have been detected.
Info Pension Plan flag on Federal tax payroll item is overriding W2 calculations.
- On the federal tax record, there is a pension plan box flag. This flag is used to indicate
- Verify the Federal Tax Payroll Item>Pension Plan option selected and whether there is an active retirement record. The Pension Plan option selected and the employee having an active retirement record is used together to determine how/if the pension plan box on the employee W2 should be checked. There are three values for the flag:
- Automatically check the pension plan box per W2 Processing calculations.
- Yes, check the pension plan box.
- No, never check the pension plan box.
- Verify the Federal Tax Payroll Item>Pension Plan option selected and whether there is an active retirement record. The Pension Plan option selected and the employee having an active retirement record is used together to determine how/if the pension plan box on the employee W2 should be checked. There are three values for the flag:
W2 Report Summary Breakdown
Dependent Care Report: This report is the total of all Payroll Item Configuration>Type equaling Dependent Care and the Annuity Type equaling Section125NonWages.
Desg. Roth 457B Report: This report is a total of all Payroll Item Configuration>Type equaling Regular and the Designated Roth equaling ContributionsTo457B. This will be reported on the RU record of W2MAST.
Third Party Sick Pay Report: To generate a report of all third-party sick payments, go to Core>Adjustments.
- In the Adjustment Type filter field, enter Third.
- In the Transaction Date filter field, enter the appropriate date range (for example, 1/1/23..12/31/23).
- Click Report and generate a report in the desired format.
How Medicare Pickup
effects employee's W2's
Medicare Pickup Amount is added to the employees Total Gross for 001, 002 and 003 Federal, State, Other State and Cities (if city taxes Medicare Pickup) and OSDI.
Medicare Pickup
Medicare pickup will be added to Fed, State, City (if applicable) and OSDI. The Employee will pay for the Taxes on the Medicare Pickup amount at the time they do their taxes.amount is added to the employee Taxable Gross for Medicare.
- City - Payroll Item Configuration>Employer Paid Amounts To Be Taxed-For more information, click here
- OSDI is not set up the same as the City Payroll Item Configuration, where 'Employer Paid Amounts To Be Taxed' can be included
Federal, State and OSDI inflate the taxable amount and honor all annuities.
- or not. Medicare Pickup will always be added to Total and taxable gross for OSDI.
When balancing between Quarter report and W2, on Quarter report, you have to add the Medicare pickup amount to the taxable gross
If the district is questioning if this OSDI taxes employee Medicare pickup, they will have to contact their tax advisor for confirmation.
Life Insurance (NC1)
If Life Insurance Pay Type was entered in Current or Future during the last payroll of the year, this will update the employee's Federal, State, Other State, City (if applicable) Medicare and OSDI Total Gross.
City Payroll Item Configuration - Tax Non-Cash Earn
Federal, State, and OSDI honor all annuities. Cities will depend on the Payroll Item configuration>City Tax Annuity Options and Options>Tax Non-Cash Earn
Criteria for an Employee to be Included on the W2 Report, W2 Submission File, W2 Form File
- If the the Federal YTD Gross is not equal to 0 or
- If the Federal YTD Amount Withheld is not equal to 0 or
- If the OSDI Taxable Gross is not equal to 0 or
- If the Employee Medicare/FICA Taxable Gross amount is not equal to 0
- Archived employees with YTD Amounts, will be reported and a W2 generated
USPS-R W2 Submission Overview Video