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If the Non-cash Taxable Benefit Pay Type was not used prior to the last pay of the calendar year, a Core>Adjustment to the Federal Tax Payroll Item is required. The Taxable Benefits Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross amounts on the Federal Tax, Ohio State Tax, City (if applicable and based on how the Payroll Item Configuration>Tax Non Cash checkbox is marked), and OSDI (if applicable), and Medicare Payroll Items. No further adjustments for Total Gross and Applicable Gross are necessary.
Prior to W2 processing, determine the amount(s) paid through a USAS disbursement.
Go to Core>Adjustments.
Click Create.
Employee - Locate the employee by name or id.
Payroll Item - Choose Federal Tax.
Type - Choose Taxable Benefits.
Transaction Date - Enter or choose date from calendar.
Amount - Enter in the amount of the USAS disbursement.
Description - Enter in a description (optional).
Click Save.
The Medicare withholding must be paid. The Board will need to pay for both the Employee and Employer portion of Medicare. The employee can then reimburse the district - if desired. If Medicare is paid by both the employee and the board, create a Core>Adjustments for the Medicare Payroll Item using the Type of Amount Withheld and/or Board's Amount of payroll item. If Medicare is fully board paid, create a Core>Adjustments for the Medicare Payroll Item using the Type of Board Pickup Amount of Payroll Item. This adjustment will update both the Medicare pickup and Medicare Tax Withheld on the W2. Another adjustment will need to be made to balance the 941 QTD Employer's Medicare Contribution using Type of Board's Amount of payroll item for this amount. The Medicare pickup amount is calculated by Total Gross - Total of all Section 125 Annuities/98.55% x 1.45%.
If Medicare is paid by both the employee and the board:
Go to Core>Adjustments.
Click Create.
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id.
Payroll Item = Medicare.
Type = Amount Withheld.
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period.
Amount = Enter the amount of the calculated employee Medicare owed.
Description = Can be added if desired.
Click Save.
Click Create.
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id.
Payroll Item = Medicare.
Type = Board's Amount of payroll item.
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period.
Amount = Enter the amount of the calculated employer Medicare owed.
Description = Can be added if desired.
Click Save.
If Medicare is paid entirely by the Board (2.90% total).
Goemployee share of 1.45% is paid by the board and the employer share of 1.4% is paid by the board for a total of 2.90%).
Go to Core>Adjustments.
Click Create.
Employee - Find employee by typing in a few characters of first or last name.
Payroll Item - Choose Medicare Tax.
Type - Choose Board Pickup Amount of the Payroll Item.
Transaction Date - Enter or choose date from calendar.
Amount - Enter in the calculated amount of Board Pickup Amount of Medicare (1. 45%) This will update both Medicare Pickup and Medicare on the employee's W2.
Description - Enter in a description (optional).
Click Save.
Scenario 3: A payment(s) was paid using an USAS disbursement and the amount is to be included on the employee’s W2 as Federal and State wages.
Click Create.
Employee - Find employee by typing in a few characters of first or last name.
Payroll Item - Choose Medicare Tax.
Type - Choose Board’s Amount of the Payroll Item.
Transaction Date - Enter or choose date from calendar.
Amount - Enter the calculated amount of Board’s Amount of Medicare.
Description - Enter in a description (optional).
Click Save.
Scenario 3: A payment(s) was paid using an USAS disbursement and the amount is to be included on the employee’s W2 as Federal and State wages.
A Core>Adjustment using the Fringe Benefits Type is required. The Fringe Benefit Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross amounts on the Federal Tax and Ohio State Tax Payroll Items. No further adjustments for Total Gross and Applicable Gross are necessary.
If the Non-cash Taxable Benefit Pay Type was not used prior to the last pay of the calendar year, a Core>Adjustment to the Federal Tax Payroll Item is required. The Taxable Benefits Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross amounts on the Federal Tax, Ohio State Tax, City (if applicable and based on how the Payroll Item Configuration>Tax Non Cash checkbox is marked), and OSDI (if applicable), and Medicare Payroll Items. No further adjustments for Total Gross and Applicable Gross are necessary.
Prior to W2 processing, determine the total amount(s) paid through an USAS disbursement.
Go to Core>Adjustments.
Click Create.
Employee - Select the appropriate employee.
Payroll Item - Choose Federal Tax.
Type - Choose Taxable Benefits.
Transaction Date - Enter or choose date from calendar.
Amount - Enter in the amount of the benefit needing to be reported on the employee's W2 .
Description - Enter if desired.
Click Save.
The Medicare withholding must be paid. The Board will need to pay for both the Employee and Employer portion of Medicare. The employee can then reimburse the district - if desired. If Medicare is paid by both the employee and the board, create a Core>Adjustments for the Medicare Payroll Item using the Type of Amount Withheld and/or Board's Amount of payroll item. If Medicare is fully board paid, create a Core>Adjustments for the Medicare Payroll Item using the Type of Board Pickup Amount of Payroll Item. This adjustment will update both the Medicare pickup and Medicare on the W2. Another adjustment will need to be made to balance the 941 QTD Employer's Medicare Contribution using Type of Board's Amount of payroll item for this amountfor this amount. The Medicare pickup amount is calculated by Total Gross - Total of all Section 125 Annuities/98.55% x 1.45%.
If Medicare is paid by both the employee and the board:
Go to Core>Adjustmentsthe employee and the board:
Go to Core>Adjustments.
Click Create.
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id.
Payroll Item = Medicare.
Type = Amount Withheld.
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period.
Amount = Enter the amount of the calculated employee Medicare owed.
Description = Can be added if desired.
Click Save.
Click Create.
Employee = Locate the employee by name or id.
Payroll Item = Medicare.
Type = Amount Withheld.Board's Amount of payroll item.
Transaction Date = Enter a date within the current posting period.
Amount = Enter the amount of the calculated employee employer Medicare owed.
Description = Can be added if desired.Click Saveif desired.
Click Save.
If Medicare is paid entirely by the Board (employee share of 1.45% is paid by the board and the employer share of 1.4% is paid by the board for a total of 2.90%).
Go to Core>Adjustments.
Click Create.
Go to Core>AdjustmentsEmployee = Locate the - Find employee by name or idtyping in a few characters of first or last name.
Payroll Item = - Choose Medicare Tax.
Type = - Choose Board 's Pickup Amount of payroll itemthe Payroll Item.
Transaction Date = - Enter a date within the current posting periodor choose date from calendar.
Amount = - Enter in the amount of the calculated employer Medicare owed.
Description = Can be added if desired.
Click Save.
If Medicare is paid entirely by the Board (2.90% total).
calculated amount of Board Pickup Amount of Medicare. This will update both Medicare Pickup and Medicare on the employee's W2.
Description - Enter in a description (optional).
Click Save.
Click Create.
Employee - Find employee by typing in a few characters of first or last name.
Payroll Item - Choose Medicare Tax.
Type - Choose Board Pickup Board’s Amount of the Payroll Item.
Transaction Date - Enter or choose date from calendar.
Amount - Enter in the Board Pickup Amount of Medicare (1.45%) This will update both Medicare Pickup and Medicare on the employee's W2the calculated amount of Board’s Amount of Medicare.
Description - Enter in a description (optional).
Click Save.
A Core>Adjustment using the Fringe Benefits Type is required. The Fringe Benefit Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross amounts on the Federal Tax and Ohio State Tax Payroll Items. No further adjustments for Total Gross and Applicable Gross are necessary.
A Core>Adjustment using the Fringe Benefits Type is required. The Fringe Benefit Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross amounts on the Federal Tax and Ohio State Tax Payroll Items. Since the payment paid would have already updated these fields, adjustments will be necessary.
The employee’s Total Gross and Applicable Gross on Federal and State Payroll Items YTD totals will be updated. Core>Adjustments will be necessary to reduce the amount(s) the system added.
A Core>Adjustment using the Fringe Benefits Type is required. The Fringe Benefit Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross amounts on the Federal Tax and Ohio State Tax Payroll Items. Since the payment paid would have already updated these fields, adjustments will be necessary.
The employee’s Total Gross and Applicable Gross on Federal and State Payroll Items YTD totals will be updated. Core>Adjustments will be necessary to reduce the amount(s) the system added.
A Core>Adjustment using the Fringe Benefits Type is required. The Fringe Benefit Adjustment will automatically update the Total Gross and Applicable Gross amounts on the Federal Tax and Ohio State Tax Payroll Items. Since the payment paid would have already updated these fields, adjustments will be necessary.
The employee’s Total Gross and Applicable Gross on Federal and State Payroll Items YTD totals will be updated. Core>Adjustments will be necessary to reduce the amount(s) the system added.