The College Credit Plus (CCP) application module is to be used by all EMIS reporting entities and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) as means to verify College Credit Plus enrollment for funding, as well as the credit hour rate charged for those courses, for payment to Higher Education Institutions. The EMIS Reporting entities, the Higher Education Institutions, ITC Staff and DEW personnel all have access to this module.
Users can gain access to the CCP application module within ODDEX by using the CCP application link on the navigation bar. Depending upon the user's SAFE OEDS roles, the user may have access to CCP Student course and/or Agreement data.
Higher Education users will see an additional option from the drop down menu for reports.
If a user account has access to more than one LEA/HEI, select the appropriate entity from the drop down in the navigation bar. For historical purposes, entities that are closed may be listed in the drop down.
Users will want to select the year of the data they wish to view from the drop down in the navigation bar.
The options available from the main navigation bar will vary depending on the user's SAFE roles. The view of the data within the CCP options will be dependent upon if the user has access for through an LEA or HEI. Each of the views will be discussed in their own sections within this document.
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The Record Active column indicates whether the record for that SSID is active or inactive.
A student may appear in this summary listing more than once. Each entry for a student represents a different CCP course that is being reported. Each student course record must be reviewed and approved or flagged by the LEA.
Clicking on either the flag icon or the SSID will open a popup window showing the full details of the student course information being reported. The detail popup window is where all flagging by the LEA is completed, as well as entry of any comments.
Student Course Detail
The student course detail popup shows data as it was reported by both the LEA and the HEI. The information at the top, the header information, is the basic information for the student course record. The information at the bottom provides a side-by-side display of what is being reported by the HEI and LEA.
- Home - Returns user to Landing Page
- Users - Edit and view of district user information
- Agencies - Edit and view of district level information
- Help - Opens a new browser window for the ODDEX documentation
- About - Shows information regarding the ODDEX application
- Logout - Logs the user out of ODDEX
Local Educating Agency View
Higher Education Institution View
Districts will have the ability to use various find options, name and SSID are at the student level.
The find by Review Status includes these choices:
- Blank - all records
- New
- No Activity
- New flags/comments
- Flags/Comments
- Reviewed
- ODE override
- Inactive
The find by Reported By allows an LEA the ability to select a specific HEI who is reporting your resident students as attending. All HEI's who have reported students pointing to your LEA are included in this selection drop down.
Selections also include a Active Only check box. This allows a district to eliminate the records associated to inactive review flags during the selections.
The find box can be collapsed clicking on the lower left corner icon
Selecting the Clear link resets the find filters to empty/default values.
CCP Student Summary Screen
In this summary screen, basic student identifiable information is included. The flags in the left most column represent the status of the student's CCP data.
- CCP - College Credit Plus options. This is a drop-down menu containing
- Students, for viewing Student Course records
- Agreements, for viewing credit hour rate agreements between the LEA and HEI
- Reports, for obtaining reports generated by DEW to aid in reconciling College Credit Plus data. The reports option is available to HEI's only.
- Setup - Application configuration options
- Users - Edit and view of district user information
- Agencies - Edit and view of district level information
- Help - Opens a new browser window for the ODDEX documentation
- Logout - Logs the user out of ODDEX