This option allows you to add, delete, and/or modify employee sick, vacation, personal leave and view current leave balances.
For Accumulations, please go to Core/Leaves>Accumulations
**NOTE** If Max Leave Amount is removed or blank and Accrual option is then used, it will clear the employee's Leave Balance.
The Leaves Grid allows the user to search for existing employees. You can either enter in the Number or a few characters in any of the grid headings and all occurrences of that search will show up and then you can choose the item(s) you are wanting to view or edit. Example - First Name is one of my grid options. If I type in %San (% is use as a wildcard) in the First name field, all occurrences of anyone with San in the first name will appear.
All fields will sort and filter except for the Balance field.
You can then click on the next to the Leaves record you are searching for to view the data relating to this employee or click on the to edit the record or to delete the record.
To include archived employees in the grid, click on .
Position Status
All Position Job Status's, will show in the Leave - New grid.
Leave Type Eligibility
All Leave Types will display (if created) and show whether eligible or not eligible for that leave type. Leave types are eligible if the leave type is selected in Position screen for Active or Inactive Positions. The eligible Employee Eligible or not eligible Employee Eligible flag for the leave is shown on the individual leave type when viewed or edited as checked (eligible) or not checked (ineligible). If there is no active or inactive position for the employee, then the eligibility flag will be unchecked.
- A Balance can be entered ONLY when creating a new Leave for an Employee. When an absence is posted in CORE/ATTENDANCE, this field will be adjusted. This field cannot be changed after creation of the Leave for the new employee. Any changes that need to be made to the balance can be made through CORE/ATTENDANCE.
- The accrual rate for leave is entered in the Accum Per Month field. This is the rate (if any) at which you want each leave to be incremented when the Leave Accumulation program is ran (Processing/Benefit Update and Projection/Accrual). For example, most districts accumulate sick leave at a rate of 1.25 days per month. The 1.25 days (or 10 hours) would be placed in this field. Personal leave is often reset and not accumulated, so an accum/month would not have to be entered.
- The Max Leave Amount field keeps the leave balances from exceeding maximums as set-up by the district. Maximums must be entered for any leave that will be accruing. Personal leave does not need a maximum if it is reset. **NOTE** If Max Leave Amount is removed or blank and Accrual option is then used, it will clear the employee's Leave Balance.
- The Reset Value option is only for Personal leave but is an option for Sick and Vacation now. If a district automatically resets personal leave each year, the number of days or hours of personal leave granted to an employee at the beginning of the year is placed here. When the reset option of the Leave Accumulation program is run, the personal leave balance is set to the amount in this field.
- The Daily or Hourly (Mandatory field) is the unit in which the benefits are stored. It can be hourly or daily. If no Unit is entered, an error will occur when saving. NOTE**This field needs to be entered for ALL Leave type, regardless if employee is Eligible or not. All 3 leaves types, have to have this field selected.
- The will will be checked if employee Employee is eligible Eligible for this type of leave. If employee is not eligible for a type of Leave, it will not show on the employees Leave screen.
- The Accumulate Based on Hours field is for Hourly employees only. This flag will determine if the employee will be eligible for Current Service Hours. This field will be used in junction with Current Service Hours and Service Hours Accumulator fields.
- The Current Service Hours contains the service hours accumulated per pay for part-time employees. These hours are used in Processing/Benefit Update and Projection/Part Time Sick Leave Accrual to determine part-time employees sick leave accumulation based on 80 hours of service.
- The Service Hours Accumulator is for Hourly employees. Per H.B. 153, enter 4.6 for hourly employees. If employee is daily, this rate would need to be determined. The districts will use Processing/Benefit Update and Projection/Part Time Sick Leave Accrual option, to determine a part-time employees sick leave based on 80 hours of service. The Current Service Hours will decrease by 80 and will leave the remaining amount and the 4.6 Hours will be added to the employee Balance.
5. Enter in desired information for the Employees Leave
6. Click on temporally save the Employee Leave to the Employee Information grid, click on Cancel to not add the Employee Leave to the Employee Information grid
to7. Click on again, to save and add the Employee leave to the Leave grid.
Manually add or Mass Load-Mass Load#Leaves the Max Advance Leave amount available for employee(s)