Field Name | Position | Description | Format | Max Size |
FISCAL_YEAR | A | Fiscal Year | YYYY | 4 |
REC_ID | B | Indicates the type of transaction. For Fund transactions this is "AF" | XX | 2 |
FUND | E | Fund Code | XXX | 3 |
SCC | F | Special Cost Center | XXXX | 4 |
ACCT_DESC | G | Description of the Account | Alphanumeric | 50 |
BUDGETED | H | Flag denotes whether or not the account is budgeted (Y/N) | X | 1 |
FUND_TYPE | I | Code indicating the type of fund: "AFCF" = Agency Custodial Fund "CP" = Capital Projects "DS" = Debt Service "EF" = Enterprise Fund "GF" = General Fund "IT" = Investment Trust Fund "P" = Permanent "PE" = Private Purpose Trust "PS" = Pension "SR" = Special Revenue "IS" = Internal Service Fund | XX | 2 |
Field Name | Position | Description | Format | Max Size |
FISCAL_YEAR | A | Fiscal Year | YYYY | 4 |
REC_ID | B | Indicates the type of transaction For cash transactions this is "CT" | XX | 2 |
TRAN_IND | 3J | Transaction Indicator, denotes type of entry 1 = Cash Balance and Prior Year Encumbrance 2 = Expense 3 = Receipt | X | 1 |
FUND | E | Fund Code | XXX | 3 |
FUNC | K | Function code when TI = 2 Revenue code when TI = 3 | XXXX | 4 |
OBJ | L | Object code when TI = 2 | XXX | 3 |
SCC | F | Special Cost Center | XXXX | 4 |
DEPT_CODE | C | Department Code, when TI = 2 | XXXXX | 5 |
BEGIN_BAL | M | Cash Balance entry if TI = 1, else enter zero. | Dollar Amount | # |
ORIG_BUDGET | N | Original Budget | Dollar Amount | # |
REVISED_BUDGET | O | Revised Budgeted Amount | Dollar Amount | # |
ACTUAL | P | Actual Amount | Dollar Amount | # |
PRIOR_ENCUMB | Q | Prior Fiscal Year Encumbrances | Dollar Amount | # |
CURRENT_ENCUMB | R | Current Encumbrances | Dollar Amount | # |
EXP_AGNST_ENCUMB | S | Expenditures Against Prior Year Encumbrances | Dollar Amount | # |
The field names as listed above must be included at the top of the upload file. Here is a sample Cash Export Header file.