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This option may be used if your district prefers timesheet periods be created automatically. You also have the option to automatically create timesheets for specified positions. Fields denoted with a bullet creates is enabled, it will create the timesheet period(s) , and the periods will be displayed in the Period grid and (if positions are included), it will automatically create timesheets for the selected positions, and those will be displayed under the Timesheets grid.
to the right of the field name are required fields. Once the generator...
Automatic Period Generator: Once finished setting up the automatic period generator settings, select ‘true’ to start running the ‘generatePeriodsjob’ batch job. For more details on the scheduled job, please refer to System>Batch Job.
Once the Automatic Generation Running is set to true, you will receive the following pop-up notification indicating the automatic period generator is running for starting with the time periods defined in your batch job. You may click ‘Click here to navigate’ and it will take you to the current batch jobs under System<Batch Job to view the results of your scheduled job; or you may ‘close’ this window.
Once all timesheet periods inclusive of the Automatic Period Generator are closed, this setting will automatically change to ‘false’ indicating the job will no longer create automated timesheet periods (or automatic timesheets if positions are included in the generator).
Closing Time: Select the time - Hour/Minute/Period (AM/PM) - when a period should be automatically closed.
Start Date: Select a date you want to start generating automatic periods. For example, you may want the start date to coincide with the start date of a payroll period.
Available Future Periods: Select the number of future periods to be created when the automatic period generator is enabled.
Example: if your start date is 11/01/2024, semi-monthly and you enter 1 future period, once the generator is enabled, it will create 2 timesheet periods on the periods grid… the current period (11/1-11/15) and the future period (11/15-11/30). Please refer to Automatic Period Generator Example for more details.
Timesheet Reminders: Sends an email reminding timesheet employees as to when the timesheet period will close.
Duration: Select the duration. This usually coincides with the USPS Pay Plan. You may choose from Biweekly, Semi-monthly and Monthly. Your period ending date options will change based on the Duration chosen:
Weekly: Required to entering a ‘Period Ending Day’
Bi-Weekly: Required to entering a ‘Period Ending Day’
Semi-Monthly: Required to enter a First Period Ending Date and a Second Period Ending Date
Monthly: Required to enter a ‘First Period Ending Date’
Close on non-business day: Option to move the closing date if it happens to fall on a non-business day to a business day. For example, if the closing date were to fall on a Sunday, use this option to move the closing date to the next business day. This option is currently not working ESS-860
Months to Skip: option to disallow timesheets to be created for a specified month(s)
Period Closing Day: You have the option of using the pre-defined setting under System>Configuration>Timesheet Period Close Configuration for the closing day or select a desired day to close the period.
Positions: If position(s) are added, it automatically creates timesheets for the specified employee’s positions when the related period is auto generated. If left blank, it will not auto create timesheets. Instead, the user will manually create their timesheets via Timesheets>My Timesheets.
View the details of the Automatic Period Generator job.
. If an automated period is deleted, a confirmation message will appear indicating the number of positions associated with the periods generated during that time. NOTE: The periods created via the automatic period generator (as well as their related timesheets) will stay intact, they will not be deleted.
Delete an existing Automatic Period Generator job [as long as the job is running (true)]
Automatic Period Generator Example
Example: Start Listed below is the Automatic Period Generator setup. The start date is 11/01/2024, semi-monthly with 1 future period, using automated closing of the period 3 days after period ends, and a selected position entered. NOTE: If position(s) are not added in the Automatic Period Generator setup, employees must manually create their timesheets via ‘My Timesheets’.
Once the generator is enabled and running:
it will automatically create 2 timesheet periods which are displayed under the Periods grid… the current period (11/1-11/15) and the future period (11/15-11/30). Both will be open by default.
since a position was included in the setup, it will automatically create timesheets for both periods for employee ID ANON492 (Susan Dean) for her cook position. Her timesheets will be displayed under the Timesheets grid.
once the 1st period (11/1-11/15) auto automatically closes on 11/18 at 11:59 PM, the next period (12/1-12/15) will auto automatically generate and display under the Period grid. Susan’s timesheet for the 12/1-12/15 period will auto create be automatically created as well.
when once the 2nd period (11/15-11/30) automatically closes (on 12/3 at 11:59 PM), the next period (12/16-12/31) will auto automatically generate and display under the Period grid. Susan’s timesheet for the 12/16-12/31 period will auto create be automatically created as well.
The automatic period generator will continue this cycle of generated automatically generating periods (and timesheets if positions are included in the setup) as long as it’s enabledthe generator is enabled and the prior period is closed automatically. WARNING: Closing an auto generated period manually via the Period grid will NOT automatically create the next period.
This option may be used if your district prefers timesheet period(s) be created manually (instead of via the automatic period generator). You may create multiple timesheet periods manually as long as the timesheets periods specified are inclusive of one another. Fields denoted with a bullet
to the right of the field name are required fields. Once the timesheet period(s) are generated, they will be displayed in the Period grid....
Periods created either manually or via the automatic period generator will be displayed in the Period grid.
- View an existing period
- Edit an existing period. NOTE: The timesheet period must be opened in order to edit it.
- Delete an existing period. NOTE: You can only delete open timesheet periods.
- Close an open period. WARNING: Closing an auto generated period via the ‘close’ icon (or ‘close period’ button when viewing a period) will NOT automatically create the next period. -
When closing a period, a confirmation box will appear with a count of the timesheets inclusive of the period, their various approval statuses as well as a total of the timesheets for that period.
Open a period.
Before a timesheet employee can create a timesheet, a shift must be created for their position. You may create a single shift for multiple positions.
Name: Enter a Shift Name
Start Time/End Date: Select a start and ending time for the shift
Break Time: Enter a break time (i.e. 1.0 for hour break, 0.50 for half hour break, etc).
Hours in Work Day: Enter the hours in the work day. Currently, the start/end times, break time and hours in work day do not check (balance) against one another.
Flexible Shift: If this flag is enabled, the start/end time fields and the hours worked field are disabled. Please refer to Flexible Shifts Shift for more information.
Select Position for this Shift: Add one or more positions that should be included in this shift.
NOTE: It will only display employees who have a user account in ESS and marked as a timesheet employee in USPS
ESS-712 will include employee name on position list
- Edit an existing shift NOTE: The timesheet period must be opened in order to edit it.
A warning message will display with the number of positions currently associated with this shift.
- Delete an existing shift. NOTE:
Flexible Shift
If a shift is created and the flexible shift flag is enabled, the start/ending time and hours worked fields are disabled. Enter the break time (i.e. 0.5 for half hour), select the positions and click Create.