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Everything You Wanted To Know About EMIS Staff Reporting and then Some!!!

New Employees:

When creating a new employee many times the fields needed to process the employee in payroll are all that are populated.  If you are a district that would like all fields populated correctly for payroll processing and EMIS processing, did you know that there are reports that can be imported that can be used to determine if all required EMIS fields have been populated when creating a new employee.  The reports can be found in the Redesign Shared Training and Implementation Documents under the Report Definitions sectionThe reports that can be downloaded saved to a destination of your choosing. You can then go to Reports/Report Manager and import the reports for processing. There is a parameter (under Query Options)  setup that will allow for specific employee numbers to be entered. The report names and descriptions are as follows:

New Employee EMIS Demographic Data Report- This report will assist in verifying that all required EMIS elements are populated on the Employee record.

New Employee EMIS Positions Report- This report will assist in verifying that all required EMIS elements are populated on the Position record.

New Employee EMIS Active Contract Compensation Report- This report will assist
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    Everything You Wanted To Know About EMIS Staff Reporting and Then Some! 

    The June newsletter contains several articles on EMIS staff reporting.  Because these articles are pretty detailed, we provided links below so you can easily click on a specific topic.  So much good information about EMIS reporting for staff!

    Table of Contents

    New Employees

    When creating a new employee, many times the only fields that districts populate are ones that will allow them to process payroll.  If you are a district that would like all fields populated correctly for both payroll and EMIS processing, did you know there are report definitions available that can be imported to help determine if all required EMIS fields have been populated when creating a new employee?  They are located under the 'Report Definitions' section under Redesign Shared Training and Implementation Documents and include the following:  

    Contract Compensation Active/Inactive Non Contract Compensation This report will assist
    •  Assists in verifying that all required EMIS elements are populated on the
    Non Contract Compensation
    • Position record.

    Record Verification:

    There are also reports available that can be ran before EMIS reporting period collections begin. These reports can be processed to verify all necessary EMIS data is populated for all EMIS reportable employees before an EMIS staff collection is processed to help to eliminate errors. These reports are also available in the Redesign Shared Training and Implementation Documents under the Report Definitions section.

    EMIS Demographic Data Report- This report assists in determining if EMIS elements required from the Employee records are populated

    EMIS Active Positions Report- This report will assist in determining if the EMIS elements from an Active Position record are populated.

    EMIS Inactive Positions Record- This report will assist in determining if the EMIS elements from the Inactive Position record are populated.

    EMIS Active Contract Compensation Report- This report will assist in determining if the EMIS elements necessary from the Active Contract Compensation records are populated.

    EMIS Inactive Contract Compensation Report- This report will assist in determining if the EMIS elements necessary from the Inactive Contract Compensation records are populated.

    EMIS Active Non-Contract Compensation Report- This report will assist in determining if the EMIS elements necessary from the Active Non-Contract Compensation records are populated.

    EMIS Inactive Non-Contract Compensation Report- This report will assist

    The reports definitions that can be downloaded and then imported via Reports>Report Manager grid. There is a parameter (under Query Options) setup that will allow for specific employee numbers to be entered. 

    Record Verification

    There are also reports available that can be ran before the EMIS reporting period collections begin. These reports can be used to verify all necessary EMIS data is populated for all EMIS reportable employees before an EMIS staff collection is processed to help eliminate possible missing EMIS element errors. The following report definitions are also available in the Redesign Shared Training and Implementation Documents under the 'Report Definitions' section.

    Inactive Non-
    • Active Contract Compensation records are populated.

    These reports will be beneficial before an EMIS Staff collection is ran and will help to eliminate possible missing EMIS element errors.

    Employee Separation:

    If an employee has left the district or left a

    Employee Separation

    If an employee has left the district or left a position to take a new position within the district this , it will need to be added to entered on the Separation Date and Separation Reason fields on the Position record.

    If an employee left the district and was not reported as separated (left over summer months) then that employee will need to be reported as separated in the new fiscal year and this record must remain unarchived for the entire fiscal year.

    Long Term Illness Days


    • This element is only reported during the Final Staff/Course (L) Collection.  It is not needed for anyone holding a 800-899 position code.
    • Here is a link to the EMIS Manual for Long Term Illness Days reporting
    • A long-term illness must be 15 consecutive work days or more, regardless of whether or not the staff member is paid (or unpaid) during his/her absence.
    • Absences reported as long term illness days also need to be present on the Attendance record as an absence for proper EMIS reporting to take place.
    • After the final L reporting window closes a Mass Change definition can be used to blank out the Long Term Illness Days.
    • (please contact ITC about Mass Change definitions)
      • *Note* - Since all long term illness days needs to be removed no filtering is required on the data.
      • If you have Mass Change access, go to
      • Core>Employee click on the Mass Change tab under Load Definition click on down arrow and then click on Clear Employee Long Term Illness.
      • Click on the Execution bubble and then click Submit Mass Change
      • *Note* - If you do not have access to the Mass Change option, contact your ITC for assistance.

    New Fiscal Year


    • After the previous EMIS fiscal year end window L closes, the EMIS Reporting Configuration needs to be changed to the new fiscal year.
      • *Note* -Consult with your ITC regarding
      • changing the year.
    • If you are to make the modification go to
    • System>EMIS Reporting Configuration and change the Fiscal Year (ex. 2021) to the new Fiscal Year (ex. 2022)
    • and click Save
      • *Note*- Currently Final Period L is scheduled to close on August 6, 2021 (this could change)

    Years of Experience


    It is important to update the years of experience at the beginning of each new fiscal year. These elements are reported in both the Initial and Final Staff Course L reporting periods.

    • Authorized Years of Experience-is reported only for certified/licensed employees. It is extremely important to update this element each year. In some cases this element is used for funding purposes. It is also used to determine eligibility for the National Board Certification exam. Non-authorized experience (i.e., teaching service in a college, a university, or a related institution, including the Peace Corps) is not to be included. However, it can be reported in the Total Experience Years Element.
      • A new teacher would have “0” authorized teaching experience years in both the Initial and Final Staff/Course (L) Collections of the current school year (20-21)
      • .  This number would then be updated to “1” during the following year’s reporting (21-22)
    • Total Years of Experience-Indicates the total number of years of all certificated/licensed educational service (authorized and non-authorized) in elementary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities, and any other public or nonpublic educational institutions (including the Peace Corps). This element is reported only for certified/licensed employees. Include active military service years up to the maximum allowable five years.
    • Principal Years of Experience-Indicates the total number of years of certificated/licensed educational service as a school leader, serving as a principal or assistant principal, or with the duties and responsibilities typical of those two positions, in Ohio or in other states, in the following types of organizations: public schools, including vocational schools, state supported schools, STEM schools, community schools, and ODE-licensed preschools, and in chartered, nonpublic schools, such as independent private schools, or parochial schools.
    • A Mass Change definition can be used for this to update years of Authorized and Total Experience. Normally it is recommended to manually update the Principal Years of Experience for those specific employees who qualify with this experience type. If the Increment Experience definition is not available in Mass Change on Employee  it can be imported in from the Redesign Shared Training and Implementation Documents  under the Mass Change Definitions section.  
      • *Note* If you do not have access to the Mass Change option contact your ITC for assistance. 
      • After the Increment Experience file has been saved to your desktop or a folder of your choosing go to
      • Employee>Mass Change tab and click on the Import Definition button and find the file. It will then appear under the Definition Name field. Click Save. The definition is now available under the Load Definition section in Mass Load.
      • You will then want to filter the Employee data so that only the records you wish to update years of experience for are listed (ex- Last Paid Date)
      • Click on the Mass Change tab
      • Choose the Increment Experience definition under the Load Definition section.
      • Select Execution Mode. Click Submit
    Mass Change.*Note*-If you do not have access to the
      • Mass Change
    option contact your ITC for assistance
      • .

    Creating EMIS


    Contract and Contractor records


    Contract Only Staff (CC) records are to be reported for the Initial and Final Staff/Course L collection periods.

    • This is a link to the EMIS Manual Contract Only Staff documentation-
    • ODE EMIS Guide Section 3.6 Contract Only Staff (CC) Records
    • CC reporting is for staff contracted from a non-EMIS reporting entity. Contract examples include: transportation, custodial or food services. For these types of contracts, individual staff information is not needed. Districts must report at least one record per contractor, contract, position code, and fund source. Report all contracts that were in effect at any point during the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
    • CC records can be created by going into
    Core/EMIS Entry/EMIS
    • Core>EMIS Entry>EMIS Contracted Service (CC)
    • When all CC record have been created an extract file can be created for loading into the EMIS data collector. To create the extract file while in the EMIS Contracted Service (CC) tab, click on the Extract CC Data tab. Save the file to your desktop or a folder of your choosing and then securely send it to your EMIS coordinator or upload the data to the data collector.

    Contractor Staff Employment (CJ)  records are to be reported for the Initial and Final Staff/Course L collection periods.

    • This is a link to the EMIS Manual Contractor Staff Employment
    documentation- e
    • record is required to be reported by each contractor for each staff member providing services or teaching a course. The contractor (in many cases an ESC) must be an EMIS reporting entity. The term “contract” refers to an agreement with another entity or individual to provide services. The nature of the contract may range from a formal written document to a general agreement between district leaders.
    • The term “contractor” refers to the entity with which the resident/educating district is contracting. A contractor may be a reporting entity, i.e., an ESC or another school district. The term “contracting district” refers to the resident/educating district.
    • In order to report CJ records the EMIS Contractor Module needs to be turned on. This can be done by going to
    • System>Module and click on the + button next to EMIS Contractor Module
    Go to Core/EMIS Entry/EMIS
    • .  *Note* - Please contact your ITC for assistance.
    • Go to Core>EMIS Entry>EMIS Contactor (CJ) to create CJ records.
    • When all CJ record are created, an extract file can be created for loading into the EMIS data collector. To create the extract file while in the EMIS Contractor (CJ) tab, click on the Extract CJ Data tab. Save the file to your desktop or a folder of your choosing and then securely send it to your EMIS coordinator or upload the data to the data collector.

    Changing Reportable to EMIS Flag on


    Compensation (optional)

    The Reportable to EMIS flag on the Compensation records for the prior fiscal year can be mass changed to false if the district wishes to do so.

    • A Mass Change definition can be used to accomplish the change. If the EMIS=false definition is not available in Mass Change on Compensations,  it can be imported
    in -
    • =false file has been saved to your desktop or a folder of your choosing, go to
    • Compensations>Mass Change tab and click on the Import Definition  button and find the file. It will then appear under the Definition Name field. Click Save. The definition is now available under the Load Definition section in Mass Load.
    • You will then want to filter the Compensation data so that only the records you wish to change for 20-21 are appearing.  Filter on Compensation Start Date, Label, Description (anything that help you define it was a compensation for 20-21.)
    • Click on the Mass Change tab
    • Choose the EMIS=false definition under the Load Definition section.
    • Select Execution Mode. Click Submit Mass Change.

    *Note*-If you do not have access to the Mass Change option contact your ITC for assistance.

    Archiving Prior

    Archiving Prior Fiscal Year Compensations


    After the previous fiscal year end window has closed, it is necessary to archive the old compensation records. This will the then restrict them from pulling into the payroll processing (Future/Current Compensation selection area) and also stop them from pulling into EMIS.

    •   *Note* If you do not have access to the Mass Change option contact your ITC for assistance.
    • After the Archived Employee file has been saved to your desktop or a folder of your choosing, go to the 
    • Compensations>Mass Change tab and click on the Import Definition button and find the file. It will then appear under the Definition Name field. Click Save. The definition is now available under the Load Definition section in Mass Load.
    • You will then want to filter the Compensation data so that only the records you wish to change for 20-21 are appearing.  Filter on Compensation Start Date, Label, Description (anything that help you define it was a compensation for 20-21.)
    • Click on the Mass Change tab
    • Choose the Archived Employee definition under the Load Definition section.
    • Select Execution Mode. Click Submit Mass Change.

    *Note*-If you do not have access to the Mass Change option contact your ITC for assistance.

    EMIS Checklists

    EMIS Checklists

    There are EMIS checklists available in the documentation-

    New Fiscal Year/Initial L Reporting USPS-R EMIS Checklist

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    Useful links:

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    Useful links:

    titleDid You Know?

    Future requisitions may be entered if the future Posting Period has been created and is open.  This includes preparing requisitions for the next fiscal year that may, or may not, have a budget account assigned yet.  When an account number is entered on a future requisition, the amount will be included on the account under Future Year Requisitions or Future Encumbered (if processed during the fiscal year).  When an account is not included on the requisition item, the account number will need to be entered prior to converting the future requisition into a purchase order.  You can also select a future date to convert these Future Requisitions to Future Purchase Orders.  The amount converted into a Future Purchase Order will be included on the account under Future Year Encumbrances or Future Encumbered until when that future Posting Period is made to be the Current Posting Period.    

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    You can run the SSDT Requisition Detail Report to identify any requisitions that do not include account numbers by entering Query Parameters.



    Sites Live on Redesign


    Total Wave 7 Sites


    Participating ITCs


    Total Districts Participating

    Please view the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

    The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

    • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

    • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

    • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

    titleDid You Know?

    What is the EMIS Related override fields in Position used for?

    After a Mid Year Contract change, certain fields in the Position EMIS Related Information section have to be updated to insure proper reporting to the EMIS collection.  A few steps need to be taken:

  • Archive or uncheck 'Report to EMIS' on old Compensation.  Mass Change or Mass Load can be used to update to 'False.
  • Using the Position 'EMIS Related Information', enter the correct NEW Contract Amount and Work Days.  If Hours in Day changed, this may need to be updated also.
  • Mass Load can be used to add the 'EMIS Related Information' on the employee's Position - Mass Load#Position







    The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

    • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

    • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

    • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

    titleDid You Know?

    What is the EMIS Related override fields in Position used for?

    After a Mid Year Contract change, certain fields in the Position EMIS Related Information section have to be updated to insure proper reporting to the EMIS collection.  A few steps need to be taken:

    1. Archive or uncheck 'Report to EMIS' on old Compensation.  Mass Change or Mass Load can be used to update to 'False.
    2. Using the Position 'EMIS Related Information', enter the correct NEW Contract Amount and Work Days.  If Hours in Day changed, this may need to be updated also.
    3. Mass Load can be used to add the 'EMIS Related Information' on the employee's Position - Mass Load#Position
      1. employee.number





    titleDid You Know?

    Several changes were made to the Federal Assistance Detail option under Perioidic in order to make them more user friendly.  They include:

    • The ability to clone an existing federal assistance detail record (NOTE: the associated federal assistance summary must exist so the year can be selected)
    • The create new and save options have been added
    • The expended and received amounts will now be populated once the cash account is selected.  For any non 5XX level cash account chosen, an account filter selection will be enabled.  If a previously defined account filter is created to designate the revenue and expenditure accounts tied to the grant, the filter can be selected and the expended and received amounts will populate based on the account filter.  If no filter is chosen, the user can enter the expended and received amounts they wish to report.
      • NOTE: if the federal assistance detail is created and then additional revenues or expenditures are posted to the grant accounts, the amounts stored on the federal assistance detail will no longer be accurate. In order to refresh those values, the user will need to edit the federal assistance detail and unselect and then reselect the associated cash account.  This will cause the amounts to be retrieved and will update the expended and received values.  Once this is complete the user will then save the federal assistance detail.
    • Auto populates the line number and includes tooltips for the CFDA number and Grant Title.

    Please refer to the Federal Assistance Detail chapter in the USAS-R User manual for further information.