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Please click here to view a short video on how to create Date Codes.


Table of Contents

Date Codes are district used fields to keep track of dates about an employee under the CORE/EMPLOYEE option.  These date codes can be Created, ,  Viewed  Viewed , Edited  and and Deleted.

Image RemovedFor example, if a district wants to keep track of a certain date for employees, they can use Date Codes to create a Display Name to be listed on the Employee screen option.

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Highlight Viewer

To use the 'Highlight Viewer', select the row in the grid to view.  The 'Highlight Viewer' on the right-hand side will appear:

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Creating a new date code

To Create a new Code, click on the  button  key and enter in the Display Name, Group and Property Name.  The 'Group' name can be edited created or edited for placement of the date within the 'Employee' screen.

Press  to to save the changes changes. Once saved, the new Date Code will be added to the Employee Option screen, under what 'Group' name was defined in the creation or press  to cancel out and not save any changes.

The Display Name for the date box will be SPRING BREAK, the Group Name (HEADING) of SPRING BREAK will be 'Break Dates' and the Property Name will be 'springDate' (abbreviation of the date name).    The Property Name is used in the Advance Queries and Detail Report options. The Property Name has to be combined with the First Letter of each word Capitalized.  A new Date section was created in the 'Employee' screen just for screen called 'Break Dates'. 



These Date Codes will also appear in the Custom Field Definition, which can be found under the Admin menu:

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Mass Change

For more detail information on the Mass Change option, please click on the Mass Change documentation link to find the How to Steps: Mass Change

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