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The district will need to contact their ITC to let SSDT know. The SSDT will use the SYSTEM/MONITOR/APP Log, (enter DEBUG or (click here for DEBUGGING instructions (ITC use only) or/ ERROR in Level column) to find out which line the error was showing and be able to tell the district what field was causing the error.
How the Data collector counts Absence Days
Attendance Days Calendar Date
Absence Days Calendar Date,
Absence Days - Long Term Illness Days are 15 "Consecutive Absence Days". This total needs to be entered on the Employee "Long Term Illness" field and the Data collector will return this value.
Emis Absence Adjustments that fall within the fiscal year
Emis Attendance Adjustments that fall within the fiscal year
How the Data Collector includes Credential ID
If there are spaces in the Credential ID for the EMIS Soap Service, it will retrieve a ZID number for the employee. If the EMIS ID is spaces, it will use the Credential ID. If there is a Credential ID or EMIS ID, it will always use what is in USPSR.
The Data collector does NOT use the employee's SSN, it will insert all 999999999's in there place.
Warnings and Errors
Employee Name: ERROR: This employee will not be reported to EMIS. An error occurred while gathering EMIS
data. Please contact your ITC.
- Cannot calculate absence length - Compensation hours per day is null or 0 for Employee XXXXXXXXX, Position XX
- If employee has AB days on Attendance screen, check if employee has 'Hours Per Day' entered for that Position
- Cannot calculate absence length - no active compensations found for Employee XXXXXXXXX, Position X
Counting of Attendance Days - Employee Reporting
We do not exclude compensations based upon the Report to EMIS flag when counting attendance days. If a compensation has AT AT days and is not reported to EMIS, it will be included in the Attendance days count for EMIS Employee reporting. If being included in the EMIS count, add a Calendar Stop date to the compensation for that position. The Position collection will not include compensations that are not marked report to EMIS.
If the employee is reportable, then a count of absence/attendance days is done for the employee. This count will include absences/attendances if they exist for a compensation regardless of whether the compensation is marked reportable. This count of days is returned with the employee collection.
Fatal in the Staff Collector
- Employee Credential ID too long or too short
- Check all date are valid, Birthdate and Hire date
- Verify data is correct on EMIS Reporting Configuration screen
- Fiscal Year
- Reporting Id
- Z Id Pre Fix
- Check Compensation records have a Start Date
- Check Calander Start and Stop Dates of Compensation, are in the correct FY
- Verify 'Report to EMIS' = Y and 'Archived' = N
- Run EMIS Reports to check for errors under Reports>EMIS Reports> Employee and Position
How the Data Collector includes Credential ID