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Table of Contents

Payroll Accounts - New contains pay account records for each Compensation that is entered. When a payroll is processed the accounts entered in Payroll Accounts option are used to complete the USAS charging of the payroll.  


If an Expenditure account has not yet been created in USAS-R, it must exist first before adding it in USPS-R Payroll Accounts.  If an expenditure payroll account has a status of “Inactive” in the USAS-R application, it will not show in the drop-down box as available when creating a new payroll account on an employee’s compensation.   Accounts that have an “Inactive” status in USAS-R, may still show on an employee’s payroll account or compensation history, and can be made “Inactive” in USPS-R under Payroll Accounts.  The USAS-R account status may be inactive does not remove it from any posted payroll history.


Include Archived Employees 

To include an archived employee/or Position in the grid, click on Image RemovedAll Payroll accounts will show for an employee regardless of the employee or Position is archived.

Audit Report option after creating/editing Payroll Accounts

After creating and saving a Payroll Accounts record, or to see any changes that were made to a Payroll Accounts record, there is an option to run an Audit Report directly from the Payroll Accounts record.


User must be in VIEW mode in order to see the Audit Report button. On the Payroll Accounts record–Click on the Image Modified button.

Click on the  button.

Enter a Start Date and Stop Date and click on button.


    1. Percent - indicates a percentage of gross to be charged to this account. The default is Percent.
    2. Fixed - indicates a fixed dollar amount to be charged to the account.
      • Restrictions on the use of the Fixed Option are as follows:
          • The purpose of the Fixed Option is to accommodate special funding where a set amount is to be charged to a particular account for a job.
          • Pay accounts for each job must total 100 percent. Therefore, if a fixed rate is used, there must be at least one percentage rate record on file for the job totaling 100 percent. Failure to have a percentage rate record or records totaling 100 percent will result in the job not being included in the payroll. Users will receive a warning message in this case.
          • Active fixed rate accounts for a job will be charged first. Once the fixed amount is charged, the active percentage rate account or accounts are then charged based on the percentages assigned.
          • Benefits (sick, vacation, jury duty etc.) will not be charged to a fixed amount account.
      • For example:
        • If an account is only set to a Fixed amount, it will always take out this amount each pay until the district decides to stop it or has a Stop Date entered.

          Employee has 2 accounts set up:

          Employee gets paid $1200 a pay

          Fixed amount of $100

          Percentage of 100% to the remaining amount of employee's pay

          Employee gets paid $1200 a pay

          Every pay, the amount of $100 will go towards this account and then the remaining amount of $1100 will go towards the Percentage account.

      • Image Added

4.  The Charge Amount or Percent is the percentage or fixed amount that is to be charged to this account. Whether a percentage or fixed amount is entered is dependent on what is entered in the Percent or fixed field.  The default is 100.00.


            c. A Start Date is the payroll period beginning date of the payroll for which the pay account should start. Required field.

For the Max Account set up: (usually for grant accounts, a set amount that districts get, for example: $15,000.


00) $15000/26 pays = $576.93 a payroll

Maximum amount in effect, Fixed amount, charge amount of $576.93, maximum $15,000.00. for 26 pays, Start Date of 07/01/2024, it will charge $576.93 to this account, once it reaches the $15,000.00 Max amount, it will stop and then use the next active account to start charging to.

Percentage of 100% of remaining pay

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            d. Click on to save the payroll account.  Once saved, the Remaining amount will be automatically entered to match the Maximum amount.

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7.  The Start Date is the payroll period beginning date of the payroll for which the pay account should start.


      • **NOTE** System/Configuration/Payroll Account Default Setup Configuration has been added to the Configuration menu.  It allows district to set the flags for the Employer Distribution and Leave Projection default values.  These default values will be set whenever a payroll account is created.  The payroll account Employer Distribution and Leave Projection default values can be changed/overridden in Payroll Accounts for an employee, but it will default based on the Configuration values set.  Click here for more information. 
        • Image Added

11. The Sort Order - when charging accounts, we first find all of the active accounts for an employee/position that is being paid.  To be active, the status of the account must be set to Active OR the status can be Maximum Amount In Effect with a maximum set and the amount already paid to the account is less than the maximum.  The charge amount/percent must not be 0 and the start/stop dates on the account must have dates that are active or be empty. After we find all of the active accounts for the position being paid, then we look at the fixed accounts first and sort them by the sort order field.  So the ACTIVE fixed accounts with the highest sort order are processed first.  After all fixed accounts are processed, if there is still an amount remaining that has not been charged to the fixed accounts, then we will use the ACTIVE percentage accounts sorted by sort order.

Click on to save the current record or Cancel to exit without saving the newly added Payroll Account:

Click on Save new accounts added or Cancel to exit out without saving new accounts.  If Active Accounts do not equal a 100%, errors and warnings will occur:

Image Modified

A Warning message will be created if no Percentage amounts are found and will be saved:

Image Modified

Delete Payroll Accounts

Click on Image Modified in the grid beside the desired account number to be deleted.  A confirmation box will appear asking to confirm that the Account will be deleted.  Click on Image Modified to confirm deletion of account or Image Modified to exit without deleting account.

If an employee has only 1 Payroll Account setup and this account is being deleted, a NOTE will be given, warning districts that this Payroll account is the only account for this position:

Image Modified

Report Creation
