Versions Compared


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  • Approve - Approving the requisition will send the requisition to the next approval group and notify the submitter. If the approver is the last user in the approval process, the requisition Workflow Approval Status will be updated to Approved and the requisition will be available to be converted to a Purchase Order. An email will be sent to the submitter that the requisition has been approved by all approvers.
  • Reject - Rejecting the requisition will stop the approval process and send notification to the submitter that the requisition has been rejected. A reason can be included when rejecting a requisition. Preset options for rejection can be added to the reason by using the buttons above the Reason box. Additional detail can also be manually typed into the Reason text box. If rejected, the requisition will be available to be edited, deleted, or resubmitted.

Approvers may also have the ability to edit the account code on requisitions they approve. If so, the account code can be updated by selecting a different account code in the Charges section.

titleAccount Access

The account access is consistent with any Account Filter assigned to a User. If a user does not have access to an account code they will not be able to use it when updating a requisition they are approving. If the requisition approver does not have access to an account on a requisition submitted to them, they will be unable to Approve or Reject that transaction. 


Requisitions can be approved directly on the Home page using the Workflows Tasks section.


Requisitions can also be approved from the Requisitions Approval page. Navigate to this page using the Workflows menu > Requisition Approval. This page allows the same option described in the above section to view and approve or reject individual requisitions. From this page, approvers can also select multiple requisitions to approve at once.

  1. Navigate to Workflows > Requisition Approval > Requisition Approval
  2. Check one or more boxes to select requisitions from the grid. (The checkbox in the header row can be used to select all requisitions in the grid.)
  3. Click Approve Selected Requisitions