minLevel | 1 |
maxLevel | 7 |
This report pulls data from employee, position, and compensation records and will extract the EMIS data based on user filters OR EMIS reporting year.
The Save and Recall option
allows the users to create and save certain reports for different report runs for each report option. The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user. If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report. The Default reports cannot be deleted.The default Report Title name is EMIS Data Extract. The text file name can be changed. **Required Field**
Select the Report Format
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
The Sort By field offers the following choices: **Required Field**
Employee Number
Employee Name
Check ‘Include Only Records That Are Reportable to EMIS’ if wanting to include only records that are marked ‘Reportable to EMIS' selected.
Check ' Include Archived Records to show archived records on the report
‘EMIS Fiscal Year Include compensations with a date range that overlaps the selected EMIS Fiscal Year
Compensation Start Date: Include Compensations with a start date on or after the selected date
Last Paid Date: Include Compensations for employees with a last paid date on or after the selected date
Select the applicable ‘Appointment Type’:
Select specific ‘Employees’ to be included on the report. Select them from the list of all Available employees to the Selected box. Leave blank to select all employees.
Select specific ‘Pay Groups’ to be included on the report. Select them from the list of all available pay group types to the Selected box. Leave blank to select all pay groups:
Select specific 'Position Codes' to be included on the report. Select from the list of all available position codes to the Selected box. Leave blank to select all pay groups:
Once all options have been selected, click on
Example of EMIS Data Extract.CSV
Example of EMIS Data Extract.xlsx
To make the report readable in Excel, once open, click the ‘select all columns and rows button’ - located in the top left corner to the left of column A and above row 1. After clicking this, all columns and rows will be selected. From the Home menu, select Format. Then select AutoFit Row Height and AutoFit Column Width.