Panel | |
This This option allows users with the proper permissions to enter configuration details for any installed modules. ADMIN access as well as any role with the permission 'MODULE_CONFIGURATIONSTORECONFIG' granted to it will be able to access the "Configuration' option under System.
Users with USAS_MANAGER access will have access to a subset of these options.
View Configuration
Allows the user to enter a From Email address, a CC Email addressaddresses (separated by comma), custom Message for email, and choose the Default Bill form to be used when emailing AR Billings. In order for this configuration option to be available, the district must have the Accounts Receivable and Email Notification Services modules installed first.
For additional information see the Redesign Technical Documentation How To page for How to Configure Non-Production Instances.
Instance Type | |
Production | Default production mode |
Support | Typically a temporary copy of a given districts production data for resolving support issues |
Training | A training instance typically contains anonymized data |
Demo | A Demo instance typically contains anonymized data |
Development | Reserved for use by the SSDT |
Max Items Per Disbursement: The maximum number of items per disbursement. The value in this field is calculated using the values entered in the following fields and cannot be manually modified (Stub Lines divided by Max Items per DisbursementNum Lines Per Item). If the 'Use Overflow Stubs' option is selected this limit will be ignored. Max Items Per Disbursement must be greater than zero.
Num Lines Per Item: The number of lines to be used per line item. Used to calculate 'Max Items Per Disbursement.'
- enter a pending threshold amount.
- By checkmarking check marking 'AUTOMATIC', it will automatically flag a 6xx level object code item as an 'inventory item' when invoicing a PO item in USAS. If left unchecked, user will be prompted in AP invoice to flag 5xx and 6xx level object code items as an 'inventory item'.
Info |
There are two account filters that may be added based on this setting. If the 'Automatic' box is checked, the ssdt-eisClassicAutomaticFilter is added to the Account Filters page. If the Automatic box is left unchecked, the ssdt-eisClassicEnabledFilter filter is added. A district may have one or both of these filters These filters are referenced during AP invoice processing for items that are marked for inventory. |
Note |
This setup is specific to flagging items when invoiced via USAS. Districts invoicing through a third party application should check with their third party to see if there is additional setup needed to flag invoice items for inventory. |
The SSDT Inventory Pending Extract report will pull the flagged items based on the spreadsheet.
EMIS SOAP Service Configuration
Before extracting your fiscal year data for financial reporting, you must enter the fiscal year in which you are reporting for. For example, if you are reporting data for FY21, enter 2021 as the fiscal year. This will need to be reset for successive years.
Email Configuration
Available when the Email Notification Services module is enabled. The Default Administrator Address is not being used at this time so this can be left as "root." The Default From Address will be used when sending emails from the application (Report Bundle Immediate option or via the Job Scheduler). The Port and SMTP Host information must also be entered for emails to be sent. Generally, the Port and SMTP Host information would be known by the ITC. Enable Start Tls is an email security protocol. For example, the box should be checked if the district has MS Exchange Office 365 with SMTP authentication enabled.
Encumbrance Module Configuration
Is the Encumbrance module initialized? Indicates whether Encumbrance ledgers have been initialized.
Info |
Expenditure are initialized by default after data has been imported. |
Import Utility Configuration
GL Journal Entry Module Configuration
Info |
GL Ledger journal entries are initialized by default after data has been imported. |
Import Utility Configuration
IRS Form 1099 Submission Configuration
Districts Will Submit 1099 File to IRS
Districts that will submit their 1099 File electronically to the IRS themselves will need to update this screeninformation. The The required Contact Information will then be populated on the 1099 Extract menu. A A 5-digit Transmitter Control Code (TCC) must be received from IRS and entered here in order to file electronically using the IRS FIRE system. If you don't have a TCC, you can click here for more information on how to apply for one. An An application for a TCC code should be done well in advance of 1099 processing. Users with USAS_Manager and Administrator access can update this configuration option.
PreEncumbrance Module Configuration
Am I tracking requisitioned amounts? Indicates whether the Preencumbrance module has been initialized.
Requisition Approval Configuration
Note |
Before setting up the Requisition Approval Configuration, you must first install the 'Workflows' module from the Modules option under System. The Email Notifications module must also be installed and Email Configuration updated in order for the Requisitions Approval module to send emails. |
Allows user to
- Configure requisition approval due dates and how that date is determined
- Customize the content of emails sent for requisition approvals
Due Dates
- Blank: will not assign a due date
- X days after submission: assigns a due date based on the number of days entered and can be configured to highlight records in yellow based on the configured number of days prior to the due date
- Days after Submission: enter number of days after requisition is submitted that it will show as due. Requisitions that have met or are past the due date will be highlighted as red in the Requisition Approval grids.
- Days Before Due Date for Yellow Coloring: enter number of days before due date for requisition to be highlighted as yellow in the Requisition Approval grids.
- Last day of Posting Period: assigns number of days for warnings highlighted in yellow in the Requisition Approval grids while having red highlighted warnings based on the remaining days of the Posting Period.
Email Body
The following email options can be modified to customize the content of emails sent to users throughout the requisition approval process. Variables can be used in this configuration to include information that comes from the specific transaction that the email is being sent from. For more information on variables, click the question mark icon
Revenue Module Configuration
Is the Revenue module initialized? Indicates whether Revenue ledgers have been initialized.
Info |
Revenues are initialized by default after data has been imported. |
Transaction Configuration
This option will allow the district to track the highest transaction number used instead of the system using the highest number retrieved from the database. This will be helpful in eliminating gaps in transaction numbers.
Info | ||
| ||
Separate bank accounts created under CORE/BANK accounts may contain the same check number. The highest number in the configuration would be for all Bank Accounts. |
When vendors are imported over, if the district highest number was 900100 in classic, when creating a new vendor in redesign, it's going to default to the highest number so it would auto assign 900101. With the Transaction Configuration option, you have the option to control the 'highest' transaction number by entering a number of your choice. NOTE: It does work a bit differently than Classic. To auto assign, the system will base it off of the 'highest vendor number' entered in the Transaction Configuration screen. For example, if I want to start incrementing from 9428, and the next number vendor on file is 13413, that is a huge gap between the two numbers. I would enter '13413' as my highest vendor in Transaction Configuration and when I create a new vendor, it will think 13413 is my highest and then it will look at the last one used (9428) and increment from there and assign 9429.
ITC Submission Information
In order to generate the electronic submission file for 1099 Corrections that includes the ITC Transmitter record, the ITC Correction checkbox must be checked and the ITC fields populated. This information will then be used to include a Transmitter "T" record with the ITC information while maintaining the district's information on the Issue "A" record. When the ITC Correction box is checked, this will ONLY impact the Correction Type forms. A Transmitter record will not be included on ORIGINAL type forms so that those may be merged using the ITC-M program.
Info |
The District Will Submit 1099 File to IRS and ITC Correction checkboxes cannot both be checked at the same time. If neither box is checked, the IRS format files will not include a Transmitter or End Transmission record. |
Job Parameters
If the following fields are populated, the fields will populate the 1099 Extract page and any documents created by the Scheduled Job set up to generate the 1099 forms. This information will be used for the IRS Format file for all Submission Types (Original, Type 1 Correction, Type 2 Correction, Test).
- Truncate EIN/TIN
- Exclude Vendors With No Tax Id
- Approved for the combined Federal/State Filing Program
- Amount Type Limit
- Royalty Type Limit
PreEncumbrance Module Configuration
Am I tracking requisitioned amounts? Indicates whether the Preencumbrance module has been initialized.
Requisition Approval Configuration
Note |
Before setting up the Requisition Approval Configuration, you must first install the 'Workflows' module from the Modules option under System. The Email Notifications module must also be installed and Email Configuration updated in order for the Requisitions Approval module to send emails. |
Allows user to
- Configure requisition approval due dates and how that date is determined
- Customize the content of emails sent for requisition approvals
Due Dates
- Blank: will not assign a due date
- X days after submission: assigns a due date based on the number of days entered and can be configured to highlight records in yellow based on the configured number of days prior to the due date
- Days after Submission: enter number of days after requisition is submitted that it will show as due. Requisitions that have met or are past the due date will be highlighted as red in the Requisition Approval grids.
- Days Before Due Date for Yellow Coloring: enter number of days before due date for requisition to be highlighted as yellow in the Requisition Approval grids.
- Last day of Posting Period: assigns number of days for warnings highlighted in yellow in the Requisition Approval grids while having red highlighted warnings based on the remaining days of the Posting Period.
Email Body
The following email options can be modified to customize the content of emails sent to users throughout the requisition approval process. Variables can be used in this configuration to include information that comes from the specific transaction that the email is being sent from. For more information on variables, click the question mark icon
Various variables can be included in emails. These variables must be the exact text, beginning with $ and ending with }.
Currently supported variables are as follows:
${reqNumber} - The number of the requisition in the approval workflow.
${user} - The user that has approved/rejected the requisition.
${linkToApplication} - A hyperlink to the USAS application. This value is set in the Workflows Configuration.
${note} - The provided note/reason when a requisition is rejected.
"Requisition #${reqNumber}" will become "Requisition #1150"
Revenue Module Configuration
Is the Revenue module initialized? Indicates whether Revenue ledgers have been initialized.
Info |
Revenues are initialized by default after data has been imported. |
Transaction Configuration
This option will allow the district to track the highest transaction number used instead of the system using the highest number retrieved from the database. This will be helpful in eliminating gaps in transaction numbers.
Info | ||
| ||
Separate bank accounts created under CORE/BANK accounts may contain the same check number. The highest number in the configuration would be for all Bank Accounts. |
Vendor # example:
When vendors are imported over, if the district highest number was 900100 in classic, when creating a new vendor in redesign, it's going to default to the highest number so it would auto assign 900101. With the Transaction Configuration option, you have the option to control the 'highest' transaction number by entering a number of your choice. NOTE: It does work a bit differently than Classic. To auto assign, the system will base it off of the 'highest vendor number' entered in the Transaction Configuration screen. For example, if I want to start incrementing from 9428, and the next number vendor on file is 13413, that is a huge gap between the two numbers. I would enter '13413' as my highest vendor in Transaction Configuration and when I create a new vendor, it will think 13413 is my highest and then it will look at the last one used (9428) and increment from there and assign 9429.
PO# example:
The Transaction Configuration will reflect the highest PO# allowed. Sometimes there is a gap in PO numbers used by the district verses the series of numbers wanting to use. Thus, you can set this Highest PO Number configuration to force the system to use the lower series. For example, to have the next PO# auto assign in the 230000 series but there are PO numbers that are higher, you need to locate the gap between the next highest number (9001222) from the last one used in the 230000 series. In this example, the PO numbers used already are 230001-230064. Therefore, to have the system auto assign to PO 230065, the transaction configuration would need to be set to 9001222. This will tell the system to use the next highest number (230065) up to the maximum PO# of 9001222 and ultimately filling in the gap between these numbers.
USPS Configuration
Note |
When the 'USPS Integration Module' is installed (under SYSTEM/Modules), the USPS Configure information will be automatically filled in. |