here to view a short video on how to create a Pay Distributions.
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To use the 'Highlight Viewer', select the row in the grid to view. The 'Highlight Viewer' on the right hand side will appear:
Audit Report option after creating/editing a Pay Distributions
After creating and saving a Pay Distributions record, or to see any changes that were made to a Pay Distributions record, there is an option to run an Audit Report directly
from the Pay Distributions record.
Note |
User must be in VIEW mode in order to see the Audit Report button. On the Pay Distributions record–Click on the button. |
Click on the button.
Enter a Start Date and Stop Date and click on button.
Create Pay Distributions
Note |
If a new bank is added, the Routing Number has to be added to the ACH Destination first before the employee can be added to Pay Distributions. |
1. Click on to select an employee from the drop down box and click on 'Continue':
2. Click on :
3. Once Once open, select the select the Type of Pay Distribution, DIRDEP or CHECK, from the drop-down box and click on 'Continue': (There is no limit on the # of Direct Deposits/Checks that an employee can have)
4. Enter in the required Information:
or Type: Check
Field Definitions
Code is the Pay Distribution code. Any code can be used, alpha or numeric. (Example- For Direct Deposits-DIRECT DEPOSIT 1, DD1, 700, 701 or for Checks-CHECK1, CHK1, 800, 801) This field is mandatory. If using Kiosk, the Code has to be a Numeric value.
An Abbreviation can be added for this Pay Distribution.
An Account Number field field contains the account number to which the which the amount deducted on this record should be posted. Allows both Alpha and numeric. This field is mandatory.
The amount of the direct deposit or check can be deducted deposited as a Fixed Or Percent amount. Fixed accounts are deposited first followed by percent accounts. See the Priority field explanation below to prioritize multiple fixed accounts.
Depending in the option chosen for the Fixed or percent field, either a dollar amount or percentage will be entered in the Rate field field. This field is mandatory.
The Start date is the pay date of the payroll for which the Pay Distribution should start being deducted.
The Stop date needs to be prior to the pay date of the payroll for which the Pay Distribution should stop being deducted.
The Priority field is used for employee's with mulitple multiple 'fixed' Pay Distributions. They can be prioritized in the order of which to be deposited first.
There are 4 Direct Deposit four Direct Deposit Type's available for direct deposit. This field is mandatory.
- Automated Deposit (Demand Credit Records) Checking Account: A non pre-note checking account. NACHA defines this as a Transaction Code of 22.
- Prenotification of Demand Credit Authorization - Checking Account - **Note** : A pre-note checking account. NACHA defines this as a Transaction Code of 23.
- No email direct deposit notification will be sent when the Prenotification of Demand Credit Authorization Direct Deposit Type is selected - even if the Employee>Email Direct Deposit checkbox is marked.
- The system is setup to not process an employee as a prenote until the employee truly is paid. Once they are paid, they will appear on the ACH tape file as a prenote and will receive a physical check.
- When the
- lag is checked
- and the ACH
- submission file created, the Direct Deposit Type will be changed from a Prenotification of Demand Credit Authorization to an Automated Deposit (Demand Credit Records) Direct Deposit Type.
- Automated Deposit (Savings Account Credit Records): A non pre-note savings account. NACHA defines this as a Transaction Code of 32.
- Prenotification of Savings Credit Authorization: A pre-
**Note** - note savings account. NACHA defines this as a Transaction Code of 33.
- No email direct deposit notification will be sent when the Prenotification of Savings Credit Authorization Direct Deposit Type is selected - even if the Employee>Email Direct Deposit checkbox is marked.
- The system is setup to not process an employee as a prenote until the employee truly is paid. Once they are paid, they will appear on the ACH tape file as a prenote and will receive a physical check.
- When
the - note savings account. NACHA defines this as a Transaction Code of 33.
- the
Flag - lag is checked
during - and the ACH
run, that prenote will then be set to live. - submission file created, the Direct Deposit Type will be changed from a Prenotification of Savings Credit Authorization to an Automated Deposit (Savings Account Credit Records) Direct Deposit Type.
- submission file created, the Direct Deposit Type will be changed from a Prenotification of Savings Credit Authorization to an Automated Deposit (Savings Account Credit Records) Direct Deposit Type.
ACH Information
Each financial institution has its own identification (routing) number. This identification number can be selected from the drop down box or the user can enter partial or all of the bank name in the ACH Destination. These routing numbers need to be entered first in the CORE/ACH Destination option. This field is mandatory.
The districts now have the option to have mulitple banks multiple banks to choose from under the ACH Source. The banks need to be setup first in the CORE/ACH Source
Standard CF
- Code 1 is utilized to store unique information for the district which is not tracked elsewhere. This may contain any value the user desires.
- Code 2 is utilized to store unique information for the district which is not tracked elsewhere. This may contain any value the user desires.
- Date is utilized to store unique information for the district which is not tracked elsewhere. This may contain any value the user desires.
- Money 1 is utilized to store unique information for the district which is not tracked elsewhere. This may contain any value the user desires.
- Money 2 is utilized to store unique information for the district which is not tracked elsewhere. This may contain any value the user desires.
- Text is utilized to store unique information for the district which is not tracked elsewhere. This may contain any value the user desires.
5. Click on Save to create the Pay Distribution, click on cancel to not create the Pay Distribution and return to the Query.
Info |
Direct Deposit Payroll items are processed according to how to Fixed or Percent field is set. The ACH Destinations that are set to Fixed are always processed first - then those set to Percent. |
Edit Pay Distribution
Pay Distributions that have been previously posted to the system may be modified.
For more detail information on the Mass Change option, please click on the Mass Change documentation link to find the How to Steps: Mass Change
Report Creation
To create a report from the Grid, please click on the Report documentation link to find the How to Steps: Report