When the Claimed by My IRN option is selected from the navigation bar drop down, a summary list of the students my IRN has claimed for enrollment displays. The records included in the list are based on the selected LEA and year. The summary listing may be refined by using various query options.
The LEA will have the ability to find students their LEA has claimed for enrollment. The student name, SSID, claim and enrollment date ranges, enrollment reported, claimed by IRN, and canceled claims. The user can select combinations of options. When doing so, if the Clear is not used, when the user returns to the same screen, their last used selection option will be populated as the default. The Clear option may be used to reset the selections to the default values.
The find by Claim Date Between requires a range of claim dates be entered. If the To date is left blank, 6/30 of the school year selected will be used.
Record Age in Days allows a district to select students as needed or to get a match of the records as determined from the landing page. The Age 16 to 30 applies to the Canceled prior to today counts from the landing page. Selecting this and possibly other options will provide the user with the records that could match up to what one would have if selecting the link from the landing page column. The selection on 16+ applies to the Not reported to SCR and Canceled columns from the landing page. Selecting this and possibly other options will provide the user with the records that could match up to what one would see if selecting this particular link from the landing page column. Because the selections for Age 16 to 30 and 16+ have an overlap on the days, these 2 choices may provide the same students in query results.
Age 7 or less
Age 8 to 15
Age 16 to 30
Age over 30(Claimed prior only)
Age 16+ (Not rptd SCR /Canceled only)
The find by Actual Enroll Enrollment Rptd selection allows the district to view whether the claimed student has reported by your district in Student Cross Reference (SCR). If the student has been reported, conflicts may be generated in SCR.
Not Reported
Claimed From selections will include a listing of all LEAs that your district has claimed a student from. By selecting a single district IRN from this drop down one sees a sub-set of students.
The Claim Canceled check box allows the district to select only the canceled claims. Leaving the check box empty will display all claims regardless of status. Any canceled claim student will display with a strike thru.
Selecting the Clear link resets the query filters to empty/default values.
The query box is collapsible using the icon in the lower left corner of the query box. The icon acts as a toggle allowing you to collapse and expand the query box as desired.
Using the Export button, the user has the ability to export full details for each student claim included in the current selections (Find selections). From the File Output Format drop down, select TAB delimited or comma separated (CSV) format. The resulting file may be saved and imported into a spreadsheet.
Claimed by My IRN Summary Listing
Students will be listed in a summary format by SSID, which is the default sort. Districts have the ability to sort by SSID, name, Projected or actual enrollment date as well as by claim date.
The Projected enrollment column represents the date your district claimed this student. This date was entered by that entity during the claim. The Actual Enrollment date is the admission date as reported through the Student Cross Reference (SCR) Collection. If the Actual Enrollment date is blank, this student has not been reported through SCR.
By clicking on the student name or SSID, the user can see the full details surrounding that claim. If one clicks on the Records link to the far right, this will take the user directly to the Records/Single student data for this student. After one is in the Records for a student, they will only see the tabs for which they have OEDS roles allowing access to the data. If access is needed to other tabs within Records, see the details at this page on the OEDS roles. Insert Link
Records showing with a strike thru have been canceled and no longer represent active claims by your IRN, for that student.
Claimed by My IRN Detail Screen
The detail screen shows the data in regards to complete details regarding the claimed enrollment for this the selected student.