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Table of Contents


  1. From the menu, select 'Report' and click on 'Report Bundles.'

  2. Click on image-20240222-195741.png

    1. Report Bundle Name: Name of the Report Bundle that will show in the grid and on scheduled Report Bundles.

    2. Description: Option to add additional description detail that will show in grid by default

    3. Tags: Tags are user-defined words that mean something to the user to help categorize report definitions. For example, a tag could be 'YEAREND' or 'MONTHLY' reports.  Then they can use these tags for several other reports , enabling them to search for them easily in the Grid.

  3. To create a bundle of Reports, click on image-20240222-195830.png

     or start typing the report name under Select the Report to Add to the Bundle.

    1. SSDT Template Reports and Custom Reports in the Reports manager are available to add to Report Bundles

    2. The following Canned Reports are also available to add to Report Bundles

      1. SSDT Accounts Payable Report

      2. SSDT Account Status Report

      3. SSDT Amend Certificates Report

      4. SSDT Appropriations Resolution Report

      5. SSDT Audit Report

      6. SSDT Budget Summary Report

      7. SSDT Certificate Available Balances Report

      8. SSDT Disbursement Detail Report

      9. SSDT Financial Detail Report

      10. SSDT Financial Summary By Fund

      11. SSDT Purchase Order Detail Report

      12. SSDT Revenues and Expenditures Report

    3. The SSDT Cash Reconciliation report is also available to add to a Report Bundles

      1. When adding this report to a bundle it must be scheduled to run on the PostingPeriodCloseCompleted event so that the report is able to determine which month should be used.

  4. Once selected, this report will then show under Click + to Add this report with the desired Report Options to the Bundle. This grid will show one row for each of the saved parameters (created from the "Save and Recall" option) that exists for the chosen report. Use the image-20240222-195932.png  icon to select which version of the report to add to the Report Bundle.

  5. The report will show that it has been added to the 'Reports currently in the Bundle' box below.

  6. To add more reports to the bundle, select another report from the 'Select the Report to Add to the Bundle' option. Then click the image-20240222-200005.png next to the report under 'Add this Report with the desired Report Options to the Bundle' box.  This report will then show with the others in 'Report currently in the Bundle' box.

  7. To modify the report parameters for reports included in the Report Bundle, click on the icon next to the report in the grid at the bottom of the pop up window.

  8. Update the report parameters as needed

    1. Click image-20240222-200130.png to save the updated report parameters

    2. Click image-20240222-200149.png to continue with the original report parameters

    3. Click image-20240222-200208.pngto generate the report on demand with the entered parameters 

  9. Click on 

    Image Removed

     to image-20240222-200447.pngImage Added to save the Report Bundle. 

  10. To Exit out of the report bundles selecting option, click on the x in the right had corner.

  11. After the Report Bundle has been created, it will show in the Report Bundle Manager grid.

Search/View Report Bundles

The Report Bundle grid allows the user to search for existing report bundles. Report Bundles can be filtered using the headings on each column. 


Click on the  icon to view the Report Bundle. From this view, the option to Edit the reports or add additional reports can be accessed by clicking on and the option to clone the report bundle can be accessed by clicking on image-20240222-201819.pngImage Added .



Edit Report Bundles


Users By default, users with Administrator or System Manager , SYSMAN_USER, or USAS_MANAGER access can edit ANY report bundles. Users with other roles can edit Report Bundles that they created.


  1.  To change the Report Bundle details or reports included, locate the Report Bundle in the grid and click on the edit  

    Image Removed

    Image Removededit image-20240222-200609.pngImage Added  icon.

    image-20240222-201910.pngImage Added

  2. To edit the report parameters of a report that is included in the Report Bundle, select the report to edit and click on Image Added in the grid on the pop up window.

    image-20240222-201956.pngImage Added

  3. Update the report parameters as needed. Updates made to the parameters on this page will only affect the report when it is run from this Report Bundle.

    1. Click image-20240222-200130.pngImage Addedto save the updated report parameters

    2. Click image-20240222-200149.pngImage Added to continue with the original report parameters

    3. Click image-20240222-200208.pngImage Added to generate the report on demand with the entered parameters 

      Image Added
  4. Once all updates are complete click Image Added to save changes the Report Bundle.

Clone Report Bundles


By default, users with Administrator, SYSMAN_USER, or USAS_MANAGER access can clone ANY report bundles. Users with other roles can only clone report bundles that they created and the SSDT created bundles. The permission required to clone other users' report bundles is ADMIN_REPORTS.

  1. Click on the Image Added icon to view the Report Bundle. From this view, the option to clone the report bundle can be accessed by clicking on image-20240222-201819.pngImage Added .

    image-20240222-202911.pngImage Added

  2. Update the Report Bundle Name


If the Report Bundle Name field is not updated, the report bundle will not be cloned.Any other changes that were made to the bundle and included reports would be applied, similar to editing the existing bundle.


  1. To edit the report parameters of a report that is included in the Report Bundle, select the report to edit and click on Image Modified in the grid on the pop up window.


  1. image-20240222-201956.pngImage Added
  2. Update the report parameters as needed. Updates made to the parameters on this page will only affect the report when it is run from this Report Bundle.

    1. Click 


    1. image-20240222-200130.pngImage Addedto save the updated report parameters

    2. Click 


    1. image-20240222-200149.pngImage Added to continue with the original report parameters

    2. Click 


    1. image-20240222-200208.pngImage Added to generate the report on demand with the entered parameters 


    1. Image Added
  1. Once all updates are complete click Image Modified to save


  1. the new Report Bundle.

Delete a Report Bundle

Click on   in the grid beside the desired Report Bundle. A confirmation box will appear asking to confirm that the Report Bundle can be deleted.  


  1. To schedule a report bundle, click on .

    Image RemovedImage Added

  2. Enter Job Parameters to schedule the Report Bundle

    1. Job Types: Select one of 3 Job Type Options to determine when the Report Bundle will be generated. The parameter fields below will change based on which Job Type Option is selected. See sub sections below for additional information on each Job Type. 

      1. Cron - Schedule a reoccurring job to run on a regular interval or date/time.

      2. Event - Schedule to run based when a specific action is prompted in USAS-R.

      3. Immediate - Run on demand (now).

    2. Job Name: Defaults to what is displayed in the 'Name' parameter.  You can overwrite the default job name.

      If the report is scheduled using the Cron option, the Job Name must be unique for each scheduled job.  
    3. Send Output to: (Required) This can be the email of the intended recipient or a path to the File Archive

      1. When entering the email of the intended recipient; you can enter multiple email addresses by separating each with a comma. The recipient is not required to have a user account for USAS-R.

        The Email Notification Services module must be installed and configured in order to send Report Bundles via email
      2. A path to the File Archive will send the Reports to a specific section of the File Archive under the Utilites menu. 

        1. The path will always start with fileinfo://

        2. Next the path will determine if the files should be sent to the Monthly Archive Tab or the Fiscal Archive Tab

          1. MonthlyReportFileSet

          2. FiscalYearReportFileSet

        3. Last, the group of reports must be determined - Fiscal year OR Fiscal year & Period(month) depending on which Tab is chosen. These should be entered as numerical values where the "month" is the period number when July is the first Period of the Fiscal Year (ex. Enter 1 for July, 2 for August, 3 for September, etc.)

          Send Reports to Monthly Archive for December 2019 (FY2020)fileinfo://MonthlyReportFileSet/2020/6
          Send Reports to Fiscal Archive for FY 2020fileinfo://FiscalYearReportFileSet/2020
        4. When the File archive option is used with a specific Event, then the path to the File Archive can include variables so that the file location will be based certain even factors. Example - If a specific Posting Period is being closed, then the Fiscal year & Period where the Reports are sent to the File Archive correspond to the Fiscal year & Period that is being closed.

          Send Reports to Monthly Archive when connected to the event of closing a Posting Periodfileinfo://MonthlyReportFileSet/eventFiscalYear/eventMonth
        5. The reports can be sent to a directory if you so chose.  You would just type in the Send Output to field:  example if I was sending it to my NWOCA4 directory:

    4. Archive type: Determines (Required) Determines if reports in bundle will be combined and sent together or sent in individual notifications for each report chosen.

      1. Send a single notification with multiple attachments (One email with multiple attachments)

      2. Send a multiple notifications with a single attachment (Multiple emails with a single attachment in each)

      3. Send a single notification with a zip file attachment.


  1. Select Cron as the Job Type

  2. Enter a Cron Expression 

    1.  A Cron Expression is a command set up to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals

    2. Cron Expressions can be set up by using a free online cron expression generator

    3. Free online cron expression generators:

    4. Once the Cron Expresssion for the preferred interval has been generated, copy and paste or type the cron expression into the Cron Expression field.

  3. Enter the remaining parameters

  4. Click

    Image Removed

    image-20240222-200950.pngImage Added to schedule the Report Bundle

  5. The scheduled job will be listed under Utilities/Job Scheduler


  1. Select Event as the Job Type

  2. Select an Event for when to run the Report Bundle from the drop down

    1. Events correspond to actions that happen in USAS-R

    2. For Example, selecting the event org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.fiscalPeriod.FiscalPeriodCloseEvent will generate the report bundle when the last period of the fiscal year is closed on the Core/Posting Periods page.


      For custom Report Bundles, the reports will generate based on the current posting period. When scheduling a Report Bundle for a posting period close event, make sure to allow the custom bundles to create before changing the current period to the new period.

  3. Enter the remaining parameters

  4. Click

    Image Removed

     to image-20240222-201007.pngImage Added to schedule the Report Bundle
