Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

The Import option may be used to import the following codes and transactions below.    Please refer to the Inventory Import Criteria for further details on the import file format.   Any rules pertaining to Inventory will also be applied when importing inventory data.  The Inventory Standard role will be able to utilize the Import function.  

  • Asset Class: Creates an Asset Class code under Core>Asset Class
  • Category Code: Creates an Item Category code under Core>Categories.
  • Condition Code: Creates a Condition code under Core>Condition.
  • Disposition: Creates a disposition transaction under Transactions>Dispositions.  NOTE: The associated item must exist in order to post a disposition transaction against it.  The status will be updated to disposed of on the Item record.
  • Disposition Code: Creates a Disposition code under Core>Dispositions
  • Item: Creates an Item under Transactions>Item and associated acquisition under Transactions>Acquisitions 
  • Acquisition: Creates an Acquisition transaction under Transactions>Acquisitions.  NOTE: The associated item must exist in order to post an additional acquisition against it.
  • Location Code: Creates a Location Code under Core>Locations
  • Organization Code: Create an Organization code under Core>Organization.



When creating new records, the fields specified below as "Required field" must be included in the spreadsheet.  All other fields are optional.  All date formats are accepted (i.e. mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc).

When updating existing records: If using the Image Modifiedto extract existing records from any of the inventory grids (in order to mass update existing data), you must select the EXCEL file type in order to retain leading zeroes on fields that contain them.   


Item Import Type


When a new item is imported, the information will be stored in TRANSACTIONS>ITEMS and the associated acquisition record will be created simultaneously and stored in TRANSACTIONS>ACQUISITIONS.  NOTE: Only limited data will be stored on the associated acquisition record (tag number, type (acquisition by default), date and amount).  If you want to add additional details to the acquisitions created, you can extract the newly created acquisitions via acquisitions grid, add the additional acquisition information in EXCEL and import the updated spreadsheet using the Acquisition import type and ensure 'update records' is checked.

Updating existing items: If using the Image Modifiedto extract data from any of the inventory grids, you will also notice the spreadsheet automatically includes an 'id' column that contains the existing item's ID number.  Leave the 'id' column in the spreadsheet and do not edit the data in this column.  This is needed when updating the existing items.


If you are mass-loading prior year items for a non-migrating district (and their GAAP flag is set), please include the beginning_balance column on the spreadsheet.  Please refer to the Migration Import documentation for further details on how to import data for non-migrating districts.

record_idMust contain an "I" (for item)Required field: Identifies record as an item record
idAutomatically populated with the existing item's ID#  if extracting from the items gridRequired field if updating an existing item.  Otherwise, it is not required for new items.
inventory_tagMaximum of 20 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain tags with leading zeroesRequired field: Tag number associated with the item
second_inventory_tagMaximum of 20 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain tags with leading zeroesSimilar to the tag number but is used primarily to record tags supplied by the State of Ohio or the Federal Government to identify items purchased with matching state or federal dollars.
appraisal_tagMaximum of 20 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain leading zeroesUsually an internal number assigned by the appraisal firm.
composite_idNo maximum number of charactersCan be used to indicate the item is a component of a larger asset. This identifier should be the same for all members of the composite item and can be alpha or numeric.
entity_idNo maximum number of charactersUsed to identify different entities within the same reporting entity. This ID can be used to exclude all items belonging to a particular entity from the GAAP schedules or to generate schedules for specific entities. This code may be alpha or numeric.
description_1No maximum number of characters.Required field: Description of the asset. May be the PO Item description.  NOTE:  do not use commas
accessoriesNo maximum number of charactersA listing of accessories or enhancements for the item. NOTE:  do not use commas
model_noNo maximum number of characters; must be in text format to retain leading zeroesThe item's model number if applicable.
serial_noNo maximum number of characters; must be in text format to retain leading zeroesThe item's serial number if applicable.
item_categoryMaximum of 4 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain leading zeroesThe item's Category Code as defined in Core > Category codes.  If the code does not currently exist in Core>Category, it will be automatically created upon import of the item.
items_in_lotMaximum of 9 digitsRequired field: Indicates the number of items with the same tag number. May use the quantity from the PO item
replacement_costnumeric formatThe : do not include commas or dollar signsThe estimated cost to replace the item. This may be different than the original cost. 
insurable_valuenumeric format; do not include commas or dollar signsThe estimated value of the item for insurance purposes



Maximum of 4 alphanumeric or numeric characters each; must be in text format to retain leading zeroes; The spreadsheet must contain both fields in order for the location to import properlyThe item's Location Code is made up of both the location_category and location_number and defined in Core > Location Codes.  If the code does not exist, it will be automatically created in Core>Location Codes
organizational_unitMaximum of 4 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain leading zeroesThe Organization Code as defined in Core > Organization Codes.  If the codes does not exist, it will be automatically created in Core>Organization Codes

Accepted status codes are displayed to the right; If left blank or not included, the status of Active will be granted by default.

The item's status code as given by one of the following state defined codes: Active, Inactive, Disposed Of, New Item, Old Tag Item, Excess Asset Held For Sale, Excess Asset Not In Use.   If left blank or not included, a status of Active will be assigned to newly imported items.

Note: Field cannot be modified for capitalized items.

conditionMaximum of 2 alphanumeric or numeric charactersSpecifies the physical condition of the item as defined in Core > Condition Codes. If the codes does not exist, it will be automatically created in Core>Condition Codes
asset_classMaximum of 4 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain leading zeroesRequired field: The item's asset class code as defined in Core > Asset Class.  If the code does not currently exist, it will be automatically created in Core>Asset Class
asset_functionMaximum of 4 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain leading zeroesRequired field: The item's function code as defined in Core > Functions. If the code does not currently exist in Core>Functions, the item will not be imported
asset_fundMaximum of 4 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain leading zeroesRequired field: The item's fund code as defined in Core > Funds.  If the code does not currently exist in Core>Funds, the item will not be imported.
acquisition_dateaccepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)Required field: Item's Acquisition Date NOTE: Must be a date in an open period.
acquisition_codeAccepted codes are displayed to the rightRequired field:  The item's method of acquisition as given by one of the following state defined codes: D(donated), L(leased), O(other) and P(purchased)
original_costnumeric format; do not include commas or dollar signsRequired field: The cost of the item as given on the purchase order(s) or the sum of all acquisition amounts for the item.
discountnumeric format; do not include commas or dollar signsAny discount excluded from the original cost.
salvage_valuenumeric format; do not include commas or dollar signsThe estimated value of the asset at the end of the depreciation period.
depreciation_begin_dateaccepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)The date in which depreciation is to start. If a depreciation method of 'S' is entered, a beginning depreciation date in requiredlifealphanumeric formatThe number .  NOTE: The depreciation_begin_date cannot be before the acquisition_date.
lifealphanumeric formatThe number of years the item is to be depreciated.  NOTE: If the district's is on GAAP and their capitalization threshold include a life limit, please ensure the life is included.
depreciation_methodAccepted codes are displayed to the rightRequired field: The item's depreciation method as given by one of the following state defined codes: S(straight line), D(declining-balance) or N(none)

numeric format

The Life-to-date depreciation. This is the total amount of depreciation

; do not include commas or dollar signs

NOTE: This field can only be imported when performing an item import via the System>Configuration>Migration Import option (ADMIN users only)

The Life-to-date depreciation. This is the total amount of depreciation for the item from the beginning depreciation date until the last fiscal year closed


numeric format; do not include commas or dollar signs

NOTE: Only available with Migration Import option under System>Configuration.  Only users with INV_ADMIN role can import beginning balance amounts.

The beginning balance amount of a capitalized asset (current original cost of the asset).  Beginning balance amounts are included on the GAAP reports.
lease_typeAccepted codes are displayed to the rightThe item's lease type as given by the state defined codes of: C (capitalized)or O (operating)
lease_periodAccepted codes are displayed to the rightLength of lease payment period code. A (Annually); D (Daily); M (Monthly); Q (Quarterly); S (Semiannually); W (Weekly)
lease_vendoralphanumeric formatThe USAS vendor number for the vendor who is contracted to maintain the asset

accepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)

Date the lease begins.
lease_end_dateaccepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)Date the lease expires or the date the district takes full ownership of the item.
lease_paymentnumeric format; do not include commas or dollar signsAmount of the periodic lease payment.
lease_interest_ratealphanumeric formatRate of interest charged by the vendor.
factoralphanumeric formatA factor used in the declining balance method of depreciation.
physical_dateaccepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)The date of the last physical inventory. Usually included in appraisal company spreadsheet.
physical_commentNo maximum number of charactersCan be used to add any notes on the inventory. Usually included in appraisal company spreadsheet.
user_moneynumeric format' do not include commas or dollar signsUser defined code
user_descriptionNo maximum number of charactersUser defined code
user_dateaccepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)User defined code
user_code_1No maximum number of charactersUser defined code
user_code_2No maximum number of charactersUser defined code
user_code_3No maximum number of charactersUser defined code


Acquisition Import Type

Acquisition Import Template Spreadsheet (EXCEL format)

When a new acquisition is imported to an existing item, the information will be stored in TRANSACTIONS>ACQUISITIONS.

Updating existing acquisitions: If using the Image Modifiedto extract data from any of the inventory grids, you will notice the spreadsheet automatically includes an 'id' column that contains the existing acquisition's ID number.  Leave this column in the spreadsheet and do not edit the data in this column.  This is needed when updating the existing acquisitions.


An Item record must exist before additional acquisition records can be created for the item.


record_idMust contain an "A" (for acquisition)Required field: Identifies record as an acquisition record
idAutomatically populated with the existing acquisition's ID#  if extracting from the acquisition gridRequired Currently a required field if creating a new acquisition or updating an existing acquisition.   Otherwise, it is not required for new acquisitionsIf creating a new acquisition, you only need the header.  The rest of the column may be left blank.
inventory_tagMaximum of 20 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain tags with leading zeroesRequired field: Tag number associated with the existing item
dateaccepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)Required field: Acquisition Date. NOTE: New acquisitions must be a date in an open period.
amountnumeric format; do not include commas or dollar signsRequired field: The cost of the item as given on the purchase order,
acquisition_codeAccepted codes are displayed to the rightRequired field if creating a new acquisition.  Otherwise, it is not required if updating existing acquisitions. Acquisition Type (either Payment or Acquisition)

Full expenditure account code format FND-FUNC-OBJ-SCCC-SUBJCT-OPU-IL-JOB

Example: 001-2411-640-0000-000000-001-00-000

USAS source account to which the item is charged.
vendor_numberalphanumeric formatUSAS vendor number from which the item was purchased.
vendor_namealphanumeric formatUSAS Vendor name from which the item was purchased.
po_numberalphanumeric formatUSAS Purchase order number used to purchase the item.
item_numberalphanumeric formatItem number from the USAS purchase order
po_dateaccepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)Date of the USAS purchase order
check_numberalphanumeric formatDisbursement's check # used in purchasing the item
grant_idalphanumeric formatCFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) number as found on the grant papers or a user supplied code to identify federal, state, or other grants.
grant_yearalphanumeric formatProject year for the associated grant code.
update_original_cost"Y" or "N"Required field:  Mark "Y" for "Acquisition" types in order to update the original cost with acquisition amount. If entering an acquisition transaction for historical purposes or a "Payment" type, the flag may be set to "N" to prevent the acquisition amount from updating the item's original cost. 
error_adjustment"T" or "F"Mark true if the acquisition transaction is an adjustment for an error made in a prior fiscal year.  Otherwise leave blank and it will default to false.


Disposition Import Type

Disposition Transaction Spreadsheet Template (EXCEL format)

When a new disposition transaction is imported, the information will be stored in TRANSACTIONS>DISPOSITIONS and the item record's status will change to disposed of.  

Updating existing dispositions:  When choosing to update existing dispositions, only the following fields can be modified: Disposition_Code, Authorized_by, and Amount_received.


An Item record must exist before a disposition record can be created for that item.


record_idMust contain a "DK"Required field: Identifies record as a disposition record


Maximum of 20 alphanumeric or numeric characters; must be in text format to retain tags with leading zeroesRequired field: Tag number associated with the item
dateaccepts any date format.  (mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, mmddyyyy, etc.)Required Field: Disposition Date; NOTE: new disposition transactions must be a date in an open period.
disposition_codealphanumeric formatRequired Field: The disposition code as defined in Core > Disposition Codes.  If the code does not currently exist, it will be automatically created in Core>Disposition Codes
authorized_byalphanumeric formatPerson who authorized disposition. 


numeric format; do not include commas or dollar signsDollar amount received for items.
error_adjustment"T" or "F"

Mark true if the disposition transaction is an adjustment for an error made in a prior fiscal year.  Otherwise leave blank and it will default to false.

Asset Class Code


Listed below are some of the messages you may encounter on the resulting import report.

Importing New Data

  • Item Import Type: Error with tag #xxxxxxx on line: # Could not commit JPA transaction; nested exception is javax.persistence.RollbackException: Error while committing
    • The error will include the tag number and the line on the spreadsheet that is unable to import.  Please review your spreadsheet headers to ensure they contain the correct field name and also verify the data in each row is formatted correctly.  If you are still unable to determine the issue, please contact your ITC and they will be able to review the inventory application log which may provide more details on what is causing the error.  
  • Item Import Type:  Item #: date is in a closed period.  This message isn't referencing an actual tag # so it indicates they may have extra unintentional rows of data, possibly blank data, in the spreadsheet that do not contain the required fields thus causing the message.  Please review the CSV file in an editor such as NOTEPAD or NOTEPAD++ to determine the extra rows of data.  Here is an example below.  Rows 2 and 3 contain proper item data that may have been imported but row 4 and subsequent rows contain what look to be empty data that is producing the message on the import results file. 
    •  Image Added

Updating Existing Data

  • Item Import Type: If an existing item is updated successfully, the report will display "item updated" under the message column, along with the tag number and item description. Otherwise, review other possible message that may be displayed when attempting to update existing item data
    • "Item #: xxxxxx date is in a closed period: If you are updating existing item data and you encounter this error, the system thinks you are trying to add a new item (in a closed period).  Please review the tag number.  If the leading zeroes were dropped from the tag number, you will need to re-add them to the spreadsheet so that the import recognizes this tag as an existing tag number.