Mass Change can be used to update groups of records.
In order to access Mass Change options, the Mass Change Module will need to be enabled. For more information on System Modules click here.
- Go to System > Modules
- Locate the Mass Change Service and click the to install.
- Once installed the will change to
- An informational message will appear at the top of the grid. Click to refresh page to complete the installation.
- The checkbox in the 'Installed' column will now be checked and a Mass Change button will now be added to grids for users that have the proper permissions.
Grids with Mass Change Option
The Mass Change Option is available on the following grids.
Menu | Page |
Core | Accounts > Fund |
Core | Accounts > Cash |
Core | Accounts > Appropriation |
Core | Accounts > Expenditure |
Core | Accounts > Revenue |
Core | Bank Accounts |
Core | OPUs |
Core | Projects |
Core | Vendors |
Transaction | AP Invoices |
Transaction | Distributions/Error Corrections |
Transaction | Pending Transactions |
Transaction | Purchase Orders |
Transaction | Receipts |
Transaction | Refunds |
Transaction | Requisitions |
Transaction | Transfers/Advances |
Budgeting | Scenarios |
Budgeting | Proposed Amounts |
Periodic | Building Profiles |
Periodic | Cash Reconciliation |
Periodic | Civil Proceedings |
Periodic | Federal Assistance Detail |
Periodic | Federal Assistance Summary |
Periodic | Spending Plan |
System | Users |
Utilities | Account Filters |
Utilities | Account Change |
Accounts Receivable | Billings |
Accounts Receivable | Customers |
Accounts Receivable | Ledger Codes |
Accounts Receivable | Payment Location |
Accounts Receivable | Payments |
Once the Mass Change Module is enabled, access is granted by default to users with Administrator access. Other users can be granted access to Create, Delete, or Execute Mass Change definitions by adding a custom Role using the following permissions. Users needing to run predefined Mass Change definitions would be granted the ADMIN_MASSCHANGE_EXECUTE permission.
Add Role with Mass Change Execute Access
- Go to System > Roles
- Click
- Enter Role Id (name) and Description (optional)
- Locate ADMIN_MASSCHANGE_EXECUTE permission and move to Granted section
- Click
- Assign to User(s) in System > Users
- Locate user and click to edit user
- Add Role Id
- Click
Create and update Mass Change Definitions that can be run by users that have been granted execute access. Mass Change Definitions created are specific to the grid they are saved for.
- Script Definition and Script Parameters: These fields are used to define what will be updated in the change and what the fields will be updated to. More information can be found in the Simple & Complex update sections below.
- Switch to Advance Mode: Allows for more complex parameters to be entered into the Script Definition.
- Definition Name: Used to save definition and will be used to identify the definition for execute users in the "Load Definition" drop down
- Download Definition: Allows definitions created in the current instance to be downloaded to share with other instances
- Import Definition: Allows definitions created in other instances to be imported to be used in the current instance
- Clear Definition: Will clear information entered to all fields in the current definition view
- Save: Will save the current parameters entered for a definition. Requires the Definition Name to be entered. If the Definition Name already exists, saving will update the parameters of the definition. If the definition does not exist, it will be created and added to the Load Definition drop down. This will make the definition available for users with access to execute Mass Change definitions.
- Load Definition: Allows definitions to be loaded to view or update the parameters
Script Definition
At minimum, a Mass Change definition must include a Property and New Value field to define what will be changed with the definition is executed. A simple change only requires these two items to be populated in order to change a field to a specific value. This can be done within the Script Definition (Normal Mode) section.
- Property: The field on the object being changed that will be updated. These properties correspond to fields that can be seen when a record is viewed
- New Value: The desired value to update the selected property to when the change is executed
Type of Field | New Value formatting | Notes |
Boolean (check box) | true or false | Entering the value "true" will populate the checkbox. Entering the value "false" will leave the box unchecked. |
Text | "text" | Must include the quotations around the value that should appear in the field. |
Date | ('MM/DD/YYYY') | Enter the date that should appear in the field instead of MM/DD/YYYY. Must be formatted with all digits in the definition. |
Clearing fields
If trying to mass change a field to blank, the word "null" (no quotation marks) can usually be entered as the New Value.
Script Parameters
Mass change definitions may be needed to allow execute users to enter their own values for a field. This can be done using the Script Parameters section.
- Name: This will be used as the field name of the Mass Change Parameter. Should be entered with no spaces, starting with a non-capital letter. Capital letters will specify when a new word begins. Example: enterDate will appear as Enter Date for the field name.
- Default Value: The value entered will populate as the default value in the field when in execute mode. This value can be changed or overwritten prior to executing the definition.
These parameters can then be utilized as the "New Value" when entering the script definition fields.
When configured this way, the definition will allow values to be entered or default values to be modified prior to being executed. This grants additional flexibility to users that have execute only access when processing a change.
Use the Mass Change Definitions that have been created for the current grid to execute changes to a group of records.
Number of Records to Modify
Please note the number of records to modify that shows at the top of the Mass Change section. When the change is submitted, this is how many records will be changed. This number is consistent with how many records are currently in the grid. The grid can be narrowed down to a smaller set of records using the column filters or Advanced Query.
- Load Definition: Select a mass change definition from the drop down. Definitions available in this list are those that were Maintenance mode for the current grid.
- Script Definition: The Property and New Value fields will populate based on the definition loaded. These fields are configured in Maintenance mode and cannot be changed in this grid in the execution view.
- Mass Change Parameters: Some definitions are configured to allow values to be entered when in Execution mode. If available, these will show to the right of the Script Definition section.
Submit Mass Change: Processes changes specified by change to ALL records currently showing in the grid. The Note above shows the number of records that will be modified. The grid should be filtered to include ONLY the records that should be updated prior to submitting the change.
Once a Mass Change has been submitted, there is no way to simply "undo" a change. It may be helpful to generate a Report of the grid to a Comma Separated Values or Excel-Data format prior to submitting the change. If there is a situation where a change needs to be reverted, this can be useful in generating a correction spreadsheet.
Downloadable Mass Change Definitions
The following definitions can be imported to an instance using the Import Definition option to the applicable grid. The Mass Change Module must be enabled and the user importing must have access to the Maintenance mode. If you do not have this access but are interested in one of the following Mass Change Definitions, please contact your ITC for assistance.
Inactivating accounts associated with Inactive Cash Accounts
When a Cash Account is made inactive, all underlying accounts will not be available when users enter transactions. However, the "active" flags are not automatically updated on the associated accounts. Some districts would like to mass change the active flag on these accounts so that they can be filtered from reports.
- The Mass Change definition can be used on the Expenditure and Revenue account grids. The Mass Change module would need to be installed for the district and then when you go to the Core > Accounts grid you can import this definition for the Expenditure and Revenue grids (will import and run separately for Rev & Expenditure). The Mass Change will look at any accounts where the Cash Account is inactive and then change the Active status on that record to also be inactive which will allow you to filter those from your account grid and account summary reports.
- As always, proceed with caution when using the mass change function. The definition will only update those accounts that have an inactive cash account so if you do choose to run it for the entire chart of accounts at once it could take a while to complete, especially for a district with a large chart of accounts. If you are able to filter down the grid before running the mass change that may be beneficial (ex. If you know the Cash Accounts inactivated were all 5XXs funds then enter 5 as a filter on your fund column).
Click here to download the Inactive based on Cash Accounts definition.
Updating Vendor Tax Id for records imported from Classic
When attempting a change vendors that were imported from Classic, district's may come across an error for vendors that were imported with a Tax ID but no Tax ID type. This would only happen if the vendor was entered in USAS web and the type was not entered in the VENSCN in Reflection. These vendors may have never received a 1099 or may even have been old enough that they were entered before the TIN Type existed. Redesign prevents this from happening with new vendors so it will not happen going forward.
To review which vendors may be in this situation, the Tax ID # and Type can be added to the grid using the more option. If there are only a few, it may be easiest to just update the vendors manually to add a tax id type or clear the Tax id number.
If there are a large number of records that are impacted, the Mass Change definition can be used to update the Tax ID Type.
- The Mass Change definition can be used on the Vendor grid.
- As always, proceed with caution when using the mass change function. Its recommended to filter down the grid before running the mass change so that its just being applied to relevant records. If changing a large set of records at once it may take some time to process.
Click here to download the Correct Tax Id Type definition.
Setting Estimate vs. Actual Variances to Zero
The process to set revenue and budget variances to zero is similar to the Classic SETBAL. Please see the Appendix page for Setting Estimate vs. Actual Variances to Zero for details.