Timesheets is a module that can be enabled in ESS. Once enabled, ESS users will be able to create and submit timesheets, manually or automatically, for their position(s).
In order for an employee’s position to be considered as a timesheet position, in USPS, the ‘Timesheet Required' checkbox must be enabled on the employee’s position record. Also ensure the timesheet position has a supervisor assigned to it. Please refer to USPS Mass Load chapter for details on how to mass load these fields.
Configuring Timesheets
Role: Admin or District Manager
For districts who plan to use Timesheets in ESS, the following must be configured:
Under System>Configuration>ESS Functionality Configuration, ensure ‘Employee Time Sheet’ is checked. This change will not take full effect until the page is refreshed.
Once enabled, additional options will appear under the System>Configuration. They include:
Timesheet Configuration
Timesheet Period Close Configuration
Timesheet Workflow Configuration
Timesheet Workflows
ESS Timesheet menu options
A user must have an existing user account in ESS and their related USPS position must be marked as ‘Timesheet Required’.
The following Timesheet options will be displayed on the main ESS menu. Please click on the links provided below for further information about each option.