Transfers is a program used to post transfer transactions for inventoried items It is located under Transactions>Transfers. Transfer transactions are posted to record a change in an item's asset class, fund, or function codes. These transactions are not necessary if the GAAP flag is unchecked. These codes can simply be modified on the item record in Items when not on GAAP. Once the GAAP flag is checked, these fields become unmodifiable in Items and any changes require a transfer transaction to be posted. For capitalized assets, these changes are then reflected in the "transfers in" and "transfers out" columns on the GAAP Change Schedules
Create a Transfer
From the Transaction menu, select "Transfers" to display the Transfers grid.
Search for the item you want to create a transfer for. You can use the drop-down or start entering the tag number or item description to narrow down your search. After selecting the item, the original cost of the item will be displayed.
Enter a date in the current period
Select a type (function, fund or asset class) and the old value will display. Enter the new value for that type. NOTE: Error Adjustment should be checked if the transfer is an adjustment for an error made in a prior fiscal year
Click on
to add the transfer. Click on to cancel out without saving changes.
Search/View a Transfer
The transfers grid displays existing transfer transactions on file. You can search for existing transfers by clicking in the filter row in the grid columns and entering in the desired information. By default, the grid sorts by Tag Number. Click on to generate a CSV or EXCEL formatted spreadsheet based on what you filtered. Click on any row of the search results to see a highlight view of the record. Click the view icon to view a particular transfer. From there, you have the option to edit the transfer.
TIP: To find a specific value, you can enter the entire value. However, most columns will auto filter as you type, narrowing down your search to including your search criteria. For example, to find tag #190980, enter '19098' and it will display tag numbers between 190980 -190989 on the grid. Percentage symbol '%' can be used as a wildcard on most columns in the filter row. Less than < and/or greater than > symbols can also be used on numeric based or date columns in the filter row.
Use the More icon to add or remove columns from the grid.
The Transfer Grid includes a column for the Transfer Amount and the Original Cost. The Transfer Amount field indicates the total acquisition amount for the item as of the date on the transfer transaction. The Original Cost is consistent with the Item’s Original Cost field which could change if Acquisitions are added after the transfer occurs.
Edit a Transfer
The date, new value and error adjustment are modifiable for transfers created in the current period. You cannot edit transfers in a closed period.
Query for the desired transfer
Click on the edit icon
Make desired changes
Click on
to post the changes to the system. Click on Close to close the window and return to the grid without saving changes.
Delete a Transfer
If on GAAP, you will be restricted to deleting only transfers transactions created in in an open and current period. You will not be able to delete a transfer transaction in a closed period.
Query the desired transfer
Click on the Delete icon
Confirm you want to delete by clicking on
More Information on Transfers