GAAP Reports

All GAAP reports are canned reports and are located under the Reports menu.  They are generated in PDF format only.  The reports contain separate pages for each fund type (governmental, proprietary, fiduciary).  

The GAAP reports exclude:

  • items which do not meet capitalization criteria.
  • items which have a status of: "disposed of", "inactive", or "old tag item".
  • items coded as operating leases.

Fixed Asset By Source

Classic Counterpart: EIS101

The report provides a summary of the original cost of fixed assets by their source. Source means it uses the acquisition method and account code's fund to determine what line the item's amount should be included on in the report.  If the GAAP flag is checked in Core>Configuration, this report may be generated in preparation for closing for the fiscal year.

  • Separate section for each fund type (governmental, proprietary, fiduciary). The fund type is determined by looking up the fund type associated with the "fund" on the item.
  • Uses acquisition method and fund from the account code on the acquisition transaction to determine what line the item should fall on.
    • Acquisition methods donated, leased, and other each have their own line.
    • Purchased items are listed by the source fund that they were purchased from (fund dimension on the account code from the acquisition transaction).
    • More information on how acquisition information is included is detailed under 'More Information about the Fixed Assets by Source Report'.
  • More information on 'Acquisitions Prior to System Start-up"  is detailed under 'More Information about the Fixed Assets by Source Report' 
  • More information on 'Unknown Funds' is detailed under 'More Information about the Fixed Assets by Source Reports'. 

Generating a Fixed Asset By Source Report

The example below contains a sample Schedule of Fixed Assets by Source report and includes a snippet of an acquisition record that contributes to part of the 501 fund amount.  Please refer to the "How Amounts are Included on the Report" section under 'More Information about Fixed Assets by Source' for further information on how acquisition amounts are determined on this report.

Field Definitions:

  • Include and/or Exclude Entity IDs: is currently stored on the Item record and is used to identify different entities within the same reporting entity. This ID can be used to exclude all items belonging to a particular entity from the GAAP schedules or to generate schedules for specific entities. You will need to comma separate the ids if you enter more than one or the report will be blank
  • Show Report Options: includes a printout of the report options selected for the report run.  If selected, it is always the first page of the report. 

More Information about the Fixed Assets By Source Report

How amounts are included on the report:

  • If the fund dimension of the account code is blank/zeroes (000), it will reference the asset fund’s fund type and include the amount in that fund type section of the report under ‘acquisitions prior to system startup’ amount .​

  • If the fund dimension of the account code is blank/zeroes (000) and the asset's fund is blank as well, it will include the amount in the 'acquisitions prior to system startup' under the unknown fund type section of the report.​

  • If the acquisition contains a fund dimension on the account code, and the fund dimension is listed in Core>Funds, it will display the fund dimension on the report under its associated fund type

  • If the acquisition contains a fund dimension on the account code but the fund dimension is not listed in Core>Funds,  it will display the fund dimension on the report under the associated item's asset fund fund type

Assets with Unknown Funds

If there are amounts in the unknown funds section, it may be due to:

  • the fund code for an item does not have a defined "fund type" in Core>Funds
  • tags that have a missing "fund" in Transactions>Items; and, or
  • To Locate and correct items with a missing fund type:
    • Locate: Access Core>Funds and ensure all funds listed contain a fund type. 
    • Correct: If some don't, edit and add the correct fund type
  • To locate and corrects items with a missing fund:
    • Locate: Run a Brief Asset Listing of all tags, Active, New, Excess Asset Held for Sale and, Excess Asset Not in Use status codes, capitalized only sorted by fund.  Another option is to access the Items grid, filter by active, capitalized assets and sort by fund (ascending order).  Items with a missing fund should be displayed at the top of the grid.  
    • Correct: Please review the fund column for missing fund codes and creating transfer transactions to add the missing fund codes to the item.

Acquisitions Prior to System Start-Up

If there are amounts under a fund type section listed as 'Acquisitions Prior to System Start-up',  it may be due to:

  • the tag does not have an associated acquisition; and/or
  • the fund dimension of the account code on the acquisition record is missing.
  • To locate and correct items with missing acquisitions
    • Locate: Run a Brief Asset Listing for capitalized items with status of Active, New, Excess Asset Held for Sale and, Excess Asset Not in Use, sorted by Tag #.  Next, run an Asset Listing by Grant/Source Report for capitalized items with status Active, New, Excess Asset Held for Sale and, Excess Asset Not in Use, and sort by tag #.  Compare the reports, looking for tags that appear on the Brief Asset but not on the Asset Listing.  (Tag # should have at least one acquisition record on the Asset Listing by Grant/Source report).
    • Correct: Add a ‘historical’ acquisition record via Transactions>Acquisitions and leave ‘update original cost’ unchecked.  Enter the fund dimensions in the account code (i.e. 001) and the original cost as the acquisition amount.  The acquisition date entered must be in an open period.
  • To locate and correct items with missing fund dimension in the account code
    • Locate: Run an Asset Listing by Grant/Source Report for capitalized items with status of Active, New, Excess Asset Held for Sale and, Excess Asset Not in Use, and sorted by Fund and Fund Type.  Accounts with missing fund dimensions should appear at the beginning of the report due to the sort in order to easily compare with the acquisitions prior to system start-up totals on the Fixed Assets By Source report.
    • Correct: Edit the Acquisition record and add the missing fund dimension in the account code

Fixed Asset by Function/Class

Classic Counterpart: EIS102

The report provides a schedule of fixed assets by function and class. The schedule can be generated by function and class, class, or a summary by function and class. If the GAAP flag is checked in Core>Configuration, this report may be generated in preparation for closing for the fiscal year.

  • Determines the appropriate line/column on the report by looking at the function/activity code and the asset class code in Transactions>Items.
  • Separate page for each fund type (governmental, proprietary, fiduciary). The fund type is determined by looking up the fund type associated with the "fund" in Items.
  • More information on 'Invalid Function or Invalid Class' areas of the report is detailed under 'More Information about the Fixed Assets by Function/Class' 
  • More information on 'Undetermined Amounts' is detailed under 'More Information about the Fixed Assets by Function/Class. 

Book Value = Original Cost - Total Depreciation (LTD + YTD)

Field Definitions:

  • Report Type Options:
    • Schedule by Function & Class: displays original cost and book value
    • Schedule by Class: displays the original cost and book value; 
    • Summary by Function & Class: lists all functions but only major asset classes
  • Include and/or Exclude Entity IDs: is currently stored on the Item record and is used to identify different entities within the same reporting entity. This ID can be used to exclude all items belonging to a particular entity from the GAAP schedules or to generate schedules for specific entities. You will need to comma separate the ids if you enter more than one or the report will be blank
  • Show Report Options: includes a printout of the report options selected for the report run.  If selected, it is always the first page of the report.

Generating a Schedule by Function & Class Report

This option generates a report containing original cost and book value sorted by function and then class within each function for each fund type.  

Generating a Schedule by Class Report

This option generates a report containing original cost and book value sorted by asset class for each fund type.

Generating a Summary by Function and Class

This option generates a report allowing you to pick whether you want the original cost or book value to appear on the report.  You may also check the 'Summarize by 2-Digit Function' in order to summarize by first two digits of the function code. Ex: 1100, 1200, etc.  If left unchecked, it will display by all digits of the function code.

More Information about Fixed Assets by Function/Class

Assets with Invalid Function or Invalid Class

'Invalid function' or 'invalid class' listed on the report indicates the associated code is missing on the item.

  • Locate: filter the items grid for active, capitalized assets and enter the function and/or asset class code listed in the invalid area of the report to check for a missing function or asset class.
  • Correct: If the function or asset class is missing, create a transfer transaction for the item.  This will move it from the invalid area to its proper function or asset class on the report.

Assets with Undetermined Amounts

  • "Undetermined" amounts contain original cost amounts from capitalized items containing a fund with an invalid fund type.
    • Locate: filter the items grid for active, capitalized assets and enter the function and/or asset class code listed in the undetermined amount.  Review the funds associated with these items and access the funds in Core>Funds to ensure they have a fund type listed. 
    • Correct: If a fund type is missing, edit the fund in Core>Funds and add the missing fund type.  This will move the amounts under 'undetermined' to their proper fund type on the report.,

Schedule of Change in Fixed Assets

Classic Counterpart: EIS103

The change schedule contains information by fund, function, or asset class on the beginning and ending balances for the fiscal year. The report displays additions, dispositions, transfers, and adjustments that occurred causing "changes" in the balances of the fixed assets. This information is needed for preparing the GAAP reports. This program is run at the end of the fiscal year before closing or as desired during the fiscal year. The GAAP flag must be enabled in order for the report to produce any meaningful results.

  • Separate page for each fund type (governmental, proprietary, fiduciary). Fund type is determined by looking up the fund type associated with the "current fund" on Transactions>Items.
  • A separate detail report may be created showing all acquisitions, dispositions, transfers, and adjustments by tag number to back up the figures on the summary report.
  • More information on items affected by a change in their capitalization status during the year is detailed under 'More Information about the Schedule of Change in Fixed Assets' 
  • More information on areas of the report listed as 'unknown' or 'unclassified' is detailed under 'More Information about the Schedule of Change in Fixed Assets' 
  • The column totals on the detail report should match the corresponding totals on the summary report.

  • The grand totals for the Fixed Asset By Source, Fixed Assets by Function/Class, and the Schedule of Change in Fixed Assets should match since they all contain original cost amounts. 

Generating a Summary Schedule of Change in Fixed Assets Report 

Generating a Detail Schedule of Change in Fixed Assets Report

Field Definitions:

  • Report Type Options:
    • Asset Class: Grouped by Asset Class codes defined in Core>Asset Classes
    • Fund: Group by Fund Codes defined in Core>Funds
    • Function: Grouped by Function codes defined in Core>Functions
  • Include and/or Exclude Entity IDs: is currently stored on the Item record and is used to identify different entities within the same reporting entity. This ID can be used to exclude all items belonging to a particular entity from the GAAP schedules or to generate schedules for specific entities. You will need to comma separate the ids if you enter more than one or the report will be blank
  • Summary
    • If checked, a summarized report is generated.  Columns on the summary report are explained below. 
      • Beginning Balance:  Beginning Balance is equal to the value of the original cost for all active, capitalized assets at the beginning of the fiscal year
      • Acquisitions:  The entire acquisition amount for a newly created capitalized item or any additional acquisition amount for an existing capitalized item (of which the remaining org cost of the existing item would be included in the beginning balance)
        • NOTE: If an existing item has an additional positive acquisition amount entered during the year bringing it over the capitalized threshold (thus changing it from non-capitalized to capitalized), the additional acquisition amount will appear in the acquisition column and the rest of the org cost of the item appears will appear as a positive amount under the adjustment column.  The beginning balance column will NOT be affected.
        • NOTE: If an existing capitalized item has an additional negative acquisition amount entered during the year bringing it under the capitalized threshold (thus changing it from capitalized to non-capitalized), the additional negative acquisition amount will appear in the acquisition column and the rest of the org cost of the item appears will appear as a negative amount under the adjustment column.  The beginning balance column will NOT be affected.
      • Dispositions: Original cost amounts of capitalized, active items (that are part of the beginning balance) but have since been disposed of during the fiscal year
      • Transfers In: Original cost amount for active, capitalized items transferred into this code (fund, function or asset class) during the fiscal year
      • Transfers Out: Original cost amount for active, capitalized items transferred out of this code (fund, function or asset class) during the fiscal year
      • Adjustments: Includes amount for active, capitalized transactions which have the error adjustment flag checked. May also includes amounts for items which had their capitalization status changed during the fiscal year (noted above under acquisitions)
      • Ending Balance: Ending balance amount at the end of the year.  This is a calculated figure.  (Beginning Value + Acquisition Amount - Disposition Amount + Transfer In Amount - Transfer Out Amount +/- Adjustment Amounts = Ending Balance)
    • If Summary is left unchecked, a detailed report is generated including the items that make up the amounts appearing in the acquisition, disposition, transfer in/out and adjustment columns in the summary change schedule.
  • Show Report Options: includes a printout of the report options selected for the report run.  If selected, it is always the first page of the report.

More Information about the Schedule of Changes in Fixed Assets

Capitalization Criteria changes impacts on the Schedule of Change in Fixed Assets

  • If the capitalization criteria was run during the fiscal year DECREASING the current threshold so that an item has now changed from non-capitalized to capitalized, the ENTIRE original cost appears as a positive adjustment under the Adjustments column on the report.  The Beginning Balance column is not affected. 
  • If the capitalization criteria was run during the fiscal year INCREASING the current threshold so that an item has now changed from capitalized to non-capitalized, the ENTIRE original cost appears as a negative adjustment under the Adjustments column on the report.  The Beginning Balance column is not affected.

Assets labeled Undetermined or Unknown

Undetermined amounts are from capitalized items containing a fund with an invalid (missing or undetermined) fund type.

  • Locate: Run the report by fund.  It will display the fund codes under 'Undetermined'. View the fund under in Core>Funds to determine if the fund contains a missing (or undetermined) fund type. 
  • Correct: If the fund is missing a fund type or it states 'undetermined', edit in Core>Fund selecting the appropriate Fund type (Governmental, Proprietary or Fiduciary).  The amount will move from the 'undetermined' area to the appropriate fund type area on the report. 

Assets labeled as 'unknown' fund, function or asset class may be a missing a fund, function or asset class on a capitalized, active item. 

  • Locate:
    • If the unknown amount in under the Beginning Value, filter the items grid for active, capitalized assets and sort by function, function and/or asset class in ascending order.  It should display the items with a missing fund, function and/or asset class at the top of the grid. 
    • If the unknown amount is under the acquisition, disposition, transfer in/out or adjustment columns, generate a Schedule of Change in Fixed Asset detail report for a listing of tags that make up these amounts.
  • Correct: Create a transfer transaction for the item to add the missing fund, function and/or asset class and the amount will move from the 'unknown' area to the proper fund, function or asset class area depending on the report type generated. 

Schedule of Change in Depreciation

Classic Counterpart: EIS104

The change schedule in depreciation contains information by fund, function, or asset class on capitalized assets tracking depreciation. The report displays additions, dispositions, transfers, and adjustments that occurred causing "changes" in the depreciation balances of the fixed assets. This information is needed for preparing the GAAP reports. This program is run at the end of the fiscal year before closing or as desired during the fiscal year. The GAAP flag must be enabled order for the report to produce any meaningful results.

  • Separate page for each fund type (governmental, proprietary, fiduciary). Fund type is determined by looking up the fund type associated with the "current fund" on Transactions>Items.
  • A separate detail report (default option) may be created showing all acquisitions, dispositions, transfers, and adjustments by tag number to back up the figures on the summary report.

    If there haven't been any changes that took place yet in the current year (i.e. acquisitions, dispositions, transfers or adjustments entered) the detail report will be blank.  

  • More information on the depreciation of items affected by a change in their capitalization status during the year is detailed under 'More Information about the Schedule of Change in Depreciation' 
  • More information on areas of the report listed as 'unknown' or 'unclassified' is detailed under 'More Information about the Schedule of Change in Depreciation 
  • The column totals on the detail report should match the corresponding totals on the summary report.

  • The grand totals for all fund types for the ending depreciation on the summary should match the total accumulated depreciation (LTD + FTD) on the Book Value report, provided capitalized, active status (Active, New, Excess Asset Held for Sale and, Excess Asset Not in Use) are selected for the Book Value.  

Generating a Summary Schedule of Change in Depreciation Report

Generating a Detail Schedule of Change in Deprecation Report

Field Definitions:

  • Report Type Options:
    • Asset Class: Grouped by Asset Class codes defined in Core>Asset Classes
    • Fund: Group by Fund Codes defined in Core>Funds
    • Function: Grouped by Function codes defined in Core>Functions
  • Include and/or Exclude Entity IDs: is currently stored on the Item record and is used to identify different entities within the same reporting entity. This ID can be used to exclude all items belonging to a particular entity from the GAAP schedules or to generate schedules for specific entities. You will need to comma separate the ids if you enter more than one or the report will be blank
  • Summary:
    • If checked, a summarized report is generated. Columns on the summary report are explained below:
      • Beginning Depreciation is equal to the value of the life-to-date (LTD) depreciation for all active, capitalized items at the beginning of the fiscal year. Items that have been transferred are reported on the line for the original fund.

      • Continuing Items is equal to the fiscal-to-date (FTD) depreciation for active items that were capitalized at the beginning of the fiscal year.

      • Acquisitions: FTD Depreciation on any newly created capitalized items or FTD depreciation on any additional acquisitions for an existing capitalized item dated in the current fiscal year.

        • NOTE: If an existing item has an additional positive acquisition amount entered during the year bringing it over the capitalized threshold (thus changing it from non-capitalized to capitalized), the additional FTD depreciation amount will appear in the acquisition column and the LTD depreciation of the item will appear as a positive amount under the adjustment column.  The beginning depreciation column will NOT be affected.
        • NOTE: If an existing capitalized item has an additional negative acquisition amount entered during the year bringing it under the capitalized threshold (thus changing it from capitalized to non-capitalized), the additional negative FTD depreciation amount will appear in the acquisition column and the rest of the LTD depreciation of the item appears will appear as a negative amount under the adjustment column.  The beginning depreciation column will NOT be affected.
      • Dispositions:  LTD + FTD Depreciation of capitalized, active items (that are part of the beginning depreciation) that have since been disposed of during the fiscal year

      • Transfers In:  LTD + FTD Depreciation for capitalized, active items transferred into this code (fund, function or asset class) during the fiscal year.

      • Transfers Out:  LTD + FTD Depreciation for capitalized, active items transferred out of this code (fund, function or asset class) during the fiscal year.

      • Adjustments: Includes depreciation for active, capitalized transactions which have the error adjustment flag checked. May also includes depreciation amounts for items which had their capitalization status changed during the fiscal year (noted above under acquisitions)

      • Ending Depreciation: Ending balance amount at the end of the year.  This is a calculated figure.  (Beginning Depreciation + Continuing Items + Acquisition Amount - Disposition Amount + Transfer In Amount - Transfer Out Amount +/- Adjustment Amounts = Ending Depreciation)

    • If Summary is left unchecked, a detailed report is generated including the items that make up the amounts in the summary change schedule.
  • Show Report Options: includes a printout of the report options selected for the report run.  If selected, it is always the first page of the report.

More Information about the Schedule of Changes in Depreciation

Capitalization Criteria changes impacts on the Schedule of Change in Depreciation

For those items tracking depreciation:

  • If the capitalization criteria was run during the fiscal year DECREASING the current threshold so that an item has now changed from non-capitalized to capitalized, the LTD + FTD depreciation appears as a positive adjustment under the Adjustments column on the report.  The Beginning Depreciation column is not affected. 
  • If the capitalization criteria was run during the fiscal year INCREASING the current threshold so that an item has now changed from capitalized to non-capitalized, the LTD + FTD depreciation appears as a negative adjustment under the Adjustments column on the report.  The Beginning Depreciation column is not affected.

Assets labeled Undetermined or Unknown

Undetermined amounts are from capitalized items containing a fund with an invalid (missing or undetermined) fund type.

  • Locate: Run the report by fund.  It will display the fund codes under 'Undetermined'. View the fund under in Core>Funds to determine if the fund contains a missing (or undetermined) fund type. 
  • Correct: If the fund is missing a fund type or it states 'undetermined', edit in Core>Fund selecting the appropriate Fund type (Governmental, Proprietary or Fiduciary).  The amount will move from the 'undetermined' area to the appropriate fund type area on the report. 

Assets labeled as 'unknown' fund, function or asset class may be a missing a fund, function or asset class on a capitalized, active item. 

  • Locate:
    • If the unknown amount in under the Beginning Depreciation or Continuing Items, filter the items grid for active, capitalized assets and sort by function, function and/or asset class in ascending order.  It should display the items with a missing fund, function and/or asset class at the top of the grid. 
    • If the unknown amount is under the acquisition, disposition, transfer in/out or adjustment columns, generate a Schedule of Change in Depreciation detail report for a listing of tags that make up these amounts.
  • Correct: Create a transfer transaction for the item to add the missing fund, function and/or asset class and the amount will move from the 'unknown' area to the proper fund, function or asset class area depending on the report type generated.Â