2020-05-26 AR Completed Work Review since 2/25/20


  • Billings

    • Implemented cloning

    • Ability to import from the grid

    • Ability to print Billing in XML format

    • Improved Billing PDF format by adding the date, due date and attention information

    • Ability to print batch

    • Payment Locations are now required

  • Credits

    • Improved overall look of Credit UI

    • Limit available credits to those with a remaining amount

    • Improved the posting of Refunds from Credits

  • Payment

    • Ability to import from the grid

    • Allow user to delete if no receipt has been created or if receipt has been reversed

  • Ledger Codes

    • Added validations, 15 character limit and can not contain spaces

    • Added "Days till due" field.  This value is used to set the due date on the Billing based on the billing date.

  • Receipts

    • Restricted Receipt generation to require specific permission

    • Ability to print Receipt from Payment Detail UI

  • Recreated Classic's ARF roles

  • Created an AR Ledger grid to allow viewing details of Billings, Payments and Receipts from one grid

  • Implemented auditing

Bug Fixes

  • Improvements to the import process and results file

  • Corrected problem with transaction dates, future dates in the current or next fiscal year are permissible

  • Corrected a problem with the customer and ledger drop downs not repopulating once the value is removed

  • Corrected tabbing problems in the Payment UI

  • Corrected filtering in Ledger Code drop down

  • Corrected problem with Customer import exception

  • Corrected problem with payment for multiple billings missing the date, added default date

  • Added service date to Billing UI

  • Corrected problem filtering amounts in Billing and Payment grids

  • Corrected problems with remaining amount and paid amount on Billing detail and grid

All issues completed since the February 25th Focus Group Meeting.

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