2020-10-28 Additional feedback and responses

The following message was sent to ssdt_notices in an effort to obtain additional information on some areas of Classic EIS.  

There are some fields in Classic EIS we are concerned may be unused and are contemplating not implementing in the new inventory system. Before we make that decision we need to hear from you. Below is a list of fields and other questions we would love your feedback on. Please let us know if you are using these fields and what are you using them for? If you believe any of these fields to be business critical please let us know.


Composite ID: the documentation states this field can be used to indicate the item is a component of a larger asset. Are you using this field and if so can you provide a use case? (probable keep or replace?)

  1. We did not use this option. There might be some districts using it, but I’m struggling to come with an example. (Deb Meyer)

  2. No (Tammy Bole)

  3. I have never used any of those fields mentioned so I don't believe they need to be implemented into the Redesign.  (Missy Valkosky)

  4. Not used (Sara Glore)

  5. If someone is splitting lots and wants to flag each ‘split’ as belong to one lot, this is where you would use this. Having said that, I’m not sure how many people actually use it. If even a couple use it though, it would seem prudent to keep it.  (Michelle Buss)

Maintenance Info: is this data you want in your inventory system or is this being tracked by another department? (remove?)

  1. This seems like an weird area to try to track some type of maintenance, so I’d be surprised if anyone is using this.

  2. Tracked separately if at all. (Tammy Bole)

  3. I have never used any of those fields mentioned so I don't believe they need to be implemented into the Redesign.  (Missy Valkosky)

  4. Not used  (Sara Glore)

  5. Maintenance info is always maintained by the maintenance department and there’s no reason to have this on here  (Michelle Buss)

Grant ID & Grant Year: are you tracking this via the fund or do you use this field? Can you provide an example of what you are using these fields for? (keep or replace)

  1. I definitely used this area. I tracked federal fund purchases as well as some local grants/donations. For audit, they sometimes asked about assets purchased by grant funds, so it was easy to find them. (Deb Meyer)

  2. No (Tammy Bole)

  3. I have never used any of those fields mentioned so I don't believe they need to be implemented into the Redesign.  (Missy Valkosky)

  4. The grant ID is the fd/scc and grant year is the fiscal year. This has come in helpful for the big items (over $5,000) that districts need to track for federal grants. Districts passed audit with this information.  (Sara Glore)

  5. Disposal of federally-funded assets are strictly governed by the federal government, and you can’t dispose of federally-funded assets until after a specific number of years. (Have SSDT look at someone’s CCIP documentation regarding disposal of federally-funded assets…in some instances it’s 5 or 10 years). In any case, if you are putting equipment on inventory purchased with federal funds, you should have that information. As another example, buses purchased with state funds can’t be disposed of until after a number of years; if you dispose of them before the ‘lifetime’ limit, you are required to offer to give the bus to another district. One of my former districts was able to get a free handicapped bus this way, much to the chagrin of a neighboring district who first thought they could trade in the bus they got for free from the state.  (Michelle Buss)


Payment type (ACQ or Payment): We are wondering if anyone is using the Payment type? Could you provide an example of why you use the payment type? (keep or replace due to CAFRs requirement?)

  1. Looks like this field is used for CAFR reports. We do not have any districts doing CAFR, so none of ours use this area. (Deb Meyer)

  2. I have never used any of those fields mentioned so I don't believe they need to be implemented into the Redesign.  (Missy Valkosky)

  3. From the responses I received from our districts, they do not use the payment only acquistion.  (Sara Glore)

  4. Districts who create CAFRs from their GAAP reports need this information.  (Michelle Buss)

And finally, how much of your historical data do you want to import?

Please be aware we will be importing EISCD into a File Archive like is currently available in USAS and USPS. The Classic EIS purge program does not purge transactions, it only purges audit information. When it comes to importing, do you want to import all of the data stored in Classic? If not, knowing you will have the ability to search your EISCD, what would be an acceptable number of years of data to import? (Varied responses....require purge program??)

  1. If you mean not importing deleted assets that were “purged”, then I’m okay with none of that importing. But any active asset needs imported, no matter how old they are. I’m not sure I know exactly what you were suggesting here, so I wanted to clarify.  (Deb Meyer)

  2. All Classic EIS data  (Tammy Bole)

  3. I would like to see all of the data stored in classic pulled over to Redesign.  (Missy Valkosky)

  4. I’m thinking the current year plus maybe the previous… but I don’t know for sure.  Plus with EISCD rolling in is a good thing… but I know we have cases where EISCD was missed.  (Jeff Culwell)

  5. This was all of over the board in the responses I received. But I believe making a general statement of importing a few years so they can pass their audit covers most of their concerns.  (Sara Glore)

  6. It could be done just like usps and usas is handled now. That would work fine.  (Michelle Buss)