2019-11-20 USAS New Issue Review and Prioritization

Prioritization Items to Discuss

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • Use case?  Check voided in USAS system and it then cleared the bank before stop payment could be done.  

  • Committee determined that the existing work around is not difficult and doesn't come up that often; Priority LOW

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • The addition of a second signature line would need to be customizable so districts could add the title of the person signing.  This would also need to be configurable as not all districts need/want the additional signature line.

  • Vickie is having to create her own report because of the insufficient signature lines.

  • Others commented it's not needed by their districts.

  • Committee decided a 2nd line could be added, districts add title manually; Priority LOW

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • Creating an additional summary report to show the check types and the total amounts expended by type could be written as a separate template report pretty easily.  This would not include a count of the number of checks included in each type's total.  In order to include this as part of the existing Disbursement Summary report it would need to be rewritten as a canned report, the current report writer can't handle this for template reports.

  • Committee decided to add a separate template report.

Items from the floor?

  1. Vickie: 

    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
     The flexibility of the new system, being able to access it on a variety of platforms at any time is great, but also poses some concerns.  Would like the ability to disable users without waiting on ITCs; use case rogue employees.  We were able to do this previously and then permissions taken away.  District treasurer would like to be able to disable users themselves.

    1. Currently not possible without being able to edit other fields on the user.  This poses audit concerns.  ITCs are managing users.

    2. Heidi: as ITCs we have to think that through as to how that’s recorded; it’s audited. If the district does this they need to notify the ITC and fill out paperwork.

    3. Amanda: maybe just the ability to disable a user, not enable.

    4. Sara: same concern as Heidi, ITC has to provide list of enabled/disabled users. ITC has to explain if something isn’t accurate.  Would be ok with just ability to disable, not enable.

    5. Vickie: just want to be able to disable

  2. Biagio: if I can have the ability to copy privs from an existing user when setting up a new user, why can’t I do that?

    1. SSDT:  Audit concerns

    2. Forms that ITCs need - if ITCs are taking responsibility for district users and I want to do it, I’m relieving the ITC of that responsibility.

    3. Amanda: the ability to do this exists in Redesign currently;  You'll need to talk to your ITC and auditor.  District would then be responsible.

  3. Sara: with the release of the monthly report bundle, what do people think about calendar and fiscal year end bundles?

    1. SSDT: we have an existing issue to create a fiscal year end report bundle; will be available for this fiscal year end. You can create your own report bundles now.  Need to make report bundles shareable in the future like template reports are.  Can look at creating a calendar year end bundle for next calendar year end.  

    2. Sara and Heidi were planning to create calendar year end bundles for their districts, including transaction reports, account summary reports and 1099 reports.

All Issues Created Since Oct 16, 2019Â