2021-03-17 USAS Completed Work Review

Releases Since Our Last Meeting (02-17-2021)

USAS-R v8.15.0 (2/26/21)

  • Implemented the create new and save options on Federal Assistance Detail

  • Implement Mass Load for Vendors via an import button on the grid

  • Corrected a problem editing a newly created AR Payment Location

  • Federal Assistance Detail

    • Populate expended and received amounts on the Federal Assistance Detail based on the cash account selected

    • Implement tooltips for CFDA# and Grant Title on the Federal Assistance Detail as well as auto populating the line number 

USAS-R v8.16.0 (3/12/21)

  • Improvements to grid performance throughout USAS (5-83%)

    • The most significant improvements are to the Payable and Account grids

  • Additional updates to subject codes per ODE

  • Federal Assistance Detail updated to auto increment the line number and provide tool tips for the CFDA Number and Grant Title.

  • Additional changes were implemented to properly handle merging vendors.  Note: we have one additional issue we need to complete before we can make this feature available in the UI.

  • Created Service Layer for AP Invoices

  • Corrected a bug that caused the recently modified requisition header date to revert when also copying items.

Upcoming Release

USAS-R v8.17.0  (3/26/21)

  • Updated the installation of the AR Modules to also activate the AR Billing Email Configuration

  • Implemented balance checking for AP Invoices at the Cash and Budget levels.  There are warning and error rules of which the warnings will be enabled by default.

  • Updated the Proposed Amount UI to make the fiscal year a drop down selection with the current and next fiscal year as selection options.

  • Corrected the Online Checkbook extract to cope with both revenue and expenditure accounts (distributions)

  • Corrected a problem with AR Billings that caused the due date to change to the current date when modifying the billing.  This has been updated to only default the value when creating a new billing.

  • Corrected the Federal Assistance Detail clone option to clear out the line number

  • Create Service Layer for Cash Account

  • Create Service Layer for Payables