2021-02-24 Focus Group Items To Discuss

  1. The impact capitalization changes have on depreciation.  

    1. Changes will affect the beginning balances on EIS104 but not life to date depreciation items.

  2. Highlight views

  3. More button

    1. If we present a standard grid is this sufficient or do you feel you need the option to customize the grids by adding additional fields?

    2. How important is it to be able to customize the grids by reordering the columns?

  4. Pending items: should they be modifiable?

    1. If so, what fields would you be modifying?

  5. Reports: if we create canned reports and provide the capability to do extracts from the grids in CSV and Excel format is this sufficient?

    1. Extract data from the grid in CSV and Excel formats, not a report feature like USAS

    2. Canned reports we will have PDF and can make CSV available if needed.

  6. Items from the floor?