2021-1-20 USAS-R New Issue Review and Prioritization

Prioritization Items to Discuss

  1. Vendor Merge

    1. Voiding checks from prior calendar year and voiding invoice items.  This will be implemented by also posting a cancel invoice for the items associate with the void.  The PO will remain in the same state prior to the void and the district will need to process a PO against the new (primary) vendor.

  2. Implement VERINV options

    • Change account 

    • Change po date 

    • Change vendor:  What would be the use case for changing a vendor and not amending the PO?

      • PO to vendor walmart that was purchase with a credit card.  PO vendor needs to be changed to the credit card company.

    • We will be adhering to posting period (pp) rules.  The pp for the PO will need to be open in order to make these changes.  Why?  It will invalidate the associated reports and they will need to be rerun, which happens when the pp is closed.


      • Classic would change transactions regardless of dates, but MonthlyCD, CYE and FYE reports would be incorrect.

  3. Federal Assistance Detail

    1. clone will be available from the detail only

    2. federal contributions received and federal expenditures

      1. will pull from the fytd received and expended fields for 500 level cash accounts

      2. will implement via an account filter for non 500 level cash accounts or amounts can be manually entered

    3. CFDA numbers and grant titles: working to secure reliable source to populate these fields.

      1. in the meantime the committee agreed adding a tooltip with a URL so the user search for the required cfda number and grant title if not known.

  4. EIS users in new Inventory application.

    1. create new

      1. Committee determined due to the limited numbers of Inventory users, the necessary users could be created manually in the application after import.  No user extract or import is needed.  Classic EIS roles will be established in the application and will be available to assign to users when created.

    2. import from Classic - requires ITCs to create CSV

  5. Items from the floor?

    1. Heidi to send list of 1099 enhancement requests for 2021 reporting. 

      1. We will address these issues later this summer along with the existing request to provide printable 1099 forms and the committee will determine priority.

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