2019-01-16 USPS New Issue Review and Prioritization

Prioritization Items to Discuss

  1. Performance profiling and improvements 

    1. We continue to receive intermittent reports of performance issues with the applications.

    2. We plan to focus support and development time in attempt to diagnose and correct the underlying issues causing this.

    3. At this point it is unclear if there are multiple causes of these issues, but we know long running reports can be problematic.

    4. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
       has been completed and is scheduled for release on 5.23.0. 

      1. This issue will provide us some additional logging mostly focused on reports that we hope will assist with determining the cause of at least some of the reported performance issues.

  2. Preventing duplicate checks by enforcing the assignment of a bank account.

  3. Quarter report and W2 balancing

    1. We implemented both quarter report and W2 report to be consistent with classic behavior.

    2. This has the benefit of allowing easy balancing between classic and redesign during parallel processing.  

    3. However, we wonder if some of the things classic is doing are correct or if modifications could make balancing in classic easier in the future.

    4. Currently quarter report does not inflate the applicable (taxable) gross totals by the medicare pickup amount on the employee detail lines.

      1. It does however include the medicare pickup amounts in the inflated totals at the bottom.

    5. W2 report inflates the applicable (taxable gross) on both the employee and total lines.

    6. Would it be better to use the inflated amount on both reports for consistency and to ease balancing between quarter report and W2 report?

  4. Report archiving (payrollcd replacement) is proposed as our next new piece of functionality to focus on

    1. The major pieces necessary to implement this are in place (file archive, job scheduler, etc.), but we have some missing pieces required to tie everything together in a way that allows report bundles that are triggered based on certain events (a payroll is posted, submission files are created, etc.).

    2. Over the next several sprints we plan to chip away at these missing pieces.

    3. Two such issues that have been or are currently being worked are below.

      1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

      2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  5. Ability to adjust calculated fields on compensations (amount earned, accrued amount)

  6. Items from the floor?

All New Issues Created Since 12-19-2018