2023-04-24 Employee Earnings Register Focus Group


Apr 24, 2023


  • @Marc Davis 

  • @Lori Nye 

  • @Andy Hoiles 

  • @Larry Lifer 

  • @Heidi Dutt

  • @Tracey Ulery (Unlicensed) 

  • Zach Niblick


  • Discuss the goals of the user focus group and clearly define initial project scope.

Discussion items

  • Introductions and Focus Group Goals

  • Review of the Employee Earnings Register and the issue with CSV output

    • Earnings Register.pdf

    • AOS Employee Report.csv

  • Committee feedback and ideas

  • When should we meet next?

Ideas from the Focus Group

  • (Kelley) If the report is run for a single employee, provide detail report rows in CSV. If multiple employees are included, only provide a summary for the employee.

  • (Heidi) Break the report into two or three options

    • Pay Items

    • Earnings

    • Pay Accounts

    • May be possible to provide both reports in the same excel file with tabs

  • (Zach) Provided an outline of an example report that would be helpful.

    • SSDT will determine if this would be possible and present the findings at the next focus group meeting.

Action items

 Schedule the next meeting for May 22nd, 2023