USAS-R Preview Release Exercises

Create A vendor

  1. Go to Vendor under Core

  2. Click on

  3. Let the Vendor # auto assign

  4. Vendor Name = Sara's Training Service

  5. Default Payment Type = electronic

  6. 1099 ID = 123-45-6789

  7. 1099 Type = Nonemployee compensation

  8. Email address =

  9. Create a Default PO Location

    1. Click on Create (under locations section)

    2. Name 1 = Sara's Training Service

    3. Address Line 1 = 123 NWOCA Drive

      1. City = Archbold

      2. State = OH

      3. Zip = 43502

    4. Phone = 419-267-2547

    5. Check PO box

  10. Create a Default 1099 Location

    1. Click on Create

    2. Name 1 = Sara Glore

    3. Address Line 1 = 123 Sara Drive

      1. City = Archbold

      2. State = OH

      3. Zip = 43502

    4. Phone = 419-234-5678

    5. Check 1099 Box

  11. Click on Save

Vendor Search

  1. In filter row type in 'Sara' under Primary Name

  2. Click the X next to Sara in the Primary Name filter row

Find Active vendors

  1. In filter row type in 'true' under Active

  2. Click the X next to true in the Active filter row

Edit a Vendor

  1. In filter row type '%Kitchen% under Primary Name

  2. Click on

    to edit Kuston Kitchen Kleaners

  3. Change Default Payment Type to electronic

  4. Click on Save

Distribution/Error Correction
Create a Distribution

  1. Go to Distribution/Error Correction under Transaction

  2. Click on

  3. Let the number auto assign

  4. Date = 09/01/2016

  5. Description = Correcting Entry

  6. Click on

    to add line item

    1. Description = correcting account

    2. Amount = 100 (increasing expended by $100)

    3. Account, start typing in 200 – select Student Council Expenses

  7. Click on

    to add line item

    1. Description = correcting account

    2. Amount = -100 (decreasing expended by $100)

    3. Account, start typing in 200 – select S.A.D.D. Expenses

  8. Click on Save

Create a Role

  1. Go to Role under Admin

  2. Click on

  3. ID = Student Activity Advisor

  4. Description = Student Activity Advisor

    1. Permissions



  5. Click on Save

Account Filter
Create an Account Filter

  1. Go to Account Filters Under Admin

  2. Click on

  3. Filter = HS Student Council

  4. Order = 1

  5. TI = 00

  6. Fund= 200

  7. SCC = 9004

  8. Check mark R and P (R=read, P= Pre-encumbrance)

  9. Click on Save

Create a User

  1. Go to User Under Admin

  2. Click on

  3. Username = NWOCA_SG

  4. Name = Sara Glore

  5. Title = HS Student Council Advisor

  6. Email =

  7. Assigned Roles = Student Activity Advisor

  8. Filters = HS Student Council

  9. Click on Save

Create a Receipt

  1. Go to Receipts under Transaction

  2. Click on Create

  3. Receipt # = Let it Auto Assign

  4. Receipt Date = 09/09/2016

  5. Received from = Betty Crocker

  6. Description = Cafeteria Receipts

  7. Click on +

    1. Amount = 238.32

    2. Type = Receipt

    3. Description = Student Type a Lunch

    4. Account = 006 1512 0000 000000 000

  8. Click on +

    1. Amount = 6.45

    2. Type = Receipt

    3. Description = Student Milk

    4. Account = 006 1514 0000 000000 000

  9. Validate

  10. Post

Create a Refund with check

  1. Go to Refunds under Transaction

  2. Click on Create

  3. Refund # = Auto Assign

  4. Refund Date = 09/08/2016

  5. Create a check = Yes

  6. Check # = Auto Assign

  7. Check Date = 09/08/2016

  8. Vendor # = 1113 Jack Jones

  9. Click on +

    1. Amount = 10.50

    2. Description = Over payment class fees

    3. Account = 001 1740 0000 00000 002

  10. Validate

  11. Post

Check number states 0 – physical check number is assigned when printed
Print Refund Check

  1. Go to Disbursements under Transaction

  2. In filter row type 'Jack' under Primary Name

  3. Check box beside Jack Jones' Refund

  4. Click on Print Batch

    1. Output type = pdf

    2. Start number = leave blank to auto assign physical check number

    3. Click on Print

Create a Requisition without a vendor

  1. Go to Requisitions under Transaction

  2. Click on Create

  3. Requisition # = TEST0022

  4. Vendor = do not add one

  5. Requested PO Date = 09/21/2016

  6. Deliver to Vendor # = 1000

  7. Attention = Mr. Principal

  8. Click on +

    1. Qty = 3

    2. Price = 7.89

    3. Description = Toner Cartridge Black

    4. Account = 001 2421 512 0000 000000 001 00 000

  9. Click on +

    1. Qty = 1

    2. Price = 33.95

    3. Description = Toner Cartridge Magenta

    4. Account = 001 2421 512 0000 000000 001 00 000

  10. Click on +

    1. Qty = 1

    2. Price = 7.99

    3. Description = Shipping

    4. Account = 001 2421 512 0000 000000 001 00 000

  11. Click Validate

  12. Click Post

Create a Requisition without an account code

  1. Click on Create

  2. Requisition # = TEST0023

  3. Vendor # = 2005

  4. Requested PO Date = 09/21/2016

  5. Deliver to Vendor # = 1000

  6. Attention = Mrs. Treasurer

  7. Click on +

    1. Qty = 1

    2. Price = 256.30

    3. Description = Computer Table #4349

    4. Account – leave blank

  8. Click Validate

  9. Click Post

Convert a Requisition

  1. Go to Requisitions under Transaction

  2. Search for Requisition with a date between 09/01/2016 and 09/30/2016

  3. Sort by Date

  4. Click on Requisition #TEST0022

  5. Click on Convert

  6. Add vendor = #2000, Office Max

  7. Click Validate

  8. Click Post

Mass Convert Requisitions

  1. Go to Requisition under Transaction

  2. Search for Requisition with a date between 09/01/2016 and 09/30/2016 and that has not been converted

  3. Check box beside TEST0021, TEST0014 and TEST0015

  4. Click on Convert

  5. Starting PO Number – Auto assign

  6. PO Date = Requisition Date

  7. Click on continue

    1. Shows summary of converted requisitions and PO #

  8. Click on Print

  9. Output Type = PDF

  10. Click Print beside the output type

  11. Click Return to Query Page

Purchase Order
Create a Purchase Order that is non-vendor specific

  1. Go to Purchase Order under Transaction

  2. Click on

  3. PO # - Auto Assign

  4. Date = 09/01/2016

  5. Vendor = Leave Blank

  6. Delivery Address = Sampleville City Schools, 389 Maple Lane, Sampleville, OH

  7. Attention = Mrs. Café

  8. Click on +

    1. Qty = 1

    2. Description = Dishwasher Repair

    3. Unit Price = 34.57

    4. Charge = 006 3120 423 0000 000000 000 00 000 – Equipment Repair

  9. Click on Save

Create a Purchase Order with Split Items

  1. Click on

  2. PO# = Auto Assign

  3. Date = 09/01/2016

  4. Vendor = %Office% - choose Office Max

  5. Delivery Address = Sampleville City Schools, 389 Maple Lane, Sampleville, OH

  6. Attention = Mr. Smith

  7. Click on +

    1. Qty = 30

    2. Description = Reading books

    3. Unit Price = 10

    4. Click on

      to split Quantity


        1. Qty = 15

        2. Unit Price = 10

        3. Account = 001 1132 520 0000 0000000 003 05 000

          1. (use hyphens between dimensions)

      2. Click on +

        1. Qty = 15

        2. Unit Price = 10

        3. Account = 001 1132 520 0000 000000 003 06 000

          1. (use hyphens between dimensions)

      3. Click on Accept

      4. Close pop up box

  8. Click on +

    1. Qty = 1

    2. Description = Printer

    3. Unit Price = 75

    4. Click on

      to split Price


        1. Qty = 1

        2. Unit Price = 25

        3. Account = 001 2421 512 0000 000000 001 00 000

          1. (use hyphens between dimensions)

      2. Click on +

        1. Qty = 1

        2. Unit Price = 50

        3. Account = 001 2421 512 0000 000000 002 00 000

          1. (use hyphens between dimensions)

      3. Click on Accept

      4. Close pop up box

  9. Click on Save

Modify a Purchase Order

  1. In filter row type in '09/01/2016' under Date

  2. In filter row type in 'true' under Invoiceable

  3. Click on PO# in filter row to sort by PO#

  4. Click on

    beside 2900017

  5. Clear out vendor – type in % S

    1. Choose 2007 – S & F Bus Parts

  6. Click on Save

AP Invoice
Create an invoice for a non-vendor specific PO




        1. Go to AP Invoices from Transaction

        2. PO # = 2900045

        3. Click on Invoice

        4. Invoice # = 12-3456

        5. Vendor # - 2003 Kuston Kitchen Cleaners

        6. Invoice Date = 09/10/2016

        7. Payment Due Date = 09/10/2016

        8. Amount = 5.69

        9. Status – partial

        10. Validate

        11. Post

Invoice Listing

  1. Go to Detail under Report

  2. Choose InvoiceItem

    1. Check mark the following:

      1. Amount

      2. Outstanding

      3. Expand Account – full account code

      4. Expand Invoice - number

        1. expand source – purchaseOrderNumber

        2. expand vendor – primary name

    2. Click Next

      1. Sort by Vendor: Primary Name =1

      2. Control Break

      3. Sum Invoiceitem Amount

    3. Click Next

      1. Filter by Primary Name = COMPUTER RESOURCE CENTER

    4. Click Next

      1. Format – PDF

      2. Letter

      3. Portrait

    5. Click Generate Report


  1. Go to Payables under Transaction

  2. Click Vendor tab

  3. Verify COMPUTER RESOURCE CENTER to InvoiceItem Report

  4. Check mark the box beside COMPUTER RESOURCE CENTER

  5. Click Post Selected

  6. Disbursement Date = 09/15/2016

  7. Grouping options = Vendor

  8. Sorting options = Vendor Number

  9. Bank Account = 1- Default Bank Account

  10. Click on Post

  11. Click Print

  12. Check Mark desired disbursements

  13. Click Print Batch

  14. Output Type = PDF

  15. Start Number = leave blank to auto assign

  16. Click on Print

  17. Uncheck mark Physical check # 5016 for Computer Resource center


  1. Go to Disbursement under Transaction

  2. In the filter row type 'Dunham' in the Primary Name

  3. Check Mark all

  4. Click on Reconcile

  5. Reconcile date= 09/30/2016

  6. Click Reconcile

  7. Uncheck mark all


  1. X out the text in 'Primary Name' in the filter row

  2. In the filter row type 'Reconciled' in the Status

  3. Check Mark physical check # 5013

  4. Click on unreconciled


  1. X out the text in 'Status' in the filter row

  2. In the filter row type '5012' in physical check number

  3. Check Mark physical check # 5012

  4. Click on Void

  5. Void Date = 09/30/2016

  6. Check Mark Void invoice Items

  7. Click on confirm

  8. Uncheck mark physical check #5012


  1. X out the text in 'Physical Check #' in the filter row

  2. Click on Resequence

  3. Original Start Number = 5015

  4. Original End Number = 5015

  5. New Start Number = 5017

  6. Validate

  7. Close the informational box

  8. Post

  9. Close the informational box

  10. Close the resequence pop up





        1. Create a similar report to BUDSUM, REVSUM and FINSUMM

        2. Go to Detail under Report

        3. See Classic USAS Report page handouts