USPS-R Special Pay Processing Checklist


The checklist below is intended for general guidelines only.  Your ITC may supply slightly different instructions depending on their policies and procedures.  Please contact your ITC for their checklist. 


1. ___Go to Payroll/Payroll Processing

2.___ Click Initialize Payroll


  • Payroll Description-Enter in Description

  • Pay Plan-Choose from Drop Down 

  • Pay Cycle-What you select should not matter if you are suppressing voluntary deductions. If not suppressing voluntary deductions choose the appropriate cycle

  • Start Date-Enter or choose from calendar

  • Stop Date- Enter or choose from calendar

  • Pay Date- Enter or choose from calendar 

    • If district has already processed their Employer Distributions, SERS or STRS submissions for their Regular Payroll, then they will want to use a different pay date

4.___If not wanting to charge voluntary deductions click on box-

5.___If wanting to create a check for a Direct Deposit employee, click on 

6.___Click on box-

7.___Click on 

8.___Go to Payroll/Payroll Payments Current:

  • Click  

  • Choose the Payroll from the Drop Down   


  • Find Employee by typing a few characters of first or last name

  • Click on the Position being paid

  • Click  



8a.___If wanting to load a spreadsheet process as follows:

  • Go to Utilities/Attendance/Absence Import

  • Choose File- Find your csv file you want to load

  • Location Code-Choose from Drop Down 

     if included on the csv file if not leave set to None

  • Post to Payroll Processing Option (Choose-Post to Payroll Processing Current)

  • If you wish to combine entries check the box

  • If you wish to allow negative balances check the box (NA for supplemental payment)

  • Payroll Account to Charge-Choose the account you want to charge from the Drop Down 

  • Click 

  • Verify all data loaded correctly by viewing the ATTERR.TXT file.

9.___Go  Payroll/Payroll Processing and click on the  box

10.___ Click Pay Report and then click 

11.___View Pay Report and check totals.

12.___Click Post Payroll-Are you sure you want to post this payroll? Click 

13.___If there are any checks click Process Payments  

  • Click Checks

  • Select the Output Format XML

  • Select the Bank Account from the Drop Down 

  • Sort By-Choose form the Drop Down 

  • Starting Check Number will default to the next available payroll check number

  • File Name will already default to Checks.XML

  • Click 

14.___Save Checks.XML file to your desktop or a folder of your choosing

15.___Import the Checks.XML to your printing software to print out checks

16.___If there are direct deposit paper notices click Process Payments

  • Click Direct Deposits

  • Select the Output Format XML

  • Select the Bank Account from the Drop Down 

  • Sort By-Choose from the Drop Down 

  • File Name will already default to DirectDeposits.XML

17.___Save DirectDeposits.XML file to your desktop or a folder of your choosing 

18.___Import the DirectDeposits.XML to your printing software to print out paper notices

19.___If sending out email direct deposit notices click 

20.___Move employees to the Selected box

21.___Verify or modify Date and Time to Send email notices  

22.___Choose the Direct Deposit Form from the Drop Down 


24.___Budget Distribution Report and Payroll Account Distribution Reports can be printed out or saved to your desktop or a folder of your choosing.

25.___If desired Outstanding Payables can be processed

26. ___Create the direct deposit ACH tape file for bank (Only if submitting as Direct Deposit)

  • Reports/ACH Submission –ACH Submission Tab


    • Pay Date- default is Current Pay Date

    • ACH Source - Choose Destination Payroll/ACH Transfer

    • Include Employee SSN - Choose from Dropdown    

    • Sort by - Choose from Dropdown

    • Report Format - Choose from Dropdown

    • Under Historical Payrolls choose pay wanting to create file by checking checkbox


    • Review report


    • Click the Convert Pre-Notes on ACH File Submission Generation checkbox


27.___Go to Processing/Process Outstanding Payables

28.___Double click the Pay Cycle and move it to the elected box

29.___Check the box under the Pay Cycles    this will check “ALL” outstanding payables listed and move them to the Selected Payables Detail area


  • Enter a Transaction Date-current date is defaulted

  • Choose Bank Account from Drop Down 

  • Choose the Output File PDF

  • Starting Check number defaults to the next available payroll check number

  • Click 

31.____View and Save the Payables Payment.PDF report

32.___Go to Payments/Payees/Payee Payment Checks

33.___Using grid filter all checks processed for the pay date

34.___Click on the box under Re-issue-this will check all payables checks


36.___Choose XML Output Format

37.___File Name is defaulted to Checks.xml


39.___Save Checks.XML file to your desktop or a folder of your choosing

40.___Import the Checks.XML to your printing software to print out checks

41.___Go to USAS Integration and select Payroll Submission

42.___Click on the  button next to your special pay

43.___Go to Reports and select Employer Distributions Report (Special Pays can be ran with Regular Payroll if report has NOT been created and submitted to USAS for their Regular Payroll, if using the same Pay Dates)

  • Enter in Start Date (Pay Date)

  • Enter in Stop Date (Pay Date)

    • If using a date range, the pay date has to fall within the date range entered to be included on the report.  The date range is also used to lookup adjustments that have a transaction date that fall within the date range.

  • Select Payment Cycle

  • Select Sort Option

  • Select Subtotal Option

  • Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts is defaulted can uncheck if desired

  • Summarize individual amounts detail? is defaulted can uncheck if desired

  • Select Available Payroll Items

  • Click on

44.___Go to USAS Integration and select Employer Distributions Submission (BRDDIS) 

  • Enter or choose Start Date (Pay Date)

  • Enter or choose End Date (Pay Date)

    • If using a date range, the pay date has to fall within the date range entered to be included on the report.  The date range is also used to lookup adjustments that have a transaction date that fall within the date range.

  • Enter  Payment Cycle (optional

  • Use Only Employer Distribution Accounts is defaulted can uncheck if desired

  • Select from Available Payroll Items you wish to process as board payments double click on the item and it will move to the selected box

  • Click 

  • Review Employer Distribution Submissions

  • Click 

45.___Go to Reports and select Employer Retirement Share Submission (BRDRET) if applicable

  • Enter a Begin and End Date

    • Enter Begin Date (Pay Date)

    • Enter End Date (Pay Date)

      • If using a date range, the pay date has to fall within the date range entered to be included on the report.  The date range is also used to lookup adjustments that have a transaction date that fall within the date range.

    • Enter STRS Amount to Distribute

    • Enter SERS Amount to Distribute

    • Click on

46.___Go to USAS Integration and select Employer Retirement Share Submission (BRDRET) if applicable

  • Enter or choose  Begin Date

  • Enter or choose End Date

    • If using a date range, the pay date has to fall within the date range entered to be included on the report.  The date range is also used to lookup adjustments that have a transaction date that fall within the date range.

  • Enter STRS Amount to Distribute

  • Enter SERS Amount to Distribute

  • Click 

  • Click  

47.____Processing a SERS Per Pay Report (RETIRE/SERSRPT)

  • Go to Reports/SERS Per Pay Report

  • Report Title-Default is SERS Per Pay Report

  • Choose your sorting option (Dropdown)

  • Check box if you wish to Begin Each Employee on a New Page

  • Show Detail on Report should be checked

  • Show Informational Messages on Report should be checked

  • Enter or choose Pay Date

  • Enter the eSERS Pay Cycle

  • Enter the eSERS Pay Cycle Code

  • Enter or choose Begin Date

  • Enter or choose End Date 

  • Click Generate Report

48._____Creating a SERS Per Pay Submission file

  • All previous data from report generation should still be populated 

  • Set Employees Within Submission File As Reported to SERS should be checked

  • Click Generate Submission File

  • Click Link to eSERS login and and upload the tape file

  • If you are only creating an adjustment file click Generate Submission File for Adjustments Only

49._____Processing a STRS Report (RETIRE/STRSRPT)

  • Go to Reports/STRS Report

  • Choose your sorting option (Dropdown)

  • Choose the Payment Method (Dropdown)

  • Enter in the Check or Transaction Number 

  • Choose the Report Format (Dropdown)

  • Under Historical Payrolls-Click the check box next to the payroll you wish to create a report for

  • Click Generate Report

50._____To create a submission file click Create Submission File and save it to a folder of your choosing

  • Click Choose File and find the file in your folder. 

  • Click Upload OR

  • To create a submission file and submit to STRS click Generate Submission File and Submit to STRS