2019-07-24 USAS Completed Work Review

Releases Since Our Last Meeting (05-15-2019)

  • USAS-R V7.19.4 Hotfix (5/15/19)

    • Implemented application health

    • Corrected the import log to correctly display the status of the Encumbrance Ledger Job

  • USAS-R V7.19.5 Hotfix (5/20/19)

    • Modified the import to set the effective date for the PURGEDAMTS* invoices to be the same date as the last full invoice.  This will ensure partial invoices are posted before full invoices and a more sensible date is used.

    • In an effort to order them more consistently, when importing invoices the effective date used for the invoice is the invoice date, however if multiple invoices are posted on the same date the created date and time will be used to determine effective date.

    • Updated the post import process to create missing posting periods and close and archive them when appropriate.

  • USAS-R V7.19.6 Hotfix (5/21/19)

    • Corrects a problem related to the Application Health that applies only to empty databases.

  • USAS-R V7.20.0 Release (6/12/19)

    • AP Invoice rewritten into the new grid style format.

    • Implemented auto assign preferences for requisitions.

    • Implemented future year balance checking for requisitions and purchase orders.  This was implemented as rules that will need to be enabled if future year balance checking is desired.

    • User account filters now apply to all detail reports.

    • Implemented reporting levels for account code dimensions.  These include 1 & 2 digits of function, 1 & 2 digits of receipt, 1 digit of object, 2 digits of subject and 1 digit of OPU.

    • The 'as of period' user parameter was added to a dozen more reports including the various account summary reports.

    • Discovered and corrected a performance problem related to account filters that appeared to make the user interface hang.

  • USAS-R V7.20.1 Hotfix (6/20/19)

    • The SSDT Revenue and Expenditures by Fund and by Cash Account template reports have been rewritten as canned reports to correct a problem with grand totals.  Previously the revenue and expenditure amounts were being added and displayed an incorrect grand total.

    • Corrected problem editing a receipt.  Users with account filters were unable to modify receipts they would have access to.

    • Per the EMIS Manual the 7600 function codes have been updated to remove the restriction of 900 object codes like the rest of the 7000 function codes.

    • Performance improvement: corrected a problem that made the promote feature of scenarios appear to hang when an error occurred.

    • Corrected the rule to prevent a partial invoice from being posted after a full invoice.  The rule wasn't working as intended for transactions posted in the Redesign.

    • Implemented the ability to post Leave Projections into USAS from USPS.  When transactions are posted in USPSR they will be available via Pending Transactions.  Once accepted, receipt transactions will be posted in USASR.

    • Repaying and advance in the current fiscal year has been updated to refund the money to the revenue account (original "In" account) and reduce the expenditure in the expenditure account (original "Out" account). 

  • USAS-R V7.20.2 Hotfix (6/26/19)

    • Corrected a problem posting budget adjustments.  When posting budget adjustments for a date outside the current period the service was using the current FYTD Expendable/Receivable amount, not the amount for the period the transaction date is in.  Districts who posted adjustments and used a transaction date outside the current period (the period that was current when the adjustment was posted) should review their accounts to make sure amounts are correctly reflecting what they expect.

    • We've added an option under the Utility menu to allow admin users the ability to refresh the state of a purchase order.  This option was added because a user amended a po to change the date, but the po ended up in an invalid state.  We have determined the cause of the problem and will be releasing a 7.20.3 hotfix to correct it.  This refresh state option will cause the state of the po to be re-evaluated and properly updated, allowing the transaction to recover from this invalid state.  This is currently limited to the admin role.

  • USAS-R V7.20.3 Hotfix (7/1/19)

    • Corrected the rule that governs creating and updating transactions with regard to posting periods.  The rule was not preventing the creation of transactions with dates in a prior fiscal year when posted via a third party vendor via the soap service. 

  • USAS-R V7.20.4 Hotfix (7/8/19)

    • Implemented a performance improvement to the process of applying proposed amounts and posting budget adjustments.  We discovered that when these transactions were being posted the filter crosswalks were being recreated, which caused the performance problem.  The filter crosswalks only need to be updated if the budget code itself changes.

  • USAS-R V7.21.0 Release (7/11/19)

    • Performance improvements have been made to posting payables, budget scenario promotion to proposed amounts and accounts.

    • Added a rule to prevent posting payroll disbursements if the accounts are inactive.  This rule is not mandatory but is enabled by default.

    • Restrict requisition only users from seeing the ACH fields on the vendor.

    • Canceled items on the printed PO will now display with a "C" before the item as they did in Classic.

    • Corrections to totals on the Spending Plan Comparison report.

    • The remaining balance calculation in the Fund UI has been corrected.

    • Corrected problem with Mass Load accounts.

    • Updated downloadable report link to be shareable with others.

    • The Listing of Transactions by Account report has been corrected to include received amounts.

  • USAS-R V7.21.1 Hotfix (7/17/19)

    • Corrected problems with control headers and control footers on template reports.  This impacted reports that contain additional information in the control areas mentioned, such as the Financial Detail Reports for Current Period and July 1 Cash Balances, the Disbursement Detail report and the Listing of Transactions by Account report.

Upcoming Scheduled Release

USAS-R 7.22.0 Release (anticipated next week)

  • The ability to mass add accounts, for example taking an existing grant account and copying the account hierarchy to a new account.

  • Recreated Classic's PAYABL report.  This report was implemented as a canned report because the query required is too complex for it to be a template report.

  • Removal of Legacy Requisitions 

  • Corrected method that determines if all amounts on an account are zero.

  • A 30% performance improvement was made to the Financial Detail Report July 1 Cash Balance

  • The default date has been removed when posting Budget Adjustments.  Users will be required to enter a date.

  • Various improvements to the new AP Invoice UI, including the addition of the check number, updated default grid sort and real time updates to the invoice and canceled totals before saving the invoice.