Updates to USPS XML Schema
Changes for version 1.6 of the USPS SOAP service
Removed the AssignmentArea2 and AssignmentArea3 elements from the Position.PositionEmis element.
Corrected the spelling of the CompensoryTime element in the Position.EligibilityFlags element. It is now CompensatoryTime.
Added the LastPaidDate element to the Position element.
Version 1.6 of the XML schema can be viewed at http://devel.ssdt.nwoca.org/uspssoap160/usps-42.xsd.
Changes for version 1.7 of the USPS SOAP service
The Payment schema element has been redesigned to more clearly distinguish pay checks from deduction checks. The Payment element is now broken down into three elements: PaymentHeader, EmployeePayment, and DeductionPayment. The PaymentHeader element contains elements that are common to both employee payments and deduction payments. The EmployeePayment element contains elements specific to an employee pay check, while the DeductionPayment element contains elements specific to a deduction check. The EmployeePayment and DeductionPayment elements are optional. Only one will be contained within each Payment element. The updated Payment schema element can be viewed at http://devel.ssdt.nwoca.org/uspssoap170/usps-42.xsd.
A new SOAP method has been created that will allow searching of payment records for an employee by a date range. The queryPaymentByIdDates method will return payment records for a given employee id where the pay date occurs within the starting date and ending date provided.
Changes for version 1.8 of the USPS SOAP service
Removed the MasterTeacherFlag and MasterTeacherYear elements from the Employee.Emis element.
Added the SpecificRace element to the Employee.Emis element. The SpecificRace element contains new elements HispanicLatino, White, Black, Asian, NativeAmericanAlaskaNative, and NativeHawaiianPacificIslander.
Added new elements Contracts and Contractors
New SOAP methods have been created to allow creating, updating, deleting, and searching of EMIS contract and contractor records.
Version 1.8 of the XML schema can be viewed at http://devel.ssdt.nwoca.org/uspssoap180/usps-42.xsd.
Version 1.8 API documentation can be viewed at http://devel.ssdt.nwoca.org/uspssoap180/wsapi/index.html
Changes for version 1.8-1 of the USPS SOAP service
Added the TaxableBenefit element to the EmployeeFederalDed element.
Version 1.8-1 of the XML schema can be viewed at http://devel0.ssdt.nwoca.org/uspssoap181/usps-42.xsd.
Changes for version 1.10.0 of the USPS SOAP service
Added the ServiceHoursAccum and CurrentServiceHours elements to the Benefit.SickLeave element.
Added the PartTime element to the Employee element.
Removed the CompAccMonthly element from the Benefit.CompTime element.
Removed CertificateApplication from Position element
Removed validations from the Subject element under BudgetAccountType in order to support alphanumeric subject codes
Version 1.10.0 of the XML schema can be viewed at http://devel.ssdt.nwoca.org/uspssoap/usps-42.xsd.