2019-04-17 USAS Completed Work Review

Releases Since Our Last Meeting (03-20-2019)

  • USAS-R 7.17.1-10 Hotfix (3/20/19)

    • Corrected a problem printing from Legacy Requisitions.

    • Improved the PO import to store more data from Classic with regard to the state of the PO when the data was extracted.  This allows us to make Classic authoritative with regard to closed POs.  If a PO was closed in Classic it will import as closed in the Redesign and will not be able to be reopened.

    • Intended to corrected the 7.010 and 7.020 amounts on the Five Year Forecast.  Unfortunately there are additional improvements to make so these totals are still not accurate.  The following Jira issue will correct these amounts and will be available on the 7.18.0 release.

      •   USASR-3690 - Five Year Forecast Cash Amounts RESOLVED

  • USAS-R 7.18.0.-6 Release (3/24/19)

    • The ability to "Show Report Options" has been added to the report generation popup.  When the user selects the checkbox a report options page will print before the report that will include all parameters selected by the user.  This is similar to the report options page generated with the Classic reports.

    • A new version of the Financial Detail report has been made available that will include July 1 cash balances for each cash account included on the report.  The ending balance will be for the posting period associated with the ending date the user selects to run the report for.  If the end date is left blank the report will include detail through the current system date, but the ending balances will be based on the current period.

    • A rule has been created to warn the user that the invoice amount exceeds the remaining encumbrance.  This rule is optional and disabled by default.  This rule will only be seen if it's enabled and the user Validates the invoice.

    • The 4.500 total line has been updated to include the 4.010 line on the Spending Plan Summary.

    • The import process has been updated to cope with multiple full invoice items per purchase order charge.  Classic allowed more than one full invoice item per po charge and the Redesign does not.  The last invoice item for that po charge based on invoice date will be full, all others will be modified to be a status of partial.

    • Repay advance transactions have been updated to use the proper accounts as specified by AOS.  The 7420/922 function/object and 5220 receipt codes are to be used when repaying an advance in the current or next fy.  Previously the Redesign was using the 7410/921 and 5210 accounts which are to be used for the advance.  

    • A notice was added to Legacy Requisitions to explain that it will be removed June 30th.

    • The ability to create a direct downloadable link for a report has been added to the software.  Users are now able to download a report directly using a hyperlink without using the user interface.

  • USAS-R 7.18.1-1 Hotfix (3/25/19)

    • This hotfix corrects a problem with a permission that was removed in the 7.18 release.

  • USAS-R 7.18.2-1 Hotfix (3/25/19)

    • This hotfix corrects errors with a permission that was removed in the 7.18.1 release.

  • USAS-R 7.18.3-8 Hotfix (4/2/19)

    • Corrected problems related to modified account filters.  Previously account filters were not working properly if modified.

    • Five year forecast cash amounts have been corrected to only include amounts for forecast accounts, not all accounts.

    • Budget adjustments were being reflected in the totals in the account interface even if they were future adjustments.  This was inflating the FYTD adjustments amount.  We corrected the retrieval of these amounts to pull adjustments for the current fiscal year through the current period.

    • The account query service was ignoring subject codes when performing queries for revenue accounts.

    • The queryReqs method in the SOAP Service was not sending the correct requisition approval status.

  • USAS-R 7.18.4-12 Hotfix (4/11/19)

    • Subject codes have been updated to allow the use of valid 2 digit subject codes (example: 05000).

    • Corrected a problem with the EIS Configuration where items were not correctly being flagged as inventory items.  The problem was found to be with the account filter associated with the EIS Configuration, it was missing the TI value as this was added to account filters later.  This prevented any of the accounts from matching the filter.  Any district that migrated before the 7.8.0 release (August 8, 2018) that is using the EIS Module will be impacted and will want to follow these directions to make sure all inventory items that meet the criteria are are properly flagged.

      • Disable the EIS Module

      • Delete the existing account filters: ssdt-eisClassicEnabledFilter &/or ssdt-eisClassicAutomaticFilter (Districts may have one or both filters)

      • Re-enable the EIS Module and be sure to edit the EIS Configuration to the desired impact

    • We've corrected a problem with remaining encumbrance that was introduced with the 7.17.1 release.  This problem is specific to disbursements that were posted in the Redesign against imported invoices.  The Encumbrance Service was posting an adjustment impact for the disbursement amount because the invoice was marked legacy.  This was causing remaining encumbrance amounts to be inflated.

    • Corrected a problem when cloning a purchase order that retained the original legacyPOStatus and legacyOutstanding values.  These fields are no longer being cloned.

    • The method that retrieves the FYTD transactions for the Budget account was modified to clear the time so it returns all transactions for the date specified.  This method is used when determining the FYTD Expendable amount.

    • Correct a problem with the 7.010 and 7.020 total lines on the Spending Plan reports.

Upcoming Scheduled Releases

  • USAS-R 7.18.5 Hotfix

    • Corrects a problem with the Invoice import that was preventing invoices with special characters in the invoice number from importing.  

  • USAS-R 7.19.0 Release Scheduled Issues (anticipated next week)

    • State Treasurer's Online Checkbook extract available

    • Improvements to Budget Scenarios with the addition of being able to clone them

    • Budgeting worksheets have been updated to include the prior year amounts in separate columns

    • Improvements to the Five Year Forecast extract to include expendable and receivable amounts

    • Performance improvements to Disbursements 

    • Updated the USAS Manager role to include the Mass Load permission and access to the Transaction Configuration

    • Corrected problems with the RAM export with regard to descriptions containing double quotes

    • Financial Detail report improvements