The Tuition application is to be used by EMIS reporting entities as means to verify tuition information/payments. This includes payments being paid by the LEA and those being received by the LEA. EMIS reporting entities, ITC staff and ODE personnel have access to the Tuition application
Users can gain access to the Tuition application within ODDEX by using the Tuition application link on the navigation bar or by clicking on one of the blue hyperlinks within the landing page's Tuition Summary areas. See Landing Page for details on its use.
If a user account has access to more than one district, select the district from the drop down in the navigation bar.
Users will want to select the year of the data they wish to view from the drop down in the navigation bar.
The Tuition application area has two options from the navigation bar, Resident/Paying and Educating/Receiving. To view those students for which the LEA is to receive tuition payments, select the Educating/Receiving option from the drop down menu in the navigation bar. To see those students for which the LEA pays tuition to another LEA, select the Resident/Paying option.
Each of these Tuition menu options will be discussed in their own sections within this document.
Resident/Paying view
Educating/Receiving view
Resident/Paying View
Districts will have the ability to use the various Find options. Selections by name, SSID, and Gender are at the student level.
The find by Review Status includes these choices:
- Blank - all records
- New
- No Activity
- New flags/comments
- Flags/Comments
- Reviewed
- ODE override
- Inactive
Record Age is determined by calculating the number of days between the last modified date and the current date. Find by record age includes the following choices:
- 15 days or less
- 16-30 days
- Age over 30 days
Disability allows the user to select those students with or without a disability condition.
- Blank - all records
- Y - Include only those students with a disability
- N - Include only those students without a disability
Receiving LEA allows the Resident/Paying district the ability to select a specific LEA who is reporting the Residents students attending their district. All LEA's who have reported students pointing to the Resident district are included in this selection drop down.
The Escalated check box allows the district to filter only those records that have been escalated to ODE for their review.
Selections also include an Active Only check box. This allows the district to eliminate the inactive records from appearing in the summary listing grid.
The find box can be collapsed clicking on the lower left corner icon
.Selecting the Clear link resets the find filters to empty/default values.
Using the Export button, the user has the ability to export all data for the students included in the current Find selections. The data is exported in a TAB delimited format that may be saved and imported into a spreadsheet. When importing a TAB delimited file into a spreadsheet, be certain to select the appropriate delimiter.
Resident/Paying Summary Listing Screen
In this summary screen, basic student information is included. The flags in the left most column represent the status of the students tuition data.
- Red flag - a review flag was set by Resident district
- Yellow flag - student has not been reviewed by Resident district
- No flag - student has been reviewed, no active flags
Columns in the grid whose headings are blue and contain
are sortable. The column heading acts as a toggle allowing the data to be sorted in ascending or descending order by repeatedly clicking on the column heading.The Record Active column indicated whether the record for that SSID is active or inactive. Inactive records are displayed with a strike-thru and are not taken into consideration for payment.
- False - record is inactive
- True - record is active
Clicking on the flag icon or SSID hyperlink will open a popup window showing the full details of the student's tuition information being reported by the Educating LEA. The detail popup window is where all flagging and entry of any comments may be made.
Student Detail
The student tuition detail popup shows data about the student as it was reported by the Educating LEA. Any reviews, initiated by either the Resident/Paying LEA or Educating LEA, will be displayed. The user will be able to add a review, escalate a review or add a comment to a review through the student detail popup.
Student details may be printed by clicking on the Printer icon
in the upper left corner.Reviews
By clicking on the 'Add Review' button
, the LEA is placed in a new screen where they have the ability to set flags of contention regarding the tuition information being reported by the Educating LEA. The flag options shown in the following screen shot are for display purposes only. Flag options may change at any given time.
In the Note box, the LEA may add comments pertaining to the flag they are setting. These notes are visible to the Educating LEA and anyone who has at least read-only access to the Tuition module for the two LEA's involved. Notes entered and saved can not be deleted. Information entered in Notes will appear in the student detail review area in the column labeled 'Comments'.
When adding a review, the following buttons may be available:
- Save Flags - Save the checked flag(s) and any notes entered about the flag(s)
- Approved to Pay - No Flags - Paying district is indicating the student has been approved for tuition payment
- Clear Flags & Approve to Pay - indicates there was a flag set on the student, but the flag may now be cleared and the student is approved for tuition payment
- Cancel - Leaves the review form with no changes saved
Once a review has been added, the ability to comment on the review will be available. Both the Educating and Paying LEA's may add comments to a review that was initiated by the Paying LEA. Comments may be added by clicking the Add Comment icon
in the Reviews section of the student detail popup. Comments entered and saved can not be deleted or modified.
After clicking on the Add Comment icon, an additional popup window is opened that allows a comment to be added. The Shared box is checked by default. Shared comments are viewable by anyone with access to the students information through Tuition. By unchecking the shared box, only users within the Commenter's agency will be able to view the comment once it has been saved. Comments are available for viewing immediately after saving.
Escalating to ODE
Educating/Receiving View
Educating/Receiving Summary Listing Screen
Columns in the grid whose headings are blue and contain
are sortable. The column heading acts as a toggle allowing the data to be sorted in ascending or descending order by repeatedly clicking on the column heading.