The SOES application is used by community schools, STEM schools and resident districts for determination of student enrollment and residency. This system allows resident districts to review the residency of students being reported by community and STEM schools and determine whether the student is truly a resident of their district and approve or set contention flags. The application allows the charter and STEM districts to view resident district comments and flagging values. In addition, if there is ODE involvement for a particular student, that also is visible to all districts associated with the student SSID.
Users can gain access to the SOES application within ODDEX by using the SOES application link on the navigation bar or by clicking on one of the blue hyperlinks within the landing page. See Landing Page for details on its use.
The view of the data within this application is dependent on whether you have authorized access to a community school or a resident district along with access roles.
Resident District View
Resident District Reports
Community School View
Resident District View
From the summary screen, you will see a listing of all students any community or STEM district has reported to SOES, as residing in your district.
Districts will have the ability to use the various find (query) options. Selections by name, SSID, and Gender are at the student level.
Review Status includes these choices:
- Blank - all records
- New
- No Activity
- New flags/comments
- Flags/Comments
- Reviewed
- ODE override
- Inactive
When selecting any of the Review Status options which contain New, an additional input field will appear allowing the user to specify the number of Days Since New. Enter a numeric value in this field that signifies the number of days to count backwards to, from the current date, for a staring point in the lookup. For example, if the current date is March 15th and you wish to see all records which are new since March 1st, enter 15 in the Days Since New field. If a value is not entered in the Days Since New field, the users last login date will be used to determine which records are new.
Reported By allows a resident district the ability to select a specific community school IRN who is reporting your resident students as attending. All community school IRNs who have reported students pointing to you are included in this selection drop down.
Record Age includes these choices:
- 30 days or less
- 31-45 days
- 46-75 days
- age over 75 days
The age of the record is determined by the last modified date. It is not determined by the first submitted date.
Address includes these choices:
- Blank - all records
- Students with empty/no address
- Students with address
Escalated Only allows for filtering by only those records that have been escalated to ODE.
Active Only check box allows a district to eliminate the records associated to inactive review flags during the selections.
Modified Since Last Review allows the Resident district to select only the records a community school has made new comments on, or students they have submitted new data for. The choices are:
- All records
- Updated records by CS since last review
Impact of Review Flag allows the user to filter records based on those that have a current funding impact or there is a data quality issue. To find all records which are currently flagged and the flag impacts funding, select 'Funding' for the Impact of Review and select 'Reviewed With Errors' for the Review Status. The combination of those two filters will provide a listing of students who are currently flagged with an issue that affects funding for the student. If Impact of Review is set to 'Funding' and no other filters are applied, the user will see students which have been approved as well as those with flags affecting funding since approved students impact funding as well.
- All records
- Funding
- Data Quality
The find box can be collapsed clicking on the lower left corner icon
Using the Export button, the user has the ability to export all data for the students included in the current Find (query) selections. The data is exported in a TAB delimited format that may be saved and imported into a spreadsheet. When importing a TAB delimited file into a spreadsheet, be certain to select the appropriate delimiter.
Resident Summary Listing Screen
In this summary screen, basic student identifiable information is included. The icons in the left most column represent the status of the student.
Status Icons
- Red / X Icon - No funding
- Yellow / Exclamation Point Icon - Attention is needed or not yet reviewed
- Green / Check Mark icon
The Record Active column indicates whether the record for that SSID is active or inactive.
- false = record is inactive
- true = record is active
A student may appear in this summary listing more than once. Each entry for a student represents a different residency record. Each residency record must be reviewed and approved or flagged by the resident district.
To get to the detail information about a student, a district can click on either the status icon or the SSID. This detail pop-up screen is where all flagging by a resident district is completed, as well as entry of any comments.
Resident districts can see a summary of Audit information about a record by clicking on the blue triangle
icon. The Audit information will include updates to the records.Columns in the grid whose headings are blue and contain
are sortable. The column heading acts as a toggle allowing the data to be sorted in ascending or descending order by repeatedly clicking on the column heading.Resident Detail Screen
The student information included in this detail screen is submitted by the community school. The biographical data is available on this screen as reference. This section includes the residency detail for a student as well as the guardian information. The First Reported date in this section of data represents the first date data for this SSID was reported into the SOES application. The First Reported Date is not the date used for the SOES record age out process. The Last Updated date is used for that calculation. The section of the screen labeled Educating Entity, is the detail provided about the educating community school(s). The Derived enrollment date is provided by ODE and is derived using business rules. The FTE included in this screen is a calculated figure and represents the student FTE community school is receiving funding for. The FTE is calculated by ODE based on the submitted data. Questions about this value or the derived enrollment dates should be submitted to ODE through your ITC support site.
In this detail screen, if the Guardian or Address area includes 'Not Yet Reported', this is an indicator the Community School has yet to submit contact data for the residency record associated with the date ranges listed. Once the data is submitted, the values will replace the 'Not Yet Reported'. Resident districts are unable to review students whose address is not yet reported. Any students with a missing address are not counted against the resident district, these impact the community school funding until the address is populated.
The student details information may be printed by clicking on the printer
icon in the upper left corner of the student details popup window.Default calendar information for the LEA may be seen by clicking on the calendar
icon which appears following the LEA name and IRN.A record appearing as auto-reviewed indicates during the import process it was determined the student is attending the same community school as a prior year, the student is being reported with the same resident district IRN and the same contact data. The resident district will not have the ability to add additional reviews to this student, however, they will have the ability to escalate the student to ODE if need be. Refer to the Escalate to ODE section for details on the escalation process. If updates were submitted by the community school, the 75 day flagging window opens at that time. If a resident district has proof a student has moved and the address has not been changed, the resident district should post a comment on the auto approval and attempt to contact the community school personnel to get the address changed.
By clicking on the 'Add Review'
button, the resident district is placed in a new screen, where they have the opportunity to set flags of contention for a student or approve them for funding as reported. The flag options included in this screen shot are for display purposes only. Districts should refer to the ODE web site and SOES reporting documentation for specifics on the flag options available for the current processing year.
In the Note box, districts can add comments about the flag they set. These notes are visible to the Community School that reported the student, all personnel in your district with access to SOES, your ITC support staff and ODE. Notes entered and saved, can not be deleted. What is entered will appear in the detail screen in the column labeled 'Comments'. See more details on the use of 'Comments' in following sections of this document.
When setting the flags, the following submission buttons may be available:
- Save Flags - Saves the flag(s) checked by the district and any notes entered about the flag(s)
- Reviewed - No Flags - District is indicating the student has been approved for community school funding
- Clear Flags & Mark Reviewed - this is indicating the student did have a flag set, but the flag can be cleared now and the student is approved for community school funding
- Cancel - Leaves the screen with no changes saved
All saved information is written back to the database and is available immediately for viewing by both the resident district and the community school. Depending on the flags set, the student may also move to a new column on the Landing Page of both the Resident District and the Community School.
Resident District Detail Screen after flags get set.
The flags show in the Reviews Flags column of the Reviews area. Anything entered in the Notes area of the flagging screen will show in the Comments section of this detail screen.
Several different informational messages may appear at the bottom of the detail screen indicating why the record is not reviewable.
- Not Reviewable by District due to review window closed
ODE has locked out the SOES data for the year, no further reviews may be posted - Not Reviewable by District due to ODE Override
This message will appear if the record has been auto approved due to no changes in contact data from prior year's reporting. The resident district will still have the ability to add a comment to the auto approval review if they find a discrepancy in the data reported. If the resident district and community school are unable to resolve the issue, once the comment is at least 14 days old, the resident district may escalate the record to ODE.
This message will also appear in the case that ODE has intervened and either approved or denied the record for funding. Records which ODE has approved or denied for funding may not be escalated. - Not Reviewable by District due to age of record
This appears when the record was last updated by the community school over 75 days ago and it has no outstanding flagged reviews. The record has aged out. - Not Reviewable by District due to missing address data
If the community school has not submitted address information for the student, this message will be displayed. The record will not be considered for funding until such time that an address is submitted.
If a resident district does need to flag a student on a record that has aged out, the district should contact their ODE Area Coordinator for assistance.
Once a flag has been set by the resident district, those with access to do so at either the community school or the resident district can add additional comments to this student by clicking on the Add Comment icon
, which is found in the left most area of the 'Reviews' section of this detail screen. Comments entered and saved, can not be deleted or modified.
After clicking on the Add Comment icon, a small box opens that allows a comment to be added. The Shared box is checked by default. Shared comments are viewable by anyone with access to the students information through SOES. By unchecking the shared box, only users within the Commenter's agency will be able to view the comment once it has been saved. Comments are available immediately for viewing once the comment has been saved.
If comments are present for a student, the name of the individual who posted the comment will be a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink will bring up a popup window that contains contact information for the LEA/individual who posted the comment. The contact information displayed in the popup is dependent upon the Agency's Secondary Contact information being populated. If populated, the LEA contact information will be displayed. If not provided, the individual user's contact information from the User's profile will be displayed.
The process of Review and adding comments can occur multiple times.
When a resident district is ready to approve the information about this student for funding, personnel will need to return to the Detail screen for a student.
Once on this screen, a Resident District can click on the 'Reviewed - No Flags' button
and the application will automatically clear any flags that had been set by the district and the student is marked as having Resident District approval for Community School funding. If desired, the 'Add Review' button can be used as well. This will return districts to the Flagging screen. To clear the flags and approve the student from this screen, click on the 'Clear Flags & Mark Reviewed' button .Escalate to ODE
The resident district will have the ability to escalate records onto ODE for review which are
- Auto Approved
- Aged out
- Approved with no errors and older than 75 days
Escalation of ODE Auto Approved Records
In order for the escalation ability to become available on auto approved records, the resident district must first add a comment to the auto approval review in effort to work with the community school to resolve the issue before escalating to ODE. If the issue remains unresolved after 14 days, the resident district will have the ability to escalate the record to ODE. At that time, an escalation icon
will appear in the Review display area, on the left side, next to the add comment icon.Escalation of Aged Out and Approved Records
For records which have aged out, the resident district will be able to escalate to ODE for review once the record has reached the aged out status. No prior comment is required in order for the escalation ability to be available for aged out records. The escalation icon will appear once the review status has been set to ODE Aged Out.
Records which were previously approved by the resident district, and are over 75 days old since last updated by the reporting district, may be escalated onto ODE for review. The resident district does not need to enter a comment prior to the escalation ability to become available for these records. The escalation icon will be available for any records with an Approved review status and over 75 days old.
Escalation Form
Clicking the escalate icon will bring up a new page where the user will indicate through a flag why they are escalating the student along with a descriptive reason. An Escalation Flag must be selected and a descriptive reason must be entered into the text area in order for the escalation to be accepted.
The ODE Area Coordinator assigned to the districts involved will receive notification on their Landing Page a record has been escalated for review.
Student Indentifying Information
Do not enter any student identifying information such as student/parent name, address, social security number into the text area as ODE is not permitted to have this information.
Once the escalation has been saved, it will appear in the Review display area with the 'Reason for Escalation' text being displayed in the Comments column of the reviews. The escalation flag will be displayed in red in the 'Review Flags' column.
Closing/Canceling an Escalation
If the issue regarding a student is resolved after a record has been escalated, or the record was escalated in error, the Resident district will have the ability to cancel the escalation to ODE. Once a record is escalated, a 'Cancel Escalation' button will appear at the bottom on the popup detail window. Clicking on the 'Cancel Escalation' button will close the escalated review and reactivate the ODE Auto Approval.
Reviews area after canceling an escalation
Resident District Reports
It may be desired by the resident districts to generate reports from within the SOES application. One such report may contain a list of students any community school has modified since the resident district last reviewed the students. To generate this report listing, the resident district will want to navigate to the SOES screen. Once there, the user should select the drop down labeled Modified Since Last Review and then select the choice labeled Updated records by CS since last review. At the Review Status drop down, leave blank to select all records that have been modified by a community school since resident district had reviewed them. This listing includes all records with a modified date greater than the date of the last review by the resident district. In combination, a resident district can use any of the selection options to filter the desired output.
Once the desired results have been obtained using the various query options, the data may be exported into a TAB delimited format that may be saved and imported into a spreadsheet. To do this, click on the Export button.
Community School View
From the summary screen, you will see a listing of all students any community or STEM district you have access rights to, has reported to SOES.
Districts will have the ability to use the various find options. Selections by name, SSID, and Gender are at the student level.
Review Status includes these choices:
- Blank - all records
- New
- No Activity
- New flags/comments
- Flags/Comments
- Reviewed
- ODE override
- Inactive
When selecting any of the Review Status options which contain New, an additional input field will appear allowing the user to specify the number of Days Since New. Enter a numeric value in this field that signifies the number of days to count backwards to, from the current date, for a staring point in the lookup. For example, if the current date is March 15th and you wish to see all records which are new since March 1st, enter 15 in the Days Since New field. If a value is not entered in the Days Since New field, the users last login date will be used to determine which records are new.
The ability to select by Residency Changed Since is also provided. This option will allow selection of only those records changed by a resident district since a specific date. To enter a date, the district can click on the small ellipse icon to the right of the text box for a pop-up calendar selection.
Selections by Resident Of can also be made. This selection allows a Community School to select only students who are being reported as a resident of a specific IRN. In the drop down, only the IRNs the Community School is reporting data for are included.
Find by Address includes these choices:
- Blank - all records
- Students with empty/no address
- Students with address
Impact of Review Flag allows the user to filter records based on those that have a current funding impact or there is a data quality issue. To find all records which are currently flagged and the flag impacts funding, select 'Funding' for the Impact of Review and select 'Reviewed with Errors' for the Review Status. The combination of those two filters will provide a listing of students who are currently flagged with an issue that affects funding for the student. If Impact of Review is set to 'Funding' and no other filters are applied, the user will see students which have been approved as well as those with flags affecting funding since approved students impact funding as well.
- All records
- Funding
- Data Quality
Escalated Only allows for filtering by only those records that have been escalated to ODE.
The find box can be collapsed clicking on the lower left corner icon
Using the Export button, the user has the ability to export all data for the students included in the current Find (query) selections. The data is exported in a TAB delimited format that may be saved and imported into a spreadsheet. When importing a TAB delimited file into a spreadsheet, be certain to select the appropriate delimiter.
Community Summary Listing Screen
The summary screen includes basic student identifying data and a summary listing of residency data based on dates they were a resident.
Columns in the grid whose headings are blue and contain
are sortable. The column heading acts as a toggle allowing the data to be sorted in ascending or descending order by repeatedly clicking on the column heading.To get to the detail information about a student, a district can click on either the status icon or the SSID. This detail pop-up screen is where all flagging is visible as well as where the entry of any comments is completed.
Status Icons
- Red / X Icon - No funding
- Yellow / Exclamation Point Icon - Attention is needed or not yet reviewed
- Green /Check Mark Icon - Approved for funding or aged out
The icon displayed on the left will be the most critical based on the combination of residency records and their status.
Community Detail Screen
The detail screen includes the information the community school reported for this student plus the flags posted by the resident district and the comments posted by all entities.
The detail at the top of the pop-up window is the demographic data for the student. Inside of the Residency boxes, there is a section for each residency relationship the community school has reported during this school year. These are sorted with the most recent at the top. The Derived enrollment date is provided by ODE and is derived using business rules. Questions about these dates should be submitted to ODE through your ITC support staff.
The Reviews boxes include all reviews made by the resident districts. If the student has been a resident of more than one district in the current school year, the reviews posted by each entity will immediately follow the residency information for that entity. It may be necessary to scroll down to see all data. Also included in the Reviews box, are any comments made by the resident district as well as the community school. This provides districts the ability to communicate regarding a student's status within the application. More details on the comment functions can be found later in this document.
If a resident district did not post any reviews, the No Reviews informational line will be displayed.
In the Educating Entity section of the detail pop-up, districts can see a summary of Audit information about a record by clicking on the blue triangle
icon to the left. The Audit information will include updates to the records.The student details information may be printed by clicking on the printer
icon in the upper left corner of the student details popup window.Commenting
Once a flag has been set by the resident district, either the community school or the resident district can add additional comments to this student by clicking on the Add Comment icon , which is found in the left most area of the 'Reviews' section of this detail screen. Comments can not be entered until a review is posted by the resident district. Comments entered and saved, can not be deleted or modified.
After clicking on the comment icon, a small box opens that allows a comment to be added. Once added, it is available immediately for viewing as part of the Reviews box data. Once a comment has been saved it can not be changed or deleted. Comments are marked shared by default. Anyone who has access to this student's data through SOES will be able to see the comment that has been posted. If the shared box is unchecked, only those users within the commenter's agency will be able to view the comment.
If comments are present for a student, the name of the individual who posted the comment will be a hyperlink. Clicking on the hyperlink will bring up a popup window that contains contact information for the individual who posted the comment.
The process of Review and adding comments can occur multiple times.
Escalate to ODE
The community school will have the ability to escalate records which have been flagged by the resident district with a funding impact flag onto ODE for review. In order for the escalation ability to become available, the review must be at least 14 days old. At that time, an escalation icon
will appear in the Review display area, on the left side, next to the add comment icon.Clicking the escalate icon will bring up a new page where the user will indicate through a flag why they are escalating the student along with a descriptive reason. A descriptive reason must be entered into the text area in order for the escalation to be accepted.
The ODE Area Coordinator assigned to the districts involved will receive notification on their Landing Page a record has been escalated for review.
Student Indentifying Information
Do not enter any student identifying information such as student/parent name, address, social security number into the text area as ODE is not permitted to have this information.
Once the escalation has been saved, it will appear in the Residency Review display area with the 'Reason for Escalation' text being displayed in the Comments column of the reviews. The escalation flag will be displayed in red in the 'Review Flags' column.
Closing/Canceling an Escalation
If the issue regarding a student is resolved after a record has been escalated, or the record was escalated in error, the community school will have the ability to cancel the escalation to ODE. Once a record is escalated, a 'Cancel Escalation' button will appear at the end of the Residency review area of the student detail popup. Clicking on the 'Cancel Escalation' button will close the escalated review and reactivate the original review opened by the Resident district re-establishing the review flag(s) that were set by the Resident district.