Report By: Select to subtotal report by Cash Account or Fund.
Include Fund-SCC(s): Use to filter report to show specific Fund-SCC(s). When entering multiple Fund-SCCs use commas (no space) to separate.
Collapse Revenue
Y: collapse account to 4-digit receipt code level
N: do not collapse accounts
A: Collapse accounts to 2-digit receipt code level
Collapse Expenditure
Y: collapse account to object code level
N: do not collapse accounts
A: collapse all accounts to 1-digit object code level
Collapse Salary/Benefit
Checked: collapse all salary to single line and all benefit accounts to single line
Unchecked: do not collapse salary/benefit accounts
Track PTD Amounts
Checked: Include PTD amounts on the report
Unchecked: Excludes PTD amounts on the report
Exclude Zero Amount Accounts
Checked: Report will exclude accounts that have no activity within the Fiscal Year
Unchecked: Report will include all accounts
Filter Name: filter the report based on an existing Account Filter
Report for specific posting period (blank means current period) i
Date format acceptable. i.e. MM/YYYY MM-YYYY MM/DD/YY
Show Report Options: This option will include a cover page showing options chosen for generating the report.
Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.
Report for a specific posting period (leaving it blank will default to the current period)
Requisition Approval Report
The Requisition Approval Report will display the requisition audit trail for all requisitions that are currently in the Workflow Approval process based on the parameters the user chooses.