Canned Reports

Canned Reports

SSDT Canned Reports

Classic Comparison

Replaces Template Report


SSDT Canned Reports

Classic Comparison

Replaces Template Report


Account Activity Report


SSDT Budget Account Activity Report
SSDT Revenue Account Activity Report

Generates a detailed report of transactions that make up the amounts in either the Budget accounts or the Revenue accounts per selection.  Canned report version of the Budget/Revenue Account Activity Report to increase performance.

Account Payable Report


Generates a report listing all accounts payable

Account Status


Contains both budget and revenue activity on a single report

Audit Report


SSDT Audit Trail
SSDT Auditable Events

Produces a report showing the 'audit trail' of transactions when adding, deleting, or making modifications while using the programs in USAS-R

Budget Summary Report


SSDT Budget Summary

Produces a report of budget account information including expendable amount, actual expenditures, current encumbrances and unencumbered balances

Disbursement Detail Report


SSDT Disbursement Detail
SSDT Outstanding Disbursement Summary

Produces a report of disbursements which have been processed.  

Financial Detail Report


SSDT Financial Detail Report
SSDT Financial Detail Report July 1 Cash Balances
SSDT Financial Detail Report for Current Period

Produces a detailed report of the transactions that make up the amounts in the cash accounts.  The report includes both receipt and expenditure data

Financial Summary by Fund Report


Contains the general fund accounts listed by function or object and the remaining accounts are listed by fund totals only

Group Chain Report


Generates a report listing all Group Chains with the option to include Archived group chains.  

Purchase Order Detail Report


SSDT Purchase Order Detail Report
SSDT Outstanding Purchase Orders

Detailed purchase order report containing information on individual purchase order items

Vendor New Hire


Contains independent contractors data meeting the Ohio New Hire reporting requirements

Revenues and Expenditures Report


Contains MTD and FYTD activity for each Fund/Fund-SCC with calculated difference between Revenue and Expenditures

Requisition Approval Report

Generates a report listing the requisition approval audit trail for those requisitions in the Workflow process.  This information is also available on each requisition.

Account Activity Report

Generates a detailed report of transactions that make up the amounts in either the Budget accounts or the Revenue accounts per user's selection.  The canned report version of the Budget/Revenue Account Activity Report was created to increase performance.

  • Save and Recall: Can be used to save report parameters and recall options later.

  • Account Activity Type:  defaults to Budget checkmarked for selection, but Revenue can be chosen. 

  • Start/Stop dates:  Select dates for output report if desired.  

  • Format: Select format for output report. Defaults to PDF.

  • Include Full Account Code(s): Filter to only include transactions charged to a specific detail Account Code(s). 

  • Include other Account Code Parameters: Filters to only include transactions charged to accounts meeting the entered parameters. Wildcards cannot be utilized in these fields. For more complex sort options, an account filter can be used.

  • Filter: Select an account filter to include only transactions meeting those account parameters on the report.

  • Show Options: This option will include a cover page showing the report options chosen for generating the report.

  • Generate: Generates the report.

In addition to the standard Report Parameter selection, this report also includes the ability to update the Sort Options.  For more information on how to use these options, see the Reports Manager section for the Dynamic Sort - Sort Options.