Custom Report Creator

Custom Report Creator


There are many different ways to generate a Custom Report.

Generate New Custom Report

  1. Select 'Custom Report Creator'

  2. Select Object

    1. Available Objects are listed in the Select Object Drop-down

  3. Select Properties  

    1. Reportable properties are available for nearly all possible related data types.  The properties within those related data types are represented in an expandable tree format. Properties are selected by either double clicking on the properties on the left or drag and drop them into the box on the right.  Once the user has selected the desired properties, they can order them in the box on the right as they wish the columns to appear on the report by drag and drop. Properties may be removed by clicking on the beside the property. Within the properties selected, the user will need to determine how to sort the report. Sorting is accomplished by choosing a number under the Sort Priority column. In order to control break or page break by a property it must first be assigned a sort priority.

    2. Customize Properties  

      1. For each property, the user may customize the following:

        1. Sort Priority: the order in which the report will be sorted

        2. Sort Order: sort the property in ascending (lowest to highest) or descending order

        3. Control Break: if the property changes, it will bold the change. For example if you run a budget report and sort/control break on the fund every time there is a new fund it will bold the fund number.

        4. Function: available on a numeric property which will allow the user to get subtotals, average, min or max

        5. Set Extended Properties: ability to modify several details of the template report.
        6. Remove: removes the property from the report.
    3. Set Extended Properties

      1. Suppressed: if the box is checkmarked, the property will not appear on the report. This is useful if the user selects a property for control break purposes but does not want it to appear on each detail line of the report.
      2. Sort Priority: available on the 'select properties' menu but can also be changed from the set extended properties menu.
      3. Sort Order: available on the 'select properties' menu but can also be changed from the set extended properties menu.
      4. Suppress Repeating: repeating properties will not appear on the report.
      5. Control Break: available on the select properties' menu but can also be changed from the set extended properties menu
      6. Page Break: advance to the next page when the property value changes
      7. Function: available on the 'select properties' menu but can also be changed in the set extended properties menu
      8. Alignment: choose from left, right, center or justified
      9. Column title: customize the default column title
      10. Control Footer Only: Checkmark if the property should appear in the control footer instead of as a column on the report.
      11. Control Header Only: Checkmark if the property should appear in the control header instead of as a column on the report.
      12. Detail Header Only: Checkmark if the property should appear in the detail header instead of as a column on the report
      13. Width: change the width of the column
  4. Configure Filters 

    User Parameters in Template Reports

    Click here for an example on how to create a 'filter value' parameter under "Configure Filters" so that it is displayed as a user parameter when generating a report.

    1. You will select Properties you want to filter the report on.  It does not have to be a property you included on the report (Step 3).  Properties to filter on are selected by either double clicking on the properties on the left or drag and drop them into the 'Display Name' column.  

    2. Select the desired Operation from the drop down.  
    3. The property can be set up to filter on: 
      1. a specified 'filter value'  .  This is a 'hard-coded' value and the report will use the filter value entered.  When generating the report, it will not be listed as a parameter you can enter a value into.. that was already accomplished when you entered the specific value under configure filters.
        • When entering a specified filter value the following formats can be used:
          • Date fields - MMDDYYYY, MMDDYY, MM/DD/YYYY, MM/DD/YY, M/D/YYYY, M/D/YY
          • Amount fields - can be entered with or without decimal
          • Number fields (for record/transaction numbers) - cannot include a decimal
      2. or a 'parameter value' can be created.  Once set up, the user is prompted to enter in a value when generating the report. 
        • In the Filter Value you will enter the following function:  param("name","default value","label")
        • Both the default value and label are optional.  The name must be unique within the query.  You can include a param on any type of operation and have as many as necessary.  You can have multiple param's on a single filter (if appropriate, like on a "between" operation).  If a default value is not provided, then the parameter will default to "null", which has the effect of ignoring the filter.  The label is the value shown to the user in the Report Generation UI.
      3. The 'Operation' definitions and examples of specified (hard-coded) filter values and parameter values are provided in the table below.
      OperationDefinitionSpecific Filter Value Example in Configure Filters (parameter will not display when generating report)Parameter Value Example in Configure Filters (parameter will display when generating report)How Parameter Value display when generating report
      EqualsMatch an exact value (i.e. account filter)

      One ofAble to enter multiple values with commas (i.e. several ven. #s)

      Not EqualsExclude a value (i.e. exclude 1099 type)

      LikeBegins with (i.e. all object codes starting with 1)

      ContainsEntered Value Anywhere in the Field (i.e. contains part of vendor name)

      BetweenBetween two Values

      Is NullNull looks for blank fields

      Not NullExcludes blank fields

      Greater ThanGreater than value entered

      Greater Or EqualGreater than or equal to value entered

      Less ThanLess than value entered

      Less Than or EqualLess than or equal to value entered

      Not One OfExclude multiple values separated by commas



      Match Any of the FollowingMatch any of the value entered