Report Manager

Report Manager

Report Manager Grid

Predefined SSDT template report definitions as well as user-created reports are displayed under Report Manager. A template report is basically a 'starter' report available for you to generate as is or customize to your specifications.  Previously saved report definitions may be generated, viewed, renamed, tagged, deleted, downloaded and shared with specific roles.  The SSDT template reports may be generated, tagged, viewed and downloaded only.  However, when a user views a SSDT template report definition, it will take them to the 'Custom Report Creator' option where they can edit the report options, allowing them to save the edited report definitions, enter filters and save it under a new report name.  Their username will be tied to the newly created report. 

The Create Forms option allows the user to create alternate versions of forms like Direct Deposit Notices or Payroll Checks, they can add their own "Form" and then the dropdown will show these.  The "how" of setting this up is in the works in the future.

Listed below is the Report Manager grid with some of the SSDT's available template reports.  Please click on SSDT Template Reports for a complete listing of all available template reports. 

Generate and Download Report

Automatically generates the report as is, allowing you to save or recall desired report settings, select the format, orientation, and name of the report before it is generated.

  1. From the Report menu, select 'Report Manager'.
  2. Click on beside the desired report. This is the 'Generate and Download Report' option which automatically generates the report as is, allowing you to save or recall desired report settings, select the format, orientation, name of the report and query parameters before it is generated. (Please see 'Query Parameters section for more details).
    1. Save and Recall options: 
      1. Most Recent: By default, it will remember the entries you made from your previous report run.
      2. Default: If you want to select the 'default' settings of the report, select 'default' from the drop down menu. 
      3. To Save current report settings (in order to be used again), select the blank option and enter a save name.  Once you tab off the field, the 'save' icon will be active.  Click on  to save your report and parameter settings.  Your saved report name will now be included in the 'save and recall' drop down menu.  To delete an existing saved report, select the saved report and click on .

    2. Report Direct Link:
      1. The Show Report Link icon will become available for any report parameters saved via the Save and Recall option. The icon will open a window containing a direct hyperlink to execute the report. The link may be bookmarked, sent via email, placed on a web page, etc.
      2. Include Parameters?This checkbox can be used to include all of the current parameters in the report link. When used, the report link will always use the original saved parameters. If this is not checked, the report link data will be run with the currently saved parameters for the Save and Recall name. If the saved parameters are changed and saved, the changes will affect future invocations of the link. 
      3. The Report Direct Link can also be used in Excel as a Web Query (Get Data from Web) to pull data directly from the application without downloading the output. In this case, one of the HTML (Table or FieldName) output formats should be selected.   When used in Excel, these output formats can be understood and formatted as a sheet. A web query in Excel this way can also be refreshed on demand.
      4. A username is required to access the report via direct link.
      5. The report direct link can be shared with other users. Each user will be required to login with their USAS-R credentials when the report link is accessed.
    3. Summary Report will generate a summary version of the current report. The summary will include any property designated as a Control Break or a Control Header and the related total and subtotal amounts.
    4. Show Report Options includes a printout of the report options selected for the report run. This option applies for PDF format only.
    5. Job Scheduler icon 
      1. Allows you to schedule a report to run as a background or periodic job and automatically emailed to specified person.  Please click here for further details on how to schedule a report run based on a cron expression.

Report Generation Options and Dynamic Sort

The Report Generation Options are split into three separate tabs - Report Options, Query Options, and Sort Options. These options can be updated when generating report to define format, filters, sort and subtotals on the report. Information entered and/or updated in all three tabs will be saved in the 'Most Recent' Save and Recall and can be saved when creating a custom Save and Recalls. Users can navigate through these three tabs by clicking the tab names across the top or by using the left and right arrows below the options. 

  1. Report Options - These report options define the general format settings and the title on the report. These will be standard for all template reports
    1. Format - Defines the output type of the Report generated
      1. PDF
      2. Excel-Data - Standard Excel spreadsheet of information. Summary Report and Control break options will not be included in this format type
      3. Excel-Fieldnames - Standard Excel spreadsheet of information where the headers include field names that can be used for importing data back into Redesign. Summary Report and Control break options will not be included in this format type
      4. Excel - Includes fonts and formatting
      5. Comma Separated Values (CSV) - Data format. Summary Report and Control break options will not be included in this format type
      6. Comma Separated Values-Fieldnames - Same as the CSV format but the headers will include field names that can be used for importing data back into Redesign. Summary Report and Control break options will not be included in this format type
      7. Plain Text
      8. Tab Separated Values
      9. HTML-Table - Most commonly used with Report link option. Will display data in a simple table on a web page
      10. HTML-Fieldnames - Can also be used with Report link option. Will display data in a simple table on a web page and where the headers include field names that can be used for importing data back into Redesign.
      11. View(html) - View report in a web page
      12. Jasper Report Design
    2. Page Size - When generating options for print, like PDF, this will determine the size of the page used in the output file. Options include standard Page sizes like Letter or Legal.
    3. Orientation - Select page orientation as Portrait or Landscape for the report.
    4. Name - The entered text will will appear as the Title at the top of each page of the report.
    5. Summary Report will generate a summary version of the current report. The summary will include any property designated as a Control Break or a Control Header and the related total and subtotal amounts.
    6. Show Report Options includes a printout of the report options selected for the report run. This option applies for PDF format only. 
  2. Query Options - The Query Options determine how to filter the information that will be included on the report. The Query Parameters vary by report and can be customized by modifying the Report Template. 
  3. Sort Options - The Sort Options will determine how the information in the report is sorted, subtotaled, and if there will be page breaks. 
    1. Sortable Properties - Any Properties that are included in the report definition would be available to use as a Sortable Property (see the Select Properties section of the Custom Report Creator page for information). These include fields that would appear as the report columns along with any additional properties that are suppressed. In order to choose properties to sort on, users can click and drag the property to the 'Select Properties' box on the Sort Options. To move multiple Sortable Properties at once, click the check box in front of each property then click and drag the properties together. When dragging and dropping properties into the list of Selected Properties, the property being added can be placed anywhere within the list. Once properties are added to the Selected Properties they cannot be reordered. Instead, remove the property then re-add. When re-adding the property, place it in the desired order within the list.
    2. Selected Properties - The properties showing in this section will determine the order in which the report will be sorted. The property listed highest in the list will determine the first sort priority. By default, the report will show the Selected properties based on the Sort Priority order defined on the report definition. 
      1. Ascending - When checked the sort on this property will display in Ascending order - from smallest to largest for numerical fields and A to Z for alphabetical fields. If the box is unchecked, the sort on this property will be displayed in Descending order - from largest to smallest for numerical fields and Z to A for alphabetical fields. 
      2. Control Break - When checked for a property, the property will be bolded and included as a report sub header each time that property changes. This will also add subtotals each time the property changes for any numerical fields that are configured with the Sum Function.
      3. Page Break- When checked for a property, the report will advance to a new page each time the property changes.

        The following reports include Forecast Line # as an optional Sortable Property. Since this field is suppressed on the standard template report, the Control Break option should be used so that the line numbers appear as headers.

        • SSDT Budget Summary
        • SSDT Revenue Summary
        • SSDT Budget Account Activity
        • SSDT Revenue Account Activity
        • SSDT Financial Detail
        • SSDT Purchase Order Detail

Open Report Definition in Detail Report View

Opens a template or existing custom report definition details in order for you to see all of the options chosen for the report.  You can then modify it by adding, changing or deleting properties or filters so you get the report you want.  Save the changes you made under a new report name in order to create a customer report.  You can then regenerate the new report as needed.

  1. From the Report Menu select 'Report Manager'
  2. Click on beside the desired report to make any changes.  To save the changes under a new report name, enter a report name in the 'Save As' box and click on .

  3. Click on 'Report Manager' and your report will be displayed in the Report Manager grid.

Step-by-Step Instructions on how to create a custom report from a template report can be found in the Appendix.

Edit Report Name, Description and Tags

Click on any report you created in order to rename it, edit the description of the report or the edit the tag names associated with the report.  

  1. From the Report Menu, select 'Report Manager' 
  2. Click on to edit the name, description or tag of the report you created.  
  3. Your report will be found in the 'Home menu' and in 'Report Manager'.


The "Tag" is a field you can use to categorize your reports.  You can enter as many values as you want, just separate them by commas; see example below.  

You can tag both custom reports and SSDT Template reports.

You can easily filter the report manager grid by a tag to limit the grid to help you find the reports you're looking for faster.

Delete Saved Report

Allows you to delete the report definition you created.

  1. From the Report Menu select 'Report Manager'
  2. Click on beside the desired report
  3. The user will be given a confirmation box to confirm the deletion. 

Download Report Definition

Allows you to  download the report definition to your computer so it can be sent to others via email where they can then import it into the Report-Detail to be generated as well as save the report to show in their 'Report Manager' grid.

  1. From the Report Menu select 'Report Manager'
  2. Click on  beside the desired report
  3. Save the report on your computer.  Enter a filename but leave the 'save as type' in .RPD-JSON format.
  4. Email it as an attachment.

Share Saved Report via a Role 

Allows you to share a saved report definition with users who have a specific role.  For example, if you create a Budget Summary Report for grant accounts and want to share the report with your building principals (who all have an existing role called "Principals"), you will select the 'Principal" role in this option and your report will be displayed under each of the principal's Report Manager.

  1. From the Report Menu select 'Report Manager'
  2. Click on beside the desired report. A window will open listing all the Roles currently on the user's system
  3. Check beside the desired Roles to grant access to this saved report.
  4. Click on to save the change and click on to return to the Report Manager grid and not assign the report to a role.
    1. Any user with the checked Role will now see the report in their 'Report Manager'.


If you use a report frequently, checkmark the box in the 'Favorite' column. When you log into USAS-R, it displays your "Favorites" on your home page so you can quickly and easily access them

Scheduling a Report to Run via a Cron Job

To schedule a template or custom report to run for a specific day and/or time, the job scheduler icon  can be used in the 'Generate Report' window.   This is a one-time setup which will then generate the report based on the cron expression and automatically email it to a specified recipient. You can use a free online cron expression generator to generate your cron expression. 

Example: Generate a Financial Summary report for the cafeteria fund to be emailed to the Cafeteria manager every Monday morning.  

  1. Click   to open the Generate Report window for the Cash Summary Report

  2. Enter the desired parameters.  For our example, enter 006-0000 in the 'FUND-SCC' parameter.
  3. Click on the job scheduler icon  which will open the Schedule Report window

    1. Job Name: Defaults to what is displayed in the 'Name' parameter.  You can overwrite the default job name.

      The Job Name must be unique for each scheduled cron job.  For example, if I'm creating several Cash Summary reports, each one based on a different FUND-SCC, the Job Name cannot be the same for each Cash Summary report.  If I create separate Cash Summary reports for the Cafeteria Manager and Band Director, the Job Name for the Cafeteria Manager may be 'Cash Summary Report - Cafeteria' and the Job Name for the Band Directory may be 'Cash Summary Report - Band'.
    2. Cron Expressionis a command set up to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals.  Cron Expressions can be set up by using a free online cron expression generator (see links below).  Here is an example of a Cron expression to be run every Monday at 7:00 AM
      1. https://www.freeformatter.com/cron-expression-generator-quartz.html
      2. http://www.cronmaker.com/

    3. Send Output to: enter the email of the intended recipient; you can enter multiple email addresses by separating each with a comma.
  4. A pop-up message will briefly appear stating the job has been created.   Cancel or 'x' out of the 'Generate Report' window.
  5. The job is stored under UTILITIES/Job Scheduler.  It will be displayed here until the job completes (if there is an end time specified in the cron expression) or if the job is deleted using  .

    In order to use the Cron job you must have the Email Notification Services Module installed System/Modules. Once it is installed the Email Configuration must be completed, System/Configuration. If you are unsure of what to enter in the configuration please consult your IT dept.

Query Parameters options included on SSDT Template Reports

When generating a report, the 'Generate Report' box contains a section called "Query Parameters' allowing the user to enter one or more parameters to filter their reports on. Each template report offers different query parameters.  The following query parameters are available:

Query Parameter


1099 Types

Enter one or more of the following types to include on the report; separate multiple types with a comma

Types include:

Non 1099, Non Employee Compensation, Rents, Other Income, Medical and Health Payments, Royalty Payments, Attorney Gross Proceeds


Enter the full account on the report.

Example: PO Detail report, enter the full budget account (001-2510-640-0000-000000-300-00-000)

Active only (True/False)'T' or 'True' to include only active account; 'F' or 'False' to include both active and inactive
Exclude Accounts with Zero Amounts? (true/false)'T' or 'True to include only accounts where all relevant MTD, YTD, and FYTD amounts are not zero or there are transactions within the period that equal zero; 'F' or 'False' to include only accounts where all relevant MTD, YTD, and FYTD amounts are zero and there is not activity equaling to zero. Leaving this parameter blank will include all accounts whether amounts are zero or not. This parameter is included on the Cash Account Summary, Budget Account Summary, Appropriation Account Summary, Revenue Account Summary template reports.
Amended only (true/false)'T' or 'True' to include only amended Purchase Orders; "F' or 'False' to exclude amended Purchase Orders;
Converted (true/false)'T' or 'True' to include requisitions converted to a purchase order; 'F' or 'False' to include only outstanding requisitions
Created Start/End Date

Enter a starting and/or ending date the transaction was posted to the system;

Examples: 010118, 01012018,01/01/2018, 1/1/18,

Example: 'm' for first day of current period and 'h' for last day of current period

Example: 'f' for first day of fiscal year and 'l' for last day of fiscal year

Example: 't' for today

Created Users(s)Enter the username(s) of who created the requisition. Use a comma to enter more than one username
Default Payment Types

Enter the vendor's default payment type. Choose between 'check' or 'electronic'.

Exclude Full Account Code(s)Must enter the full account code you want to exclude; can't use partial codes or wildcards (%)
Filter NameEnter a filter name (what was created in Utilities/Account Filters).  The filter name is case sensitive.
Fiscal Year(s)Fiscal year data to include on the report. Use a comma to enter more than one FY; leave blank to include all FYs
Full Account Code(s)

Must enter the full account code; can't use partial codes or wildcards (%)

Cash Example: 006-0000

Appropriation Example: 006-3100-500-0000

Budget Example: 006-3120-560-0000-000000-000-00-000

Revenue Example: 006-1511-0000-000000-000










Enter the account code dimension to include on the report

  • use a comma to select more than one fund Example: 200,300
  • use % for a wildcard Example: 5%2
  • leave blank to include all funds
Invoiceable (true/false)True or 'T' to include transactions that are invoiceable; Enter false or 'F' to include transactions that aren't invoiceable; leave blank to include both
Total As of Period (If a date is specified FYTD, MTD and Encumbrance amounts will be calculated as of that period)

Enter a date (mm/dd/yyyy) you would like to run the report for for a certain posting period. When used, the As of Period entered will show on the header of the report.

NOTE: This parameter is relevant to account based reports. The as of period parameter will return amounts as of a specific period (ex. FYTD or MTD totals), but will not limit transactions on accounts. If using with a report that is transaction based, this parameter will need to be used in combination with Start and Stop dates to filter the transactions that are included.

Start Date/End Date

Enter a starting and/or ending date Click here for complete list of date shortcuts. When used, the dates entered will show on the header of the report.

Examples: 010118, 01012018,01/01/2018, 1/1/18

Example: 'm' for first day of current month and 'h' for last day of current month

Example: 'p' for first day of current period and 'd' for last day of current period

Example: 'f' for first day of fiscal year and 'l' for last day of fiscal year

Example: 't' for today

Starting/Ending Transaction #Enter a beginning and/or ending transaction number albeit a check, purchase order, requisition, etc.
Status(es): Outstanding, Reconciled or VoidEnter the full status name or first letter of the status to include on the report; use a comma to select more than one status
Type(s): Accounts Payable, Refund or Payroll,Enter the full name of the 'type(s)' to include on the report; use a comma to select more than one type
Username(s)Enter system username to filter specific user's transactions
Vendor Default Payment Type(s)Enter 'Check' or 'Electronic' to select type of vendor to include on report; leave blank to include both types
Vendor #(s)Enter the vendor number(s) to include on the report; use a comma to enter more than one vendor number.
YTD Total greater thanEnter an amount to generate a report with Year-to-Date amounts greater than what is entered

SSDT Template Reports

SSDT has provided several template reports. A full list of reports can be found on the SSDT Template Reports page.  All SSDT created reports are displayed with the username 'SSDT'.  You won't be able to change the report name, delete or have the ability to share the reports with users with a specific role because these reports are available to everyone The list of SSDT created reports will continue growing as we add more template report definitions.

Miscellaneous Information

Public USAS Reports Library

The Public USAS Reports Library contains USAS template reports created and shared by other users which can be downloaded and used in your local application. A link to the Public USAS Reports Library can be found under the Help menu in USAS-R.

The Public Shared USAS-R Reports Library contains downloadable rpd-json file definitions, a PDF example of each report, and a description of each report.

To download a .rpd-json file, click on the file name and save to your desktop or file.  Once saved, you can then import this file into your Report Manger using the 'Import Report' option in the Report Manager.

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