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Table of Contents


The Group Manager role will now have access to the following configurations in USPS-R by giving them the role: MODULE_CONFIG_ORGANIZATION

Account Mapping Configuration
Advanced Sick Leave Configuration
Check Void Message Configuration
Deferred Absence Posting Configuration
EMIS Reporting Configuration
Employee Number Automatic Generation Configuration
Employer Retirement Share Configuration
ODJFS Configuration
Overtime Object Code Configuration
Payment Printing Configuration
STRS Advance Configuration
Transaction Configuration


For additional information see the Redesign Technical Documentation page for How to Configure Non-Production Instances.

If testing, make sure  is unchecked.  

Instance Type
ProductionDefault production mode
SupportTypically a temporary copy of a given districts production data for resolving support issues
TrainingA training instance typically contains anonymized data
DemoA Demo instance typically contains anonymized data
DevelopmentReserved for use by the SSDT

Authentication and Password Requirement Configuration


The Z Id Pre Fix is the prefix after Z IDs found in the OEDSPREFIX file 

  • Example - ZE5101100

Email Configuration

For both the Email Configuration and the Email Direct Deposit Notice Configuration, these configured values are not looked at until the scheduled Job runs. So, any changes to either configuration WILL take effect on any jobs that are already created/scheduled, but have not started running yet, including the Email DD Job.


Default Administrator Address -  **Not being used at this time**   Is potentially to be used for reporting outages or email replies from and administrator but this is not something that has been implemented at this time so the field is not currently in use. This can be left either as "root" or can be left blank and emails generated from the software (jobs) will come from the Default From Address.  (The Default Administrator Address would be something like "

Default From Address - A true Email Address of the sender.   This would be the default from email address used for things other than direct deposit notices.  It is used for report bundle delivery email delivery.


The Subject line to be used for email notices.  

  • Example:  Direct Deposit Notice for 03/02/18

The Body is the text to use for the body of the email notice

  • Example:  Attached to this message is your direct deposit notice for the
    03/02/18 payroll. 

The Send Notification To All Addresses allows the districts to choose whether to send to all or only the primary email address.  This is checked by default.

Employee Number Automatic Generation Configuration


  • Default Check Form - Select the Custom Form to use for check printing in Kiosk.  Leave blank to use supplied Default form.
  • The number of Check Pay Amounts that fit on your check stubs should be entered in the Check Pay Amounts Limit field.  It will summarize by Pay Type (REG/MISC/ACC, etc) No Limit.
  • The number of Check Payroll Items that fit on your check stubs should be entered in the Check Payroll Items Limit field.

  • The number of Check Position Pays that fit on your check stubs should be entered in the Check Position Pays Limit field. Example: If employee has 10 positions but 5 is the limit, then only the first 5 will print on Stub and ignore the rest. 

  •  Should Use Overflow Pages be created when necessary? Overflow pages are separate 8 1/2 x 11 sheets listing all pay types that did not fit on the check stub or pay notification for an employee. An overflow page is created only for those employees who exceed the set number of Pay Amounts, Payroll Items and Position Pays.  Check  to create overflow pages

  • Combine Accrued and Regular Wages into regular wages on the check stub. Check  to combine wages. 
    • If the box is not checked, negative accrued wages will not be combined with regular wages.


To NOT have the Employer Distribution and Leave Projection flag checked (false) in Payroll Accounts, leave both boxes unchecked .

Rounding Configuration

Allows you to set the Pay Account and Contract Pay Off Rounding Thresholds as well as the Unit Amount Decimal Positions-

Account Rounding Threshold - Enter what the allowable amount to be charged to pay accounts for rounding adjustments.


If the Advance Mode option is checked, the district is in advance 

**The STRS Advance flag on the compensations is set to false (space) when the compensation is paid for last time using a pay type of Last Pay Accrued or Last Pay Earnings.  This will turn the flag off for all employees last pay in August/September time frame**

The Amount Paid Back will be updated every payroll, adding each payroll STRSAD amount. This is a non-modifiable field.

**The Amount Paid Back is a calculated value and it is calculated for the current year.  The district has to December 31, 20XX of that year, to see the amount paid back from last year's advance period.  Once it turns to the new year, it is calculating the amount paid back for the new year, which is 0.00, as no advance amounts have been paid yet for this year**

The Submission Timestamp will show the Date and Time of when the district ran the 'Submit Uploaded File to STRS' on Reports/STRS Advance Report. If the district had to be taken out of advance for corrections and re-uploaded new file, the date and time stamp will NOT be removed or changed from the original date of submission.


If you go to process checks the next check number would be 20541. The Transaction Configuration allows the user to enter in a ceiling and then that Highest Check number will be ignored. So if you enter 20540 in Transaction Configuration when you process your checks the starting check number would be 1004.

USAS Configuration

**NOTE** When the 'USAS Integration Module' is installed (under SYSTEM/Modules), the USAS Configure information will be automatically filled in.  

To Schedule USAS Account Sync Nightly, check .  This job will then show under UTILITIES/JOB SCHEDULER:


Company City must not be blank.

Company State -  must match 2 digit state abbreviation. Valid states are OH, KY, IN, PA, WV, and MI

Company Zip Code must not be blank.

Contact Phone Number - may only contain numbers and/or dashes. Example 419-555-2222 or 4195552222


  • must contain one @symbol
  • must contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens and/or periods after the @symbol
  • may only contain the following characters to the left of the @symbol
    • ~!#$%^&*_+{}|?'-=/`

Contact Name must not be blank.

Submitter EIN must not be blank


*NOTE ** In order for this option to be available, please click Here for detail instructions on installation the Workflow Module.

To turn on the 'Employee Onboarding' option, click on Workflows Configuration and select the Image Modified

Once selected, refresh the page by clicking on 'here':
