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The Repair option allows you to change the purchase order date, vendor and/or item account code if the PO code as long as the PO and/or PO charge does not have any payments (disbursements) posted against it.  An advantage of using the repair option (instead of edit) is that it will also update any associated invoices and payables.  Repair can be used prior to any payables being posted to disbursements ('Post selected' option on Payables grid). Once disbursements have been posted and appear on the disbursements grid, the Repair option will no longer be available.  The intention of the repair option (versus editing a PO) is that it will also update any associated invoices and payables.  Changes for each tab/option are processed separately so the current tab you are working with, when you click 'Update', is the change that will be made.  A downloadable summary of the results will be provided when processing is complete. 


When the Account tab is selected, you have the ability to change the account on one or more PO charges.  Click the 'From Account' It will also update any associated invoices/payables.  Once a disbursement has been posted against a PO charge, the Account option will no longer be available.

To change an account, select the 'account' tab and click the 'From Account' drop down to display the accounts currently tied to the PO.  It will then display the items on the PO that contain the account.  Check the item(s) you want to change and enter the account you want to change them to on 'To Account'.  If you want to change all items, you can click on the top checkbox to select all.  Click 'Update' to make the changes or 'Cancel' to cancel out of this option.  NOTE:

Once 'update' is complete, a Change Result box displays containing the PO charges that were updated to the new account. If you want an output file of the changes that took place, click on    to generate a ChangeResult PDF report.  Otherwise,  you may click  to close out of the change result box.


When the Vendor tab is selected, you have the ability to change the vendor on the PO.  Enter . It will also update the vendor on any associated invoices/payables.  Once a disbursement has been posted against the PO, the vendor option in Repair will no longer be available. 

titleMulti-Vendor PO

Repair will not allow selecting a new vendor for a PO marked multi-vendor.  A PO is marked as multi-vendor when the vendor is left blank.  The vendor is assigned during invoicing.  Since the intention of a multi-vendor PO is to create invoices against various vendors,  the vendor option is not available in Repair for POs marked as multi-vendor.  If you need to change add a vendor to a PO marked as multi-vendor and no invoices have been issued against it, use the Edit option instead.  The same applies for trying to change a PO with a regular vendor to a blank vendor (multi-vendor).  The Repair option cannot be used.  If no invoices have been issued against the PO, you can use Edit instead to change the vendor.

To change the vendor, select the 'vendor' tab and enter the new vendor in 'To Vendor' or use the drop down to select a vendor.  Click 'Update' to make the change or 'Cancel' to cancel out of this option. 


When the Date tab is selected, you have the ability to change the date on the PO.  Enter  Enter the new date in the 'To Date' field or use the date icon.  Click 'Update' to make the change or 'Cancel' to cancel out of this option. 

When the Vendor tab is selected, you have the ability to change the vendor on the PO. It will also update any associated invoices/payables.  Once a disbursement has been posted against the PO, the vendor option will no longer be available.

Once 'update' is complete, a Change Result box will be displayed containing the date changes.  If you want an output file of the changes that took place, click on    to generate a ChangeResult PDF report.  Otherwise,  you may click  to close out of the change result box.
