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4. Click on to post the vendor to the system, click on Cancel to not post the vendor and return to the Vendor grid.
Search/View Vendors
Vendor Grid allows the user to search for existing vendors. Click on to view a particular vendor. The vendor grid also allows you to sort vendor information by typing specifics within the Column Title blank fields or selecting a Column Title to sort all vendors in ascending/descending order for example.
- View a vendor
- Click on Vendor Adjustments to open the Vendor Adjustments grid.
- Click on Create to create an adjustment:
- Date: The date will default to the current date. If updated, the date must be in an open period.
- Description: You can optionally enter a description for the vendor transaction
- By default, taxable will be checkmarked. When checked, both the FYTD Taxable Total and FYTD Total as well as the YTD Taxable Total and YTD Total amounts will be updated. The 1099 program will use the amount from the YTD Taxable Total.
- Amount: the amount of the vendor adjustment. You can enter a positive or negative amount.
- Click on Post to post the transaction and it will be displayed on the Vendor Adjustment grid.