Please click hereto view a short video on how to create a purchase order.
Field | Format | Definition |
PO Number PO # | Maximum of 8 digits. | If left blank, the PO number will be automatically assigned. |
Date | Acceptable formats as used in UI can utilize '/' slashes or '-' hyphens or numbers only (no delimiter).
| Enter purchase order date or if left blank, the system will default to current date. |
Vendor Number or Vendor # | Valid vendor number. | Vendor must be active. Will be Multi-Vendor Purchase Order if left blank. Specifies the vendor the goods/services are being ordered from. |
Description | Maximum length is 3000 characters. | Description in PO Header that may be used for any special instructions, detail or description associated with the purchase order as a whole. |
Deliver By Date | Acceptable formats as used in UI can utilize '/' slashes or '-' hyphens or numbers only (no delimiter).
| Optional field for the Date the Purchase Order items are being requested to be delivered. |
Terms | Maximum length is 3000 characters. | Optional field for any special terms for the purchase order. |
Attention | Maximum length is 3000 characters. | Optional field for individual's name the goods/services are being ordered from. |
Source | Maximum length is 3000 characters. | Optional field for requisition number. |
Summary | Maximum length is 3000 characters. | Optional field for description of the entire purchase order as a whole. |
Item Number | Number. | Required field. This is the item number or line number for PO item with first item starting with 1. |
Item Description | Maximum length is 3000 characters. | Description of the PO item being ordered. |
Units | Text. | Type of unit being ordered. (i.e. box, carton) |
Quantity | Number up to Max = 99999.999 | Required field. Number of items to be ordered. |
Unit Price | Must be a number. Cannot use $. | Required field. Dollar amount per unit for the items being ordered. Enter dollars, decimal point and cents only. |
Reference Number | Must be a number. | Required field. Detailed number for each item being charged an account number. This will always match the Item Number unless it is a split item. |
Charge Quantity | Number up to Max = 99999.999 | Only required when splitting items. Quantity for item being charged. |
Charge Unit Price | Number up to Max = 999999999999999.9999 | Only required when splitting items. Unit Price of item being charged. |
Full Account Code | Must be formatted with the hyphen as the delimiter as in the UI. (i.e. 001-2421-512-0000-000000-000-00-000) | Required field. The Account used must be an expenditure account. |
When the Vendor tab is selected, you have the ability to change the vendor on the PO. It will also update the vendor on any associated invoices/payables. Once a disbursement has been posted against the PO, the vendor option in Repair will no longer be available.
Info |
The Vendor Repair option is not restricted by Posting Period rules. Using this option, Vendors can be changed on a PO dated in a prior posting period without reopening that period. |
Note | ||
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Repair will not allow selecting a new vendor for a PO marked multi-vendor. A PO is marked as multi-vendor when the vendor is left blank. The vendor is assigned during invoicing. Since the intention of a multi-vendor PO is to create invoices against various vendors, the vendor option is not available in Repair for POs marked as multi-vendor. If you need to change a vendor on a PO marked as multi-vendor and no invoices have been issued against it, use the Edit option instead. The same applies when changing a PO with a regular vendor to a blank vendor (multi-vendor). The Repair option cannot be used. If no invoices have been issued against the PO, you can use Edit instead to change the vendor. |